Carter1992's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Carter1992's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Carter, your clay snowman and Lego artworks are very interesting! Nice job!
-- Grammy (sandy)
- on January 11, 2017
Carter, that's exactly how I think Rudolph looked, great likeness!
-- Aunt Mariel
- on December 15, 2015
Hi Carter! I am glad to see your drawing on here. It is the first one I have received from you. I think this is a great project for your school. Keep up the good work. I will look forward to seeing more of your drawings. Love Aunt Marie
-- Aunt Marie
- on October 13, 2015
What an interesting picture, Carter. Looked for a title but didn't see one. Keep up the good work!
-- Grammy (sandy)
- on October 13, 2015
This looked so real it scared Boo.
-- Papa and Boo
- on October 6, 2015
Hey Carter, Thanks for sending out your latest piece of art, the rattlesnake. Very interesting!!!! Keep up the good work. Hope this new school year is off to a great start. Jonah and Ben and Rachel and Jonathan will be coming back to visit here next week during fall break. Hope you will be having some special fun too. We look forward to you visiting again when your family can work it out.
-- Aunt Carla
- on October 6, 2015
Dear Carter, I like your unique rattlesnake! It is very cool! I'm wondering what you used to make it? I couldn't quite tell. Did we tell you about the 6 foot rattlesnake we saw out on Gramps farm? It looked so big and was crossing the road in front of us. I was glad we were in the car. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandmommy
- on October 6, 2015
Very creative, keep creating! I enjoy seeing your work. Love, Aunt Carla
-- Aunt Carla
- on April 8, 2015
That comment below is from Mommy :)
- on October 15, 2014
Great job Carter! I love how the color wheel looks like it's in the foreground and the rain/storm in the background. How did you do that? Nice job on your color mixing to create your secondary colors.
- on October 15, 2014
I love this one, Carter! It feels so cold in winter and I have always loved cardinals! They were my mother's favorite bird, too, and we gave her a lot of little porcelain birds! I also went to school at the University of Louisville and they are the Louisville Cardinals!! Thanks for the pretty picture. I love to look at winter, though I love living in the warm, sunny south!!
-- Grandmommy
- on January 6, 2014
carter, i really like your choice of colors. they blend well together. daddy
-- eric
- on September 15, 2013
I love this picture, Carter. I especially love the colors of the beach, which I love too and the pretty design you made for your pictures. Keep up the good work!! Love, Grandmommy
-- Peggy
- on September 15, 2013
Man, that cardinal DOES have a lot of eggs ... and I can tell that nobody is gonna mess with them! You did a great job of showing his emotions, and that is not easy! I remember that you are really good at making crazy expressions with your own eyebrows, and I love that about you. And I miss you very much.
-- Rachel
- on February 9, 2013
Hey Carter! I love this stained glass art! What a beautiful candlestick and candle. it is so pretty and I love the stained glass effect! It does look like it has a glow to it. I wondered if the paper is thin and you could put it in the window and let the light shine through? I love you very much and I am so glad I can share your art through Artsonia!!! Much love, Grandmommy
-- Peggy
- on February 9, 2013
Dear Carter, I love the red cardinal! It also reminds me of your angry birds! Do you like your red towel we gave you for Christmas? This reminds me of that! Love you. Keep up the great art work! Love Grandmommy
-- Peggy
- on January 23, 2013
Love the snowflake, Carter!!! This may be one of my favorites as it is so bright and delicate, too. it really looks like a snowflake and makes me think of Christmas!!! I do miss snow, even though I am glad to be where it is warmer. It also made me think of our sled riding fun in your back yards!! Love Grandmommy
-- Peggy
- on January 12, 2013
Carter, This is a great buffalo and I like the soft effect of the brown and black on brown. It is very pretty and looks like a highlighted work of art. It makes me think of the Beep Bop Boop Bop Buffalo Song!!! Love Grandmommy
-- Peggy
- on January 12, 2013
Dear Carter, I love your very colorful cat! It is so pretty and I love all the different colors in your designs. it reminds me of an Easter egg. Thanks for sharing! Grandmommy
-- Peggy
- on January 12, 2013
Carter, Your buffalo painting is so good it belongs on the wall at the Cincinnati Art Museum !!!!!!!!!! We love it. Papa and Boo
-- michael
- on January 12, 2013
Carter, We really love the colors that you used on this picture. Your picture made us think of the leaves in the fall. Just looking at these colors put us in a good mood. Keep up the great work! We love you. Papa and Boo
-- Michael
- on December 4, 2012
Carter, I really like your pretty brown tree and it does remind me of fall although you used different colors. I also loved e shadow you made. I think it is really cute and very clever!
