Benjamin2417's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Benjamin2417's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You did a wonderful job with your first attempt at "Circle Art". I love the lines and patterns that you drew inside of the circle. You are on your way to learning how much fun using Math concepts in your art projects. Be sure to add a statement saying how you made this great circle art and what you liked best. Very good job!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 8, 2014
You did a wonderful job with your first attempt at "Circle Art". I love the lines and patterns that you drew inside of the circle. You are on your way to learning how much fun using Math concepts in your art projects. Be sure to add a statement saying how you made this great circle art and what you liked best. Very good job!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 5, 2014
You have achieved the standard of using the principles of art to create a unique artwork. I can see your "focal point" or "center of interest". You have used the correct colors for the color family of your choice. Love how the arrows MOVE the viewers eye around your art. You are learning all the tricks and techniques that will help you become an accomplished artists. YOU GO 4TH GRADE. Your watercolor painting skills keep getting better and better. Beautiful compositions too.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on April 10, 2014
What beautiful work! As you found out, the principal of art MOVEMENT is fun and challenging to create in an art work. You have achieved the standard of using MOVEMENT in an original design. This project can also be done with plain white paper but your beautiful lines and colors really make it "POP". My eye does move around your composition. Challenges were making the curves using straight lines. Very good job for your first try. I hope you decide to try this project over and over. The more you do it, the easier it will be come and soon your line with be twisting and curving all over the place making your viewer quite dizzy! Next step..........Optical Illusion Design! Add a statement to your work. Tell me what you like the best and what was the most difficult to complete. Keep up the very creative work.!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on March 13, 2014
You have done a fantastic job on this assignment. It is not easy to draw in 1 pt perspective and make it look real, but you have achieved that standard. You also have demonstrated achievement in the area of color theory, highlighting and shading techniques, as well as watercolor painting techniques. A beautiful job and an AWESOME art work to be proud of. Keep up the good work. Your artistic skills are growing and growing. Good for you!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 6, 2014
There were several standards that you had to achieve in order to have a successful project. First did you draw a geometric composition using a ruler and a compass correctly? If so, good for you. Next was the large triangle the focal point of this art? Did you use 2 different color families so that the large triangle really stood out. If you answered YES to all those questions, good for you! You have achieved all the art standards. This was not an easy task. You found out that it takes PRACTICE to use a ruler and compass correctly. These skills should also be used in your math classes now and in the future. Beautiful results. Add a statement to your project here that also answers these questions. A job well done. Keep up the good work.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 19, 2013
Congratulations! You have achieved the drawing standard of using the techniques of highlighting and shading to make a 2D object appear to be 3D. Your patterns are very authentic and look like the Indian Pottery we looked at in class. As you practice these techniques more, you will get better and better in drawing objects that look "real". Keep up the great work. You also learned how important it is to know History as well as Art. Both are important.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 3, 2013
I am so proud of all the hard work each one of you put into this interdisciplinary lesson. I can tell that you really LOVE looking at and studying Native American Indian Art and Artifacts. Your use of symbols is wonderful. So is your craftmanship, patterns, designs and paper sculpture. You are AMAZING! I know you will love your shield and it will hang proudly in your home! Great work!!!!!! Feel free to add any comments that you have on making this project or how do you feel YOURS turned out and why.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on October 3, 2013
This project incorporates history into the art lesson. We looked at the Church of Notre Dame in Paris, France and studied the Rosetta or Rose Window which is one of the most famous examples of radial design used in architecture. Maybe someday, they will travel to Paris, see this window and have pleasant memories of their art project. Beautiful results
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 5, 2013
Amazing work! I am very happy to see that each one of you has completed this painting assignment with flying colors!. The changes you made to the inside of the heart makes it stand out and become the "focal point" of the composition. Keep up the good work! What a wonderful project to celebrate Valentine's Day and the work of Jim Dine!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on February 6, 2013