Jordan9887's Comments (64)

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Below are comments about Jordan9887's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Jordan, Love your latest picture. His face is so expressive. His eyes are very big and the full eyebrows, nice nose and slight smile. I like the way the blues and purples blend together. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on December 10, 2015
Dear Jordan, Love the design of this artwork and the colors you used. It is the best! Keep up the good work and I'm sure we will be getting more of your fantastic work when you return to school for 4th grade. It will be an exciting year for you. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Aunt Barbara
- on July 15, 2015
Hi Jordan, First let me tell you how happy we are to receive more artwork from you - its been a while and let me tell you how beautiful this watercolor is! I love the sky with its different shades of blue and the grass with the different shades of green. The leaves are spectacular with their colors and your artwork itself makes the picture just so beautiful! Thank you for letting us share your wonderful work as always. You are such a good artist. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on June 10, 2015
Hi Jordan, What a beautiful picture of the Guatemalan plate - I love the colors, they blend so well. I hope you learned something about the country Guatemala and the people and children that live there. I once had a plate like this with almost the same colors that Uncle Michael had given me when he went to Spain when he wasin high school. Keep up the wonderful work and hope your practice for your play, Beauty and the Beast is going well. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on April 9, 2015
Hi Jordan, What beautiful artwork and the spelling of your name, which is a wonderful name that you have. The lettering is so neat and the colors you chose blend so nicely. Keep up the good work this year - your teacher must be so proud of you as we are. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 14, 2015
Hi Jordan, This is certainly a wonderful looking woven house. I love the colors you chose because it makes it stand out with the blue windows and the brown door. You are so talented! Keep up the good work in 3rd grade and keep the pictures coming. I hope you have a great summer and we hope that we will see you sometime soon. HAVE FUN! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on September 3, 2014
Hi Jordan, What a beautiful African Collar necklace with all the different colors on it. I would love to wear one, it would go with any color jersey. Have fun with all the artwork and keep up the good work. Love you, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on May 14, 2014
Hi Jordan, I was so happy to receive this email with your art work of the bird house. What a wonderful job you did with this! It looks so much like spring is just around the corner and of course if they were able to, the birds would just love it. The daffodil flowers on it are absolutely beautiful and your work is just so superb. Love you ........... Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger xoxoxo
-- Barbara
- on March 26, 2014
Hi Jordan, What a beautiful wreath - it would look beautiful hanging anywhere. Keep up the good work and keep those pictures coming! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 8, 2014
Dear Jordan, I guess I would say that this is the "coolest" piece of work you've done so far. The Picasso Three Musician Collage is something you must have liked doing very much and shows how much older you are getting and more of a very special artist! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 8, 2014
Hello Jordan, This snowman is superburb work done by you again. What can I can except we love receiving the emails with all of your artistic items. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 8, 2014
Hi Jordan, Love the snowman and the Christmas tree. You did such a wonderful job coloring and you are quite and artist. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 8, 2014
Hi Jordan, This is a great 1st picture by you in 2nd grade. We hope you are enjoying school so far this year and learning a lot and having fun at the same time. Kepp up the good work and keep those pictures coming and also let us know of any events that you would like us to attend. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
- on October 3, 2013
Jordan, you are sooooooooo good at art!!! I love all your bright colors how happy I feel when I look at it. Hope school is going well and you are being a good listener. Keep up the good work and remember to work hard in all your classes. Miss and love you , Auntie Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on October 3, 2013
Hi Jordan, WOW! This is quite a piece of artwork with all of the colors - I love it. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on July 3, 2013
Hi Jordan!! Your designer cat picture is terrific!!WOW you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo talented. Keep up the good work. Your art work makes my day...makes me smile and makes me happy!!! Miss and love you,xoxoxoxox Auntie Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on July 3, 2013
This is my favorite . Excellent work ! You are a great artist ! I hope you keep it up you never know when they might need you to draw on the cartoons !!