-- Grandmommy
- on October 27, 2012
Carter, I love this art work with your picture and your shadow. It is very cute and I love the shape and the colors you picked. I think it was very clever to trace around your body to make your picture. It is a great picture. Love Grandmommy
-- Grandmommy
- on October 17, 2012
Very cute picture, Carter. You added a lot of good detail. I can certainly tell what you want to be when you grow up. Good job!
- on September 4, 2012
Maybe it is the symmetry that stuck with me too. You are SUCH A GREAT ARTIST!! I can't wait to see what comes next. Love, Auntie Mel
-- Auntie Mel
- on July 29, 2012
Carter, you are an AWESOME ARTIST!! I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve all of your art, and enjoyed the slide show very much. I don't know if I can pick a favorite, although the butterfly stayed with me after leaving that page. I wouldn't have known that you didn't want it black but gold instead if you hadn't told me (in the comments section). I appreciate you sharing this with me:-) You are so very cool!! Talk to you soon, Auntie Mel
-- Auntie Mel
- on September 4, 2012
Carter, I love this one so much because of the beautiful colors and I can tell it has very pretty texture. I can see you glued the pieces on this picture!!! I love that you gave me a magnet for the refrigerator of this one and a tag for my luggage. I love them and see them all the time. I appreciate that you learned about the horizon line!! Wow!
-- Grandmommy
- on September 4, 2012
Carter, I am so glad you learned about symmetry in your painting a butterfly! I taught that in my kindergarten class, too! I hope you find out why it had to be black and let me know!! I am enjoying seeing your work in Florida!!!!!! I love you! See you soon!
-- Grandmommy
- on September 4, 2012
Hey, Carter!!! Somehow, I did not go to the right place to see that you made comments about each picture! That is so cool and it was nice to hear how you did each piece! I had no idea you blew through a straw to make one. I think it was this one. That does sound like fun. I will read more comments and respond! Tell your teacher I really like this idea and appreciate her hard work in letting us all see your artwork! Yeah!
-- Grandmommy
- on September 4, 2012
Dear Carter, I love your artwork! Grandad showed me while we were visiting Greyson and Beckett and I didn't know about it before! I will sign up so I get your artwork, too and can read your comments, too. I especially love this snowman and think it is very cute. it reminds me of the time we built a snowman together at your house. I do miss the snow since we moved to Florida, but not the cold. I love you very much. Keep up the good work!!! Much love, Grandmommy
-- Peggy
- on December 19, 2011
Carter, I really liked your fall picture. Beautiful leaves. Wonderful colors. Granddad
-- Howard
- on December 11, 2011
carter, i love your big turtle. he looks very happy
-- eric
- on November 28, 2011
Carter, I really like your pizza. I especially like what you said each color represents. You have a wonderful art teacher and an excellent school. It's great to see your art work on my computer in Florida.
-- Grandad
- on November 14, 2011
Carter, I love seeing your artwork all the way from my computer in Louisiana! You must have an awesome art teacher. My favorite part is reading your thoughts about your work. I don't have a non-favorite part. I love you!
-- Rachel
- on October 7, 2011