Ethan6318's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Ethan6318's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am so proud of you and amazed everyday at how talented you are.
-- Brian
- on August 23, 2017
Form first glance this looks like a splat of paint but I think it's very cool that people who look At this close can see something over than a leaf. I also love the warm color palette
-- Shasta
- on June 14, 2017
I love your artwork. The value of SS hair are very hard to properly draw. I love DBZ and anime in general.
-- Ethan
- on June 14, 2017
Ethan your coloring and artistic ability amaze me everyday. I am so proud
-- Brian
- on May 6, 2015
Very cool boat Buddy! I love how you made the water look like it was moving.
-- Mom
- on September 15, 2014
Ethan, I love your rooster project! I really like how you made the rooster's head reaching towards the dirt. You did an excellent job! Keep up the great work!
-- Miss Grattagliano
- on May 13, 2014
Ethan - What a wonderful job you did on your rooster! I hope you enjoyed painting all of the different color groups. Mrs. Ric
-- Kathy
- on May 13, 2014
Awesome traffic light!
- on October 22, 2010