Ethan6045's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Ethan6045's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Ethan! I have always loved the colorful designs created when a kaleidoscope is turned. But I've never seen a kaleidoscope design painted like yours is. It's so bright and colorful. It's a very happy picture. Thanks for sending it. Keep up your great artwork! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on December 11, 2013
Hello Artist Ethan! It looks like you're having a lot of fun in your art class. Your abstract flower picture is vey interesting. It looks like a lot dark clouds around the flower. I will need you to explain it to me. I enjoy your artwork very much, Ethan! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on December 11, 2013
Hi Ethan! Wow! That is really an interesting work of art. I have never heard of positive and negative art before. You must have a very good teacher who knows about things like that. You really do some great art. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on December 11, 2013
Oh Ethan, I love your scratch art! I remember doing scratch art when I was in school. But I think yours is better than mine. What a great idea to do a spider web. Please be sure to keep up your artwork! You have great talent! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on December 11, 2013
Hello Ethan! I bet it was interesting to learn about the Iznik people of Turkey. And you have made a beautiful plate that looks like something they might have made so long ago. It is so important to learn about people who lived in a another country in past times. I hope you always stay interested in history! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on December 11, 2013
Hi Ethan! What a cool painting this is! I bet you had fun doing it when you put your hands in the paint! Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on January 31, 2013
Oh, Ethan! Another amazing artwork! How busy you have been. I love the Color Burst, it is such a happy picture! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on January 19, 2013
Hi Ethan! I really like your picture of the Baby Owl. I don't know how you were able to do that! It looks exactly like a baby owl! Since we're starting a new year of 2013, I'm sure you will have many new artworks to share with me. You are getting better and better with each new piece. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on January 19, 2013
Hi Artist Ethan! What a cool art project you have here! And it is the perfect set of colors for Halloween, orange and black, I know you were sick, and I hope you are feeling better. I am sooooo proud of your good art work, Ethan! I can't wait to see what you will think of next! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on November 21, 2012
Ethan, What a beautiful colorful tree! You have had so many lovely artworks this year, Ethan, and I've enjoyed all of them. I hope you will keep making art this summer. Love Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on August 8, 2012
Ethan! I love this picture! You have really captured the dandelions with their little seeds blowing in the wind! I think dandelions are God's favorite flower because He made soooo many of them! Keep watching nature as closely as you do, and you will see all sorts of beautiful things. Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on August 8, 2012
Ethan, What a great picture of a big city! Those tall buildings remind me of Chicago which has all the big skyscrapers. I think big cities like Chicago, are so exciting, don't you? You have really captured the excitement of a big city. Keep on making art, Ethan.You are very talented! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on April 26, 2012
Hi Artist Ethan! What a colorful rhinoceros you have sculpted and painted. It is just perfect! You have a lot of talent Ethan and I'm sure your Mom and Dad are proud of your work.I am proud of you too! Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on April 26, 2012
Dear Artist Ethan, What a cute and funny guy you have made. He makes me smile. Keep up the good work. You have a lot of artistic talent. Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on April 26, 2012
Really liked the Elephant picture. Great work!
-- G'Pa
- on December 14, 2011
Ethan, I love your picture of the Winter Scene with the rabbit and his footprints. You have such a great imagination, just like all good artists have. Keep drawing and painting, Ethan! I really enjoy your work. Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on December 13, 2011
Hi Ethan, I enjoyed your painting of the beautiful flowers. You are a very good artist! Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma Betty
-- Betty
- on December 10, 2011
We are so proud of our little artist! Ethan explained that the animal on the left is a rabbit, and on the right is a reindeer, both making tracks in the snow. How creative!
-- Lisa
- on December 10, 2011