Emily17005's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Emily17005's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow!!! Is that ever Good..Glad it's in a picture and not at my front door! Auntie Jane
-- jane
- on December 8, 2011
Hi Em, I think it's really cool that you're working in different media----how did you do the "FLDHCKY" one, which I assume, means "FIELD HOCKEY"? Lonnie
-- Lonnie
- on December 8, 2011
Excellent work!
-- Mrs. L
- on December 8, 2011
You did such a nice job on your scratchboards!
-- Mrs. L
- on December 8, 2011
Very nice!!
-- M
- on December 8, 2011
great picture - proportions, excellent!
-- midge
- on December 8, 2011
This looks like a young Barack Obama. Beautiful work, Emily!
-- Beverly
- on December 8, 2011
goodlooking subject, Emily!
-- midge
- on December 8, 2011
Emily, You have done such a great job this quarter! Everything you have created is just wonderful!
-- Mrs. L
- on December 8, 2011
Just love the shape of the fingers and turtle!
-- midge
- on December 8, 2011
Emily, you deserve a big hand (ha ha!) for your great drawing. You are very talented.
-- Beverly
- on October 14, 2011
This drawing is great, Emily! I really like the way you show your hands coming into the portrait (and your name on the pencil).
-- Debbie
- on October 4, 2011