Natalie4030's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Natalie4030's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Natalie, you have a true talent for drawing. I am envious of your talent! I LOVE your owl - he looks very wise. I love you OODLES, Auntie Kim
-- Kim
- on June 19, 2011
Very cool owl Natalie. The colors you picked are great!!!
-- Aliza
- on June 17, 2011
Nat, you have amazing talent! Keep up the impressive work! Love ya! Auntie Connie
-- Connie
- on June 17, 2011
Great job. Snowmen make me happy too.
-- Aliza
- on June 17, 2011
Your snowman is amazing, you're a fantastic artist! Love you!
-- Connie
- on January 23, 2011