Matthew10440's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Matthew10440's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Matt, you've done a great job with this mask. I love your use of color! It shows a good amount of the work you put in to it. Love, Mom
-- Ann
- on April 27, 2015
Matt, I love your portal! It's really imaginative, you took a lot of care with this. Your time and attention really paid off. Love, Mom
- on April 20, 2015
You worked very hard on the shape of your dog and the pattern. I know it was difficult and took time, but your hardwork and dedication to doing your best hopefully made you feel good. I am very proud of your accomplishment. I appreciate the story that goes along with your artwork. The "portal" was a unique idea. The dog actually looks like it is jumping from the portal!
- Jacqueline (teacher at Lakeview Elementary) on April 10, 2015
Your cupcake looks delicious! Great job sculpting, painting, and creating your own creative design!
- Jacqueline (teacher at Lakeview Elementary) on February 18, 2014
Your tree turned out beautiful, I love the colors! Nice job demonstrating your understanding of horizon line and use of line in your tree. I hope you had fun painting it!
- Jacqueline (teacher at Lakeview Elementary) on January 30, 2013
Matthew, I printed off a copy of your artwork. I reallly enjoy it and Grandpa will also. I will look at more of yoiur artwoork the next time. We will see you soon. Love, Grandma
-- Norma
- on December 5, 2012
Great use of symmetry, geometric & free form shapes. I am impressed with how hard you worked. Continue to do your best in art class! - Miss Meier
- Jacqueline (teacher at Lakeview Elementary) on October 3, 2012