Hattie59's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Hattie59's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Congratulations Randolph Art Students on winning a Best Of Show ribbon at the Tunbridge Fair! I am so proud of the way you all worked together on this piece and how many amazing creative ideas you had in creating this collaborative sculpture. Beware to any Garden Thieves who wander into our new school garden!
-- ART
- Rebecca (teacher at Randolph Elementary Schools) on October 2, 2013
This Animal portrait is one of your best pieces and represents a lot of effort on your part. Your artwork shows that you carefully tried to draw what you saw accurately and used colored pencil to create texture in your animal drawing. Thanks for your hard work. I think it was successful to keep asking, "How can I improve this?" and hope you agree.
- Rebecca (teacher at Randolph Elementary Schools) on June 2, 2013
I like the way you used color in this painting. The silver outlines pull it all together. You worked hard on this
-- ART
- on April 20, 2013
I am so impressed with how cooperatively you and your classmates worked to create these bowls with the goal of raising funds to buy local foods for our Cafeteria Program. The people who came to the Harvest Festival were amazed at how special they were and how hard the RES 5/6th graders worked on them. Thank you for your efforts!
- Rebecca (teacher at Randolph Elementary Schools) on October 31, 2012
Hattie--I love your horse--what a great job you did!! Now that is a colorful horse!!! Wish I could draw as good as you!! Keep up the good work!! Love Grandma & Grandpa Russell
-- Sandy
- on June 28, 2012
Hi Hattie-- Grandpa & I love your artwork!! This new picture of the snow and trees is beautiful. We also like all of your other pictures too!! What a great artist you are!! Love you! Grandma & Grandpa Russell
-- Sandy & Charlie
- on June 28, 2012
Hi hattie. awesome Hattie.I did a project like that last year!yours is better. :P
-- olivia
- on November 26, 2011
Hattie, I LOVE your new art work!! what a great thing to do in art class....helping to raise money for people in need after Irene! Way to go!!
-- Sarah
- on November 26, 2011
Hattie, I love your loon! you did such a good job and took so much time to paint it so it looks real!Keep up the good work! Love your mom!
-- Paula
- on July 7, 2011
Hattie, I love your artwork!!! Your loon is amazing! I am so glad I can view your art online!! Keep up the great work!! Love you! Aunt Sarah
-- Sarah
- on June 10, 2011
OH MY GOSH! I TOTALLY LOVE YOUR SUN!-Krista!(from your class) * -
-- krista
- on April 1, 2011