-- Jason
- on May 24, 2013
Hi nunu your picture looks so nice the pussywillows looked real when I first looked at them that's how good you drew them . You definitely have a talent for drawing keep up the good work ! I love you-- dad
-- Jason
- on May 24, 2013
I love your frog on a leaf it is perfect !! Great job Jordan!
-- Jason
- on May 24, 2013
Sponge Bob is the BEST ever!!!! I just love Sponge BOB!!!!!!Love, Auntie Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on May 2, 2013
Hi darling...your pussywillows are just what I needed for my feelings of Spring to come quickly. Can you believe we still have SNOW out here in MN.!!!! So very sad!!! I cant believe you are almost done with another school year. What will you do this summer? Miss you and keep up the super job with your art work. Take care and be good..Love you, Auntie Mary Anne
-- Auntie Mary Anne
- on May 2, 2013
Dear Jordan, I love the picture of the Lawrence Tree and I hope you learned the story about the tree. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on May 2, 2013
Hello Jordan, The sponge Bob picture is great. The colors are beautiful and I know he is your favorite character friend. Love, Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on April 9, 2013
Hi Jordan, The picture of the pussywillows are so pretty and makes me think of spring. Pussywillows are so soft and nice. We will have to find some for you. HAPPY SPRING! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on April 9, 2013
Jordan, I do like this picture. You will have to tell me what it is because I can think of several things it might be. Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on April 4, 2013
Hi Jordan, I like this star very much - you did such a good job coloring it. It looks like there are different colors blended together. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on April 9, 2013
Hi Jordan, Love the leprechaun. Does he have a name? Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on April 9, 2013
Hi Jordan, Thanki you for sending us the beautiful picture of the rainbow that you colored. It really brightened our day. Keep up the good work and keep those pictures coming! Love, Aunt Barbara and Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 22, 2013
Jordan honey, I just LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your art work!!! You are so smart and creative!! Keep sending them to auntie...they make my day such a Special Good one!!!
-- Mary Anne
- on January 19, 2013
What a nice picture for Fall!!! I love all the colors and the tree looks real..WOW!!! Hope you had a super Halloweeen!!! Love Aunt Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on November 7, 2012
Hi Jordan, I love this picture - it is so Halloween with all the pumpkins and goblin and the colors are beautiful for fall. Keep up the good work and have fun trick or treating on Halloween. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on October 31, 2012
Hi Jordan, What a pleasant surprise to receive this picture this morning. I love the owl, you are such a good artist and he looks like such a happy owl ready to fly. Keep up the good work and we look forward to your pictures. Love Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on September 23, 2012
I just LOVE<LOVE,LOVE your flower picture!!! I can almost smell how nice they are!!! They look so real...WOW!!! Way to go Jordan..Love and Hugs Auntie Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on September 19, 2012
Hi Jordan, Love the lamb - it must be a girl with all the pretty lacy fur on it and it looks so springlike out with the birds and the green grass. Does she have a name? Keep up the wonderful work! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on September 19, 2012
Hello Jordan, I love the spider! He is so colorful and looks like a friendly spider within his web and he is not even scary at all like some spiders. There are a lot of people that just don't like spiders. Spiders actually have very good eyesight and some people have said they bring you good luck. Keep up the good work ............ Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 12, 2012
Jordan, I think your butterfly is wonderful!!! The sun in the sky makes me smile...Maybe your butterfly will fly to Minnesota !!!!! You do such great work and it is something that makes everyone happy. I bet your mom is soooooooooo proud of you. I am too!!!! Love Auntie Mary Anne xoxoxoxo
-- Mary Anne
- on March 12, 2012
Dear Jordan, You are such a wonderful and talented artist with all of the pictures you've done so far but this is just the most beautiful I think, so far and it is so colorful and springlike. Keep the excellent pictures coming! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 12, 2012
Jordan, What a beautiful pointsietta. I still have mine from Christmas and the leaves are still red like yours. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 6, 2012
Hi Jordan, What a pretty kitty - is she a friend of your puppy? Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 6, 2012
What a blizzard! It looks like there will be a lot of snow. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 6, 2012
Jordan, A very nice picture. I love all the different bright colors that you use!\ Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 6, 2012
Hi Jordan. Love the penguin ........ he looks like a very happy fellow and your artwork is beautiful! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 6, 2012
Hello there Jordan.. I really think this picture is the best. Keep up the great work. Love and miss you ...hugs..Auntie Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on February 13, 2012
Your picture has more snow than we have in MN. !!!!! You always do such a good job.Way to go Jordan!!!! I hope you are being a good boy for mom and at school also. Miss and love you. xoxoxo.Aunt Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on February 13, 2012
Hi Jordan!!! How r u? We still do NOT have any snow in MN. ...Maybe 1 inch!!! I just love all your art work but love the Christmas ones!!! The pointsetta picture was wonderful!!! Love to you and keep up the great work honey..Miss youxoxoxoxo!!!
