Brandon13952's Comments (2)

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Below are comments about Brandon13952's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Brandon~Your owl is so cute! Pop and I always enjoy getting to see your art work on line. You are a verry special grandson to us and we love you so much! Proud of you and how well you are doing in school. Can't wait to see you next month when you come to Texas!!! Love you bunches~Doed and Pop
-- Dorinda
- on June 9, 2013
Brandon~What a great job you did!!! Giraffis are so cool and you certainly drew a good one. Pop and I are so excited to be able to view your art work online. We are proud of you and your school work and look forward to seeing you soon. You are precious to us and we love you bunches! Doe-Doe and Pop
-- Dorinda
- on September 12, 2012