Jacqueline1588's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Jacqueline1588's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this piece, Your use of primary colors and the way you balanced them throughout the angels wings is beautiful. I also like your use of perspective (near and far) with organic forms. I can't wait to see your improvements to the sky and grass. Did you have any native american influences for this?
-- Bill
- on October 22, 2014
Great job. I love all the colors that you put in.
-- Lydia
- on January 29, 2014
This is beautiful!
-- Mom
- on October 23, 2013
Good Job.
-- Lydia
- on May 9, 2013
You are developing into a good little artist. I also like the other rending of this that is in color.
-- Dad
- on March 20, 2013
This is such a cute picture, it made me smile when I saw it. Nice work!
-- Mom
- on March 4, 2013
Wow! I love your design and the colors that you used. I want to see more!
-- Dad
- on January 29, 2013
This is beautiful! I love the colors and the subject. Nice Work!
-- Mom
- on January 22, 2013
Wow, this is really beautiful Jacqueline! I can't wait to see it in person.
-- Eileen
- on January 22, 2013
I love the details that you put into the head and face of your Hippo. Good job!
-- Dad
- on November 21, 2012