Sophia3446's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Sophia3446's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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yummy!... I actually got to see it outside your Art classroom the other day, pretty neat!
-- Yessica
I saw it when you brought it home... Way cool!
- on February 25, 2013
this one is really good too!... did this come from your imagination? or did you have these items to look at?... if it was out of the blue, more power to you... don't forget to sign your name and date them, for when you are famous they will be worth a lot! =)
-- yessica
I like this one a lot too. I can't wait to see the originals when you get them back.
-- dad
- on November 24, 2011
very nice Sophia!... you need to have talent to draw like this, and you do!
-- Yessica
- on November 24, 2011
Another good one!... I remember you working on this, and you used your own hand to draw it... it turned out nice!... I wonder why you chose a sea horse?
-- Mom
- on September 19, 2011
Very nice Sophia!... make sure you save the original.. just curious if you used someone as a model and who it is?...
-- Mom
- on September 19, 2011