Henri25's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Henri25's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Coucou Henri, Tres joli travail Henri,je te felicite. J'aime beaucoup les couleurs,et je pense que tu as voulu representer le monde,c'est original! Gros bisous.Grandma.
-- Jacqueline
- on September 7, 2012
Henri, This is one of my favorite types of art... I would love to have this piece to frame! The use of negative and positive space is what printing at Minuteman is all about. Keep up the great work! XOXOXO
-- Mamy Jeanne
- on September 7, 2012
Henri - a centipede? now that is an interesting subject. I like the writing around the image - that is one of my favorite presentations! What medium did you use to make the art? Love ya!
-- Mamy Jeanne
- on December 13, 2011
Bonjour Henri, je suis heureuse de recevoir tes oeuvres de nouveau, un rayon de soleil dans la maison. Je reconnais ton profil sur ce dessin ? que tu as agrémenté de tout ce qui te plait..et d'un beau drapeau.Bravo,j'aime beaucoup. Je t'embrasse.Grandma.
-- Jacqueline
- on October 12, 2011
Gotta love a guitar artist! The shape and colors are just perfect. Can't wait to see what materials you used. Keep up the good work! XOXOXXO
-- Mamy Jeanne
- on April 30, 2011
Henri, This is quite a bird! Is it 3D? It looks extremely complicated to wrap the paper around the head. I look forward to hearing about it and seeing it soon! XOXO
-- Mamy Jeanne
- on April 18, 2011
Henri - this is so cool! I love the bright colors and how modern it looks. You're a star :-)
-- Mom
- on April 10, 2011
Oh Henri! I didn't think there would ever be a new favorite for me...I like all your art but I think this one is the best of all... I don't know how you make it look so real...the shadows, the colors...it is wonderful!
-- Aunt Marji
- on April 2, 2011
WOW! This is amazing! Can't wait to see the original! C U Soon! Mamy Jeanne
-- Mamy Jeanne
- on December 17, 2010
This is my favorite - it is so neat and must have taken a long time to make...Congratulations on a really cool piece of art.
-- Aunt Marji
- on May 11, 2010
Very cool! Keep up the great work.
-- Andrew
- on May 6, 2010
Henri, J'adore regarder tes oeuvres, c'est magnifique: de très belles couleurs et un tableau très original. Je t'envoie de gros bisous.Je pense à toi. grandma.
-- Jacqueline
- on April 20, 2010
Bonjour Henri, J'aime beaucoup ce que tu as dessiné, les différentes couleurs sont belles et forment un joli ensemble. Bravo et bisous de grandma et granpa.
-- jacqueline.
- on April 9, 2010
Henri, this is terrific work, and I especially love the design!
-- Mom
- on March 5, 2010
Clay houses?! Henri, I am anxious to hear how you made these. What about the white house with the red, orange and blue? You are quite an architect. XOXO Mamy Jeanne
-- Mamy Jeanne
- on February 9, 2010
Cher Henri, Je trouve très beau cet ensemble de petites maisons,très colorées.Celle du milieu parait être un personnage ,c'est une idée géniale.Bravo. J'aime aussi le bouquet ,que tu as fait précédemment. J'attends maintenant avec impatience ta prochaine oeuvre d'art. Bisous.Grandma.
-- Jacqueline
- on February 9, 2010
Wow Henri - this is really cool! I love the detail on each building, and how they all have a different color scheme. You're terrific! Mom
-- Stephanie
- on February 6, 2010
Henri - This looks almost as hard as putting together 1000+ Legos. Congratulations! It is really a work of ART! Hugs! Mamy Jeanne
- on January 11, 2010