Makayla1587's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Makayla1587's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Congratulations Randolph Art Students on winning a Best Of Show ribbon at the Tunbridge Fair! I am so proud of the way you all worked together on this piece and how many amazing creative ideas you had in creating this collaborative sculpture. Beware to any Garden Thieves who wander into our new school garden!
-- ART
- Rebecca (teacher at Randolph Elementary Schools) on October 2, 2013
This is a powerful graphic design. Thanks for your hard work on making this year's Run For Health t-Shirt
design memorable. I hope you learned about creating patterns and Vermont geography. The slogan on the back of the shirt about being Vermont Strong captured the spirit of our State perfectly.
- Rebecca (teacher at Randolph Elementary Schools) on December 16, 2012
YOUR PAINTING LOOKS UNIQUE.....We like the colors and how neatly you worked Mrs Aulis's class
-- ART
- on January 20, 2011