Bishop75's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Bishop75's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nothing says Christmas like a Creeper in a Santa Hat... Love it.
-- Lance
- on December 21, 2015
You were so creative with your story! I really like the texture of that cactus sword! Awesome!!
-- Mom
- on November 20, 2015
I think you did an amazing job on your portrait!! I like the creeper on your shoulder!
-- Mom
- on October 25, 2015
You chose some beautiful colors for this one!
- on June 19, 2015
Such a silly expression! I love it!!
- on June 19, 2015
Bishop, Your art keeps getting better and better! Another great job! Love you, Grandee
-- Diane
- on June 18, 2015
You did a great job on this one!
- on April 29, 2015
I see you like formal balance, just like your mom!
- on April 29, 2015
I am crazy about your robot! I wish he could clean the house!!
- on April 29, 2015
I love this still life on my new cutting board!!
- on April 5, 2015
This is my favorite!! I love my new cutting board!
- on February 4, 2015
Great job with your Flamingo! I always get a smile when I come and see your artwork! Love and miss you. Love, Aunt Amy (Aunt Who)
-- Amy
- on February 21, 2014
Bishop, What a great weaving project. I can certainly tell how much time and effort you put into this piece of art. I love it! Keep up the good work! Aunt Amy (Aunt Who)
-- Amy
- on January 24, 2014
Bishop, Your picture really made me smile this morning. I love it. It really makes me feel like I am looking at something far away. Great Job! Love, Aunt Amy (Aunt Who)
-- Amy
- on January 24, 2014
Bishop, I can totally see this as being a circus tent! It makes me wonder what is inside. You did a great job on this piece. I love you! Aunt Amy
-- Amy
- on January 24, 2014
Bishop- This owl is soooo cute!! I can't wait to add him to my snaps collection!
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2013
You did a great job on your robot and space landscape!!
-- Mom
- on April 16, 2013
Did you love printing fish? Aren't you glad we didn't use real fish? :)
-- Mom
- on February 28, 2013
You worked so hard on your rug! It looks beautiful and well made! Way to go!
-- Mom
- on February 28, 2013
Bishop, I love looking at your art work! I think you got your mom's art talent! Your art is always colorful and fun to look at-you have talent my boy! I love you!
-- Diane
- on February 28, 2013
I love this bear but he doesn't look very sleepy! Super cute!
-- Mom
- on February 28, 2013
This turned out so beautifuly! I can't wait to take it home!
-- Mom
- on November 11, 2012
Great job Bishop. Grams and I enjoy your art work. Love, Papa Joe & Grams
-- Joe
- on December 4, 2011
Yum! You know chocolate is my favorite!!
-- Mom
- on December 4, 2011
I love your cat! So cute! I can't wait to see it on your totem pole.
-- Mom
- on November 18, 2011
Bishop your self portrait is so cute! I love it!!-Mom
-- Mom
- on November 17, 2011
amazing.... I love the detail and the expresion.. Great job
-- lance
- on November 17, 2011
I love your creative fairy house! This looks like a fun project that you could make in your back yard or at a park!
-- Mrs. Benton
- on September 8, 2011