Parker2457's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Parker2457's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh my "The Kiss" one of my favorite art pieces. I've had that print since I was in my 20's...Parker your vision with texture just gave me goosebumps...this is far one of your best pieces. Your talent never ceases to amaze me, mom
- Debra (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Oh my "The Kiss" one of my favorite art pieces. I've had that print since I was in my 20's...Parker your vision with texture just gave me goosebumps...this is far one of your best pieces.
- Debra (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Parker this is very good would love to frame it and hang it next to the one you did in 5th grade. You are so talented and creative. Your number one fan, mom.
- Debra (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Parker this is very good would love to frame it and hang it next to the
- Debra (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Parker this is very good would love to frame it and hang it next to the
- Debra (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Good job Parker, makes me think of Halloween, which makes me think of you, which reminds me of your Birthday!
-- MOM
- on October 9, 2013
You are so talented Parker. The LIGHT of Christ will always stand out over darkness. Great job! Uncle Ray
-- Uncle Ray
- on October 10, 2013
Parker, your artwork get's better & better! Great colors & shapes. Love you.
-- Uncle Ray
- on March 14, 2013
Parker, Great job, keep up the good work....Love you son, mom
-- Debra
- on March 14, 2013
Is this your favorite chip? Screaming at you "Don't eat me....have a Lay's"
-- mom
- on February 8, 2013
Parker, great drawing...who is that? your momma angel? Love you son....keep up the good work.
-- Mom
- on February 8, 2013
Parker, your art get's better and better.....great fun! Uncle Ray
-- Uncle Ray
- on February 7, 2013
Super cool thoughts Park. Great artwork!
-- Uncle Ray
- on August 8, 2012
Parker, I am so proud of you. Your art get's better and better. I totally see the forrests one-point perspective. Outstanding work God Son!
-- Uncle Ray
- on July 29, 2012
Parker Cole Farrington, you really out did yourself. This is your best art work ever... Super job!
-- Uncle Ray
- on August 8, 2012
Very cool line designs Park!
-- Uncle Ray
- on August 8, 2012
Very creative Park, great art work God son.
-- Uncle Ray
- on August 8, 2012
Park, I can feel the borders and love the colors. Great work! Very talented God son. Uncle Ray
-- Uncle Ray
- on August 8, 2012
Looks like it was a windy your art work, Parker
-- Debra
- on January 13, 2012
Park, your art is so real I can see and feel the snowballs in the air. Outstanding! You are so talented.....Uncle Ray
-- Uncle Ray
- on January 13, 2012
Parker I think you are SO talented!! I love your painting entitled "Motion" I think you should frame it!! :) love you! Love, Aunt Michelle
-- Aunt Michelle
- on January 13, 2012
Great work Parker. This is my favorite. You really are an artist:-) :-)
-- Brony
- on December 20, 2011
Parker, I love your art work. It looks like some of my photography work I have done of old barns out here in the country. I love barns and have photographed hundrends of them done here, all different kinds, colors and shapes. Thank you for sharing your art work with me, I would love to have some for my refridgerator. Lots of Love, Aunt Kathy
-- Kathy
- on December 20, 2011
Parker Uncle Ray loves the sun just like you! Great work.
-- Uncle Ray
- on December 13, 2011
Parker, another great piece of work, I like how you kept the sun shining bright on your snowy day.
-- Mom
- on December 8, 2011
Parker, your imagination is so creative, I like the way you use colors, shapes & texture. You just may be well on your way...keep up the good work. Mom
-- Debra
- on November 22, 2011
Fire it off with the vibrant colors Park. Good eye! Good work God son.
-- Uncle Ray
- on November 22, 2011
Parker!!! Your art work is AMAZING!! I think you are extremely talented, Park! You're a true artist!!!! Love you! Miss you! Mean it!!! Aunt Michelle xoxo
-- Aunt Michelle
- on November 22, 2011
I am very impressed, Parker! Keep up the great work!
-- Gail
- on November 14, 2011
Awesome Art work Parker, looks like we have another upcoming artist in our family. We have such a talented family and so creative. I love your work. Love Aunt kathy
-- Kathy
- on November 11, 2011
Dear Parker, I could not be more proud! How cool are you and your artwork. Really enjoying the fall colors you used. Love you more!
-- Uncle Ray
- on November 11, 2011
I love your art Parker2457!!! Thank you...
-- Debb
- on November 11, 2011
I love your art Parker...
-- DebbDingle
- on November 11, 2011
I love your art Parker...keep up the GREAT work kiddo!!!!
-- Debb
- on November 11, 2011
Nice work Parker
-- Debra
- on November 8, 2011