-- Mary Anne
- on February 13, 2012
Hi Jordan, What a beautiful cat and I love the long whiskers! You are such a good artist. Keep up the good work............ Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on February 13, 2012
Hi Jordan, HAPPY NEw YEAR to you as you return to school after the holidays. What a beautiful picture you colored of the pointsetta plant. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK this year. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 14, 2012
Jordan, I can not tell you how happy your pictures make me. You may grow up to be a famous artist!! I love the ornament you sent went right on my tree..right in front so everyone could see it..All my lady friends just love it. Isabelle and Ruby loved it too. Uncle David and Uncle Michael thought it was GREAT!!!!!!! Miss and love you. XOXOXO Auntie Mary Anne
-- Mary Anne
- on January 14, 2012
Hi Jordan, Love the train and love the colors you chose. It looks very much like a Christmas train. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 14, 2012
Hi Jordan, What a beautiful reindeer. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on January 14, 2012
Hi Jordan, We love the owl you made. He looks like a very happy owl; does he have a name? Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on November 11, 2011
I love your owl Jordan,I think you an your class do the best art work i ever seen.. Keep up the good work!!
-- Jason
- on November 11, 2011
Way to go honey!!!! Your pictures are so awesome....I love them !!!!!!!
-- Mary Anne
- on October 12, 2011
Well done, Jordan. Very nice picture. Janay likes it too. Keep up the good work.
-- Carla
- on October 4, 2011
Jordan What a beautiful picture you drew You are the best drawer i know and you color so good now. Keep up the good work . I love you to the moon and Mommy
-- mom
- on September 29, 2011
Hi Jordan, What a beautiful picture of the autumn tree you colored on a bright sunny day that shows the sun and the red and yellow leaves on the tree. Pretty soon you'll be able to see the trees in your yard turn the same colors. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on September 29, 2011
Great job Jordan! I love the pot of gold and your rainbow. Happy St. Patricks Day . I love you !!!
-- Mommy
- on March 20, 2011
Dear Jordan, Thank you very much for sending us your beautiful artwork to see. We love the colors and the design which look so good together. You are a very good artist so keep up the good work, have fun and we look forward to seeing other artwork you will be doing this school year. Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Roger
-- Barbara
- on March 8, 2011
Jordan, What a beautiful piece of work. And red is your favorite color and blue is mine. Keep up the great work! Love, love, Love, NINA
-- Nina
- on March 6, 2011
What a perfect pattern you made love you mommy
-- Mom
- on March 6, 2011
How snug and warm the bears look what a nice home you made for them I am so proud of you I love you new new
-- Mom
- on March 6, 2011
Jordan, This is sooooooo cute! Just like you. Love, love, Love, NINA
-- Nina
- on February 21, 2011
Jordan, What a BEAUTIFUL Christmas tree. It's so sparkly and you're holding it so gently. I LOVE IT and I LOVE< LOVE< LOVE YOU. NINA P.S. Keep up the great work!
-- Nina
- on January 15, 2011
Great Job Jordan mommy is so proud of you. Love you to the moon and back....
- on January 15, 2011