Anthony5219's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Anthony5219's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Two of your favorite hobbies Anthony. LOVE IT!!!! Keep up the good work. Love mommy
-- Kelley
- on March 2, 2011
I love your Matisse cat, Anthony! You are a true artist and I love your portfolio. Keep up the good work...I can't wait to see more of your masterpieces. :-)
-- Aunt Nicole
- on December 8, 2010
Anthony......LOVE your winter picture!!! Especially the snowman!
-- Mommy
- on December 8, 2010
Wow...this is the best Roller Coaster I have ever seen. I would love to take a ride on one that looks just like that! Great job Anthony!
- on February 16, 2010