William6715's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about William6715's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Will's art work is amazing and I love the cards I have purchased, I actually need to order more.
-- Kathleen
- on March 12, 2015
I love looking at all Will's work online, and reading the comments from his fans. I'm definitely one too! Will and the other kids at McSwain are super lucky to have Mrs. Reschenberg for an art teacher--she's pretty awesome!
- on December 15, 2014
Will's work is amazing and I can hardly wait to look on my computer to see if there is something new done by him. I am totally impressed. Anyway, Will is really a special guy and talented too - Grandma
-- Kathleen
- on December 15, 2014
Amazing art work - William has real talent and he is my grandson!!!
-- kathleen
- on December 1, 2014
Way to go Will! Joyful to see your ideas expressed so creatively. Auntie Anne
-- Auntie Anne
- on October 24, 2014
Your artwork is amazing and I love the opportunity to see it on line. Great job!!! Grandma
-- Grandma
- on September 26, 2014