Ella2919's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Ella2919's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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THIS one is our absolute favorite so far! Beautiful colors, fine details. You have talent, and we know God gave it to you to make others smile. :) We love you sooooo much and are so proud of our artist-writer Ella! Papa and Nana
-- Nana and Papa
- on November 20, 2013
Ella, what a beautiful scene! We hope you will continue to love being an artist AND being a writer too. God has made you beautiful and filled your pretty brain with lots of wonderful talent to bless Him and others! We are very proud of you and love you soooo much! Nana and Papa
-- Nana
- on October 8, 2013
Ella - We really like the woven colors in this newest of your artwork. It reminds us of the pretty pot holder you made for us! Are you keeping all of your artwork? Maybe you should start your own portfolio, like a professional artist does. We love you so much and are very proud of your excellent efforts and creativity! Nana and Papa
-- Papa and Nana
- on February 20, 2013
This reminds me of the beautiful potholders you weave! I'm so proud of my creative daughter! Love you!
-- Mom
- on February 6, 2013
Love the colors and the fun design you made on this one! Did you have fun doing it? We love you and think you are quite the good artist!
-- Papa and Nana
- on January 17, 2013
Cool! This reminds me of the story of Joseph in the Bible and his coat of many colors! You did some very nice, patient work here, Ella! Fantastic job!
-- Love, Mom
- on January 17, 2013
Your new winter scene makes me feel like SNOW is coming! I hope so. Papa loves snow too, so we hope your creative art comes true! We love you and are so proud of you.
-- Nana and Papa
- on January 2, 2013
What a beautiful starry night picture! Wonderful Job, Ella! Love, Mom
-- Dawn
- on January 2, 2013
Love your Christmas art! The evergreen branches, colorful ornaments and sparkly snow against a night sky - so beautiful! Love, Mom
-- Dawn
- on December 13, 2012
I am loving your creativity and especially the beautiful colors in this art! I'm so glad you love being a young artist. Who knows? Maybe you'll be an artist all of your life, making places pretty and making people happy! Love you! Nana and Papa
-- Nana
- on December 12, 2012
You're always so creative! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on November 16, 2012
Your artwork is fabulous! We love it and are so proud of our granddaughter ARTIST!
-- Nana and Papa
- on November 15, 2012
Another beautiful creation by Ella! I'm so proud of you! Nana
-- Nana
- on September 27, 2012
Very pretty trees. I love the colors! Great artwork. Love, PAPA
-- Papa
- on September 27, 2012
Wow, Ella Girl - You're definitely an Artist! Your trees are so neat and your colorful, swirly sky is beautiful!! I'm very proud of you!
-- Dawn
- on September 27, 2012
Wow Ella! I sure love how you use color!! Looks like you are turning into quite the artist! Love Auntie Bec
-- Rebecca
- on September 18, 2012
We love your artwork! You are very creative and talented. We are looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations! - Nana and Papa
-- Nana/Papa
- on September 14, 2012
Your picture is so cool!! Love, Mom
-- Dawn
- on September 14, 2012