Amanda8357's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Amanda8357's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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O...M...G! I love this! I've never heard of dogs inside shoes!! WOW! :)
-- Sophie
- on June 18, 2013
Amanda. This piece of beautiful color is very prominent in womens clothing this year. It flows well and would be very dressy, comfortable and easy to match with many accessaries. It has all the makings of a perfect outfit for many occasions. Great selection ! Good eye
-- Diane
- on June 15, 2013
Hi Amanda, It is hard to pick a lasting favorite, but this might be the one for me. It is warm and charming and imaginative and fun. Keep up your expressions!
-- Alice
- on May 30, 2013
Hi Amanda, I am reviewing your artwork again as I enjoy it and it has been fun to see how your creative thoughts have evolved and expressed themselves. This is one that I will purchase now, before school closes! This has been a fun part of your 6th grade experience.
-- Alice
- on June 3, 2013
Dear Amanda: Many yrs ago I was a passenger on a plane landing in French Guyana. As we were touching down on the runway I looked out the window to see a jaguar racing full tilt almost as fast as the plane itself. Your mythical animal reminds me of the jaguar which seemed to be racing the plane. Of course the animal I saw, beautiful as it was, probably didn't have wings. My visit to French Guyana incidentally was on behalf of the World Health Organization. Best regards. I really like your art. Daddy Doc
-- John
- on March 19, 2013
Dear Amanda I truly enjoy all of your creations.However this one is still #1 for me. When I put my cursor on the top bar it changes the color to a beautiful shade of blue. What a suprise! It looks like it is a matching portrait. The main thurst in these wonderful paintings is of course to learn the art but to really express the talent that you have. It runs in your family.
-- Diane
- on January 24, 2013
Amanda, I really like the animals in the tree, especially the koala bear.
-- Michele
- on January 15, 2013
Well done! You did a fantastic job. I love this one!!
-- Sue
- on December 16, 2012
Amanda, This particular piece of art work is a combination of radiant color and unbelievable geomatric lines and design. I see the peace sign . triangles. rectangles ,stripes.curves.blocks. In fact the more a view this the more I see. Amazing ! I will gaze @ this and think of you.
-- Diane
- on December 16, 2012
Dearest Amanda, Being in this warm climate in Las Vegas, Daddy Doc and I don't have the opportunity to enjoy a snow fall. Your great art work depicts a cozy setting of a warm household. The surroundings of a layer of fluffy snow is so enticing, it makes you want to go out and make angels and build a snow man. After the fun outside you then can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a nice warm fire in your living room. Thank you for this glimpse of a Winter Wonderland. Love ,Nana Diane
-- Diane
- on November 9, 2012
Nice job, Amanda
-- Michele
- on November 1, 2012
Dearest Amanda. Your tree is stately but flowing. The breeze is soft and your creature are glowing. This is very majestic and quite magical
-- Diane
- on October 27, 2012
Dearest Amanda I love this tree.It has marvelous color and is very extending .A light breeze touching all creatures and delicately flowing to the ground.Super setting!
-- Diane
- on October 27, 2012
very clever
-- Michele
- on October 24, 2012
I love this! I love the basketball going into the hoop:) great work:):)
-- Sophie
- on October 20, 2012
I think this is great, nice work.
-- Nate
- on October 20, 2012
Love the colors and design!!! Sue
-- Sue
- on October 16, 2012
Amanda, I like all of your cards but chose this one as it is exactly what your mind's eye should be picturing when you are trying to make a basket! Thank you for sending this link to me. Your Grandma Alice
-- Alice
- on October 16, 2012
Great work, Amanda!
-- Michele
- on October 11, 2012