Kathryn1745's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Kathryn1745's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice Katie. You are such an artist.
-- Gramma FL
- on May 12, 2016
Very nice Katie! Maybe we can go there when Mr Frank and I come in July.
-- Gramma FL
- on May 12, 2016
Great job! I look forward to your next project.
-- Gramma Florida
- on May 12, 2016
Very nice Katie.
-- Gramma Florida
- on May 12, 2016
Very good! It put a smile on my face.
-- Gramma Florida
- on February 10, 2016
Striking artwork and interesting technique. Great job!
-- Michelle
- on November 24, 2015
Love this?? Awesom job!!!
-- Gramma Florida
- on November 24, 2015
This is Lovely. I did a great job. Yay Me!!!!
-- Katie
- on October 28, 2015
Katie--This is one of your best! The next time you see it will be on my refrigerator.
-- Grammy
- on October 21, 2015
I really like this Katie. Will you show me how you created it? Keep up the great work.
-- Gramma Florida
- on October 14, 2015
Very nice. Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to your next project.
-- Gramma Florida
- on October 5, 2015
Love the patterns and colors. Perfect.
-- Katie
- on October 5, 2015
I love your color wheel. It's beautiful! Love, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on September 9, 2015
Very nice Katie. Your sentiment choice is fantastic.
-- Gramma Florida
- on September 2, 2015
Very good Katie. Especially love the fish. I look forward to your next creation!!!
-- Gramma Florida
- on September 2, 2015
Hi Katie- This is great! What do you call it?
-- Daddy
- on September 2, 2015
Love your color choices. Your mask puts a smile on my face. Good job!!! Keep up the good work.
-- Gramma FL
- on March 25, 2015
Very nice. I hope you will teach me when we next get together. Hugs from Gramma Florida
-- Trish
- on February 25, 2015
I like this one... nice color patterning... Great Job, Katie!
-- Michelle
- on January 21, 2015
I like it! Nicely done and good color choices!
-- Michelle
- on January 21, 2015
Very good Katie. You are sooooo talented. LUV U??????????
-- Gramma Florida
- on December 15, 2014
You did a very good job showing that you understood Zentangle pattern repeating! Keep up the good work :-)
-- Michelle
- on December 15, 2014
This is great! Jelly Fish???
-- Daddy
- on December 15, 2014
You did a great job following the directions and you chose great colors! Your sections are pretty balanced too :-) Good job, Katie!
-- Michelle
- on December 15, 2014
Great color choices, Katie! The fuzzy lines definitely make them look like they are under water :-)
-- Michelle
- on August 23, 2014
I love the colors of the jellyfish! You're quite an artist. I'm running out of room for magnets.
-- Grammy
- on August 23, 2014
I like your neighborhood best of all. The colors are great.
-- Grammy
- on August 23, 2014
I love your insects in a jar! The colors are great!
-- Grammy
- on August 23, 2014
Well done Katie. That robot looks mean. I guess I would too if I were a robot. I love your bright colors. Keep up the good work.
-- Gramma Florida
- on August 23, 2014
I LOVE your robot! He's sooooooo cute!
-- Grammy
- on August 23, 2014
Very nice Katie!!! You are great at following instruction. Even though it starts off center, your finished piece looks totally balanced. Your shading is excellent. I look forward to your next piece. Luv!!!
-- Gramma Florida
- on August 23, 2014
Your "forms stack" is great. The shapes really look three dimensional. Keep up the great work!
-- Grammy
- on August 23, 2014
Katie--your African dancers are super. They make me want to dance, too!
-- Grammy
- on April 3, 2014
Very nice Katie!!! Love your color choices. I immediately knew you drew African figures. I look forward to your next piece. Luv.
-- Gramma Florida
- on April 3, 2014
Katie--This is my new favorite drawing. I'm running out of roo for magnets! Keep up the great work!
-- Grammy
- on March 7, 2014
Katie: I love the cardinals painting! The colors are bright and solid. It would look great hanging up at the house. Keep up the good work :-)
-- Michelle
- on February 25, 2014
Katie, Somehow I missed your last 2 works of art. Both are very good. I especially like the Cardinals, your states bird. It looks like the ones I saw while sitting at Dad's table and looking at the tree on the other side of the pool. I think Mr Frank even took a picture of it. Then there are your snowflakes, I am glad you made them colorful as snow is no longer one of my favorite things. I am sure you enjoy playing in it. Keep up the good work. Mr Frank enjoys your artwork too. Hugs from Gramma Florida
-- Gramma FL
- on February 5, 2014
Hi, Katie. I like your snowflakes much better than the white ones that stick to the ground! You'll see this picture on my refrigerator soon.
-- Grammy
- on January 6, 2014
Katie, I love your cardinals. Now I wish I hadn't just ordered magnets with some of your artwork on them. I'll definitely order this one the next time I get more magnets. Keep up the great work!
-- Grammy
- on January 6, 2014
Katie. WOW!!!! I can see the leaves falling starting out in early October green tinged with yellow and progressing to flame red in November. You followed directions well. I wish I could attend one of your art teachers classes. Keep up the good work. I look forward to your next project. Luv you. Gramma FL
-- Gramma FL
- on November 25, 2013
Wow! Your leaves are super. Wonderful colors. Your picture looks a lot like my yard! Keep up the good work!
-- Grammy
- on November 25, 2013
What great colors, Katie! We need to frame it and put it on the wall in the living room or dining room... It would look great!
-- Michelle
- on November 25, 2013
What beautiful stained glass! That would look very pretty hanging on the sliding glass door...we could enjoy it every morning!
-- Michelle
- on November 21, 2013
What great colors, Katie! Your colors are bright and I like the shapes. You'll have to tell me about the picture sometime : )
-- Michelle
- on November 21, 2013
You did a great job on your vase! I like the pink and black colors and I can easily see the active positions your figures are in! Keep up the good work!
-- Michelle
- on November 11, 2013
Katie, you are a blooming artist too. So pleased that you inherited some of my talent. I really do like this piece. Keep listening to your wonderful art teacher. I am so happy for all your school to have her as a resource. Gramma Florida
-- Trish
- on November 11, 2013
Katie, I love your pink vase and the gymnastic athletes. You're an excellent artist. That must be because of all the "practicing" you do at my house!
-- Grammy
- on November 11, 2013
Very well done Katie. Red orange and yellow are my favorite colors. They make me feel so warm just like you do when you hug me. See you soon. Luv you. Gramma FL
-- Gramma FL
- on November 7, 2013
Is that some kind of egg flower? It looks really cool and the colors are so bright
-- Joanna
- on October 6, 2013
I love the way you can see so many different shapes in this piece, and the colors are so complimentary.
-- Joanna
- on October 6, 2013
Very well done, Katie! Are they balloons??
-- Daddy
- on October 6, 2013
Your "warm and cool flowers" makes me smile! Keep up the great work!
-- Grammy
- on October 6, 2013
Very good job Katie. I love your choice of colors and it really does look like stained glass. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next piece. Luv Gramma FL
-- Trish
- on October 6, 2013
Katie--I love your stained glass. The purple and yellow color combination is great!
-- Grammy
- on October 6, 2013
I love the purple and yellow angles!!!
-- Daddy
- on October 6, 2013