Claire1600's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Claire1600's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Claire, Another winner--color, form--beautiful! Love, Grammy
-- Margaret
- on June 27, 2010
Claire - Wow, what a nice piece of artwork. I love birch trees and you did a great job with this. Keep up the great work! Miss Mary Ellen
-- Mary Ellen
- on June 27, 2010
Claire Bear, All of your pictures are beautiful, but my favorite is the winter birches. It reminds me of being a teenager, where some of my favorite memories were made at your grandparent's house. I can't wait to see some more of your work! love, wendy
-- Wendy
- on June 26, 2010
Claire - I love your art work - Wow the colors are awesome and you did a great job on this particular piece. Take care and keep up the great work :-) Sincerely, Ms. Mary Ellen
-- Mary Ellen
- on May 25, 2010
This is a really beautiful watercolor, Claire! I love it. Love, Mom
-- Lizz
- on April 14, 2010
Wow Claire. I am quite impressed.
-- Groog
- on April 12, 2010
Hi Claire, You know how much I love birch trees! They enhance the landscape in every season, even in winter against a background of snow casting their shadows, which you have so artfully portrayed. I am so pleased to be witnessing your growth as an artist as well as a person. Grammy
-- Marge
- on April 11, 2010
I love this piece, Claire! The colors and balance are really pleasing to my eye. Your artwork brings me lots of enjoyment. Love, Mom XOXOX
-- Lizz
- on February 21, 2010
Uncle Mike and I enjoyed getting the opportunity to see your beautiful artwork! Our school has participated in this program, but only by offering the students the chance to purchase items, not by providing them with the internet fanclub. This is an awesome opportunity for you, and I can't wait to see your next pieces. Love, Aunt Sarah P.S. Is there a Cat piece in your future? :)
-- Sarah
- on February 21, 2010
Hi Claire, This is such a beautiful piece of art! I love the compostion, design and colors. The whole piece seems to be bathed in light. You have a rare gift for which you should be ever thankful! I look forward to viewing more of your artwork. Love, Grammy
-- Marge
- on February 11, 2010
I am so proud of you Claire!!!! You have done a fantastic job! You are such a talented artist! Keep up the beautiful work! I always said you were going to be famous some day . . . lets see . . .:) ~Kristin, aka Miss A
-- Kristin
- on February 9, 2010