Owen1682's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Owen1682's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! Owen, this is a great African mask. Should it hang on the wall with my mask collection? What do you think?
-- Fran
- on May 14, 2014
Owen, This is amazing. It looks like a planet orbiting in space. I'm very impressed with your art. Love, Grandma Fran
-- Fran
- on January 1, 2014
Owen, This is a great mask. I could see it on the wall among the other masks I've collected. Think about putting it there with the other masks. Love, Grandma Fran
-- Fran
- on October 31, 2013
Congratulations Randolph Art Students on winning a Best Of Show ribbon at the Tunbridge Fair! I am so proud of the way you all worked together on this piece and how many amazing creative ideas you had in creating this collaborative sculpture. Beware to any Garden Thieves who wander into our new school garden!
-- ART
- Rebecca (teacher at Randolph Elementary Schools) on October 2, 2013
I love the Water-Lillie's. Thanks for this lovely picture.
-- Fran
- on June 11, 2013
Is this a picture of a planet that your Star War Clones will travel to? You chose wonderful colors to work with. The combination of blues and yellows complement each other and are good choices for this picture. Grandma Fran
-- Fran
- on June 11, 2013
I love these Spring Flowers. The first flowers to bloom each spring are from the bulbs we plant in the Fall. These lovely flowers are a reminder that Spring arrives every year, no matter how cold and snowy the winter. Good job!
-- Fran
- on May 10, 2013
I love this picture because the flower is so regal and it is complemented by a wonderful choice of colors. Good job, Owen.
-- Fran
- on May 1, 2013
Owen, I would pick this pictures out of all of them as yours. It looks very much like you. Good job. Grandma Fran
-- ThisFran
- on April 21, 2013
Wow. Love what you did to the picture of your piece. Can't wait to see more of your work.
-- Mimi
- on April 21, 2013
We think your dove is inspiring and you used your imagination. You worked really hard on it. Your class
-- ART
- on January 9, 2013
I like the personality of the eyes, lips and hair. It really does look like you and Daddy!
-- Mimi
- on January 9, 2013
We did a nice job on our class silkscreen because the snowflakes look real and have nice designs.
-- ART
- on January 9, 2013
Love it!!! can't wait to see more!
-- mimi
- on January 9, 2013