Richard2231's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Richard2231's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your May flowers are just wonderful! You have learned how to use several paper sculpture cutting techniques when creating your fun 3D flowers. I love the way they seem to POP right off the paper. You also created a lovely landscape drawing where your flowers look very pretty. Good for you! Another lesson very well done. Keep up the good work.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on April 30, 2014
These projects are AMAZING! You have achieved the standard of understanding the element of art TEXTURE! You have created beautiful "texture paper" by using the texture rubbing plates and crayons to make the paper from which you created these fantastic Texture Creatures. You learned that it is not easy to cut, tear, and paste paper without first creating a drawing to follow. But you used your "IMAGINATION" , followed the picture in your mind, and created an original texture creature! Great Job. Remember, texture and touch go together! Now add a cool statement about your creation like "what you liked best about making it". Enjoy!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on March 5, 2014
What a fantastic job you did on your snowman composition and stories. I can tell that you understood the standard. (Drawing close-up and distance). Your snowman sure is close to me and the background is small and far away. Good for you! Now you know how to show distance on a flat paper and make your drawings look 3D and REAL. You are becoming a wonderful artist! Keep up the good coloring and very creative work.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 12, 2014
You really must have been inspired by the paintings done by artist Jim Dine because your patterns, lines, and colors are fantastic. Your drawing and designing skills are so very much improved. You have achieved the standard of creating an original art work using 1 shape as the focal point, understanding the art from a professional artist, pattern creations, and coloring skills. If I did not know, I would think that 5th grade art students created these. You have put forth 125% effort on this assignment! Good for you! Be sure to add an artist statement and let me know what you love the most about YOUR heart design. I can see some professional artist in the future from this group of wonderful students.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 12, 2014
You all did a great job in learning how to paint without water and in the style of Vincent van Gogh. He would also be so proud of your beautiful paintings. Be sure to show your family your website, share comments, and join fan clubs! You are all doing wonderful art! Keep up the good work!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 12, 2013
These are the most creative stories! I can tell that you really learned about dialogue writing in the 1st grade. Kudos to your first grade teachers!!!! You have achieved the standard of using your imagination to create a wonderful art work and then created a story about your art! You have also made good use of your knowledge of lines, shapes, and colors to create patterns. You are really understanding the basic Elements of Art. I hope everyone enjoys the fantastic imagination these students have as they continue to develop their creative writing skills. Great work everyone and fantastic lines, color, and patterns! Your Dream Trees are simply WONDERFUL!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 4, 2013
Very good! You have achieved the standard of identifying and drawing a composition using basic geometric and freeform shapes. These elements of art are the building blocks in learning how to draw well. Another standard of learning how to "fill up the paper" with good composition is also evidenced here. Your use of crayons and fine motor skills in how good you color are also improving. What wonderful art you are learning how to create. Keep up the fantastic work. You have grown much in your artistic development. You are becoming a very good artist!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 3, 2013
This was the best project ever. WE had so much fun looking at the paintings and buildings created by Hundertwasser. We LOVE his colors and lollypop trees from his paintings. He wanted everyone to have nature where they lived so he put gardens on the tops of his buildings! So we created our own cities! I would so love to live in some of these. The creativity shown in these composition is fantastic! What wonderful imaginations our WPE little artists have. A terrific job by all. Love these, each and every one. I would frame each one if I could. Hugs!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on October 26, 2013
We are going to have fun this week playing with our finished fish puppets. And then, YES, you will get to bring these home this week. I know you are so excited to share these with your families. Using puppets is a great way to extend on literary skills in both story telling, character development, and reading skills. Encourage your little artist to create plays at home and help them learn to write them down. Years from now when they are grown and gone, you will love having a diary of their early creations to read over and over again.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 5, 2013
These are fantastic! Claude Money would be so proud to see how beautifully you painted his bridge and favorite pond with all the lovely water lilies!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 5, 2013