Dennis387's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Dennis387's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dad is so proud of you! This is one of my favorites.looks like your going into the dark forest to see the ghosts n goblins that await you!!!
-- Dennis
- on February 21, 2013
Hi Denny, Wow you really have quite an artistic flare, I love this piece, I like the colors you chose. I didn't know you were such an artist. I hope eomeday you will make le a painting for my home. I think you have a lot of talent. Love Aunt Sheryl
-- Sheryl
- on February 16, 2013
HI Dennis(LG),Looks GREAT---keep on painting, remenber every artist is an individual & devepops his own unique style. Hope Santa was good to you. happy New Year to you & your family. vince
-- Vince
- on January 15, 2013
I like your color choices, very nice...Keep up the good work Dennis!!!!
-- Howie
- on January 8, 2013
Great work.
-- Michelle
- on January 5, 2013
-- bbbbb
- on November 14, 2012
Hi Dennis (LG),Art reveals the inner feelings of the artist & yours shows to me a very caring & loving person who is very creative----keep up the good work. Hope U are doing well in school(Keep up with your homework) and are getting good marks. Your friend, Vincent(ME1)
-- Vincent
- on November 14, 2012
Hi Dennis(LG), You are really getting there. You are extremely creative......keep going. Also,hope you are doing your homework. I'm sure you are & getting good marks. Just keep doing what you are doing. Vincent ME1
-- Vincent
- on November 19, 2012
Great job Dennis, very creative, keep up the good work!!!!!
-- Howie
- on November 1, 2012
Hi Dennis, Wow, you are quite the artist! I really like the abstract works and Falling Backwards (my favorite!). Keep up the good work! Howie
-- Howie
- on June 28, 2012
HI LG, Great creative art work, Keep it up.
-- Vincent ME1
- on June 28, 2012
Hi Dennis, I really like your latest drawing of the two ice cream cones. I particularly like the chocolate chip mint with the patriotic white & blue! I'll bet chocolate cip mint is one of your favorites too! Howie
-- Howie
- on July 1, 2011
Dennis, You a true artist! Have you posted any new artwork? Keep up the good work! Howie PS: I'm looking forward to seeing more great works of art from you!!!! See you at the Cub Scouts!
-- Howie
- on July 1, 2011
Keep up the good artwork denny mommy and I love you very much!
-- Dennis
- on June 22, 2011
Hi LG, Love your artwork. There are wise old owls but we know this one in a wise young owl. Kee up the good work. Vince
-- Vince
- on June 20, 2011
Dennis, I am proud of all your work this year. Keep drawing, painting and making creations. Love you.... Mom
-- Michelle
- on June 19, 2011
Hi Dennis, I really like your artwork! My favorite is "OWLS." I have always liked owls since in was a little boy. I became involved with the Cub Scouts when my son, Gary, wanted to join Pack 50 in Randolph, and have some fun. Serveral years later I took an adult leader training called Wood Badge. As luck would have it, I ended up in the Owl Patrol. I was happy that I became an "owl" because they are so wise. Keep us the good work...your mom is very proud of you artisict ability, cooking skills and all the other things you do! Howie
-- Howie
- on April 27, 2011
Excellent work Dennis. Keep up the good work. Love, Mom
-- Michelle
- on December 5, 2010
To my son who im so proud of! Keep drawing your art because you do great work your family loves seeing your work love dad and mom
-- dennis
- on September 27, 2010