Ethan4092's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Ethan4092's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi E. good job :) I loved it. Keep it up!!! I love you. Xoxo. Abby S
-- Abby
- on January 27, 2014
Phenomenal colors and great piece of art! We love the various shades of blue, green and hint of red-orange. It reminds us of a whale ready to jump out of the water. Keep sending us you wonderful artwork. Love you, Grandma Karen & Papa Bob
-- Karen
- on October 21, 2013
Good job I am so proud of you!!! Keep it up!!! Xoxo Abby
-- Abby
- on October 21, 2013
Hi Ethan - Extremely colorful! We like the big eyes and the horns. This mask would make a great wall hanging. It reminds Papa Bob of the beautiful masks we saw in Venice, Italy. We love seeing your art. Keep it coming. Grandma Karen & Papa Bob
-- Karen
- on October 21, 2013
We really like modern art especially when it's as colorful as yours. Another great job! We love seeing your art appear on our computer again. Keep up the good work! Grandma Karen & Papa Bob
-- Karen
- on October 7, 2012
Nice job on drawing the contour line of your leaf. I hope you had fun re-discovering the magic of primary colors and seeing how fun it can be to blow paint!
- Jacqueline (teacher at Lakeview Elementary) on September 30, 2012
Hi Ethan - Great Job! Self-portraits are always hard to do and you have done a wonderful job. Great detail. Keep sending us you art. Love you. Grandma Karen & Papa Bob
-- Karen
- on October 5, 2012
Wow, Ethan! You are really becoming quite an artist! Did you have to look at yourself in a mirror to do this or did you remember what you looked like (hee hee hee). Love you, Nana
-- Colleen
- on October 5, 2012
nice job E i love it keep it up
-- Abby
- on November 18, 2011
Hi Ethan - Papa Bob and I think you did a great job in creating your alien monster because it's hard to work with chalk. Wow! We also had fun picking out all of the planets you included in your drawing. How did you know what Papa Bob looked like when he got done flying? Keep having fun with your art. We love seeing it. Love you, Grandma Karen and Papa Bob
-- Karen
- on November 16, 2011
Hey, Ethan! I like your intergalactic chalk monster...he looks like an alien from another galaxy. He even reminds me of some of the ancient drawings of unknown creatures in history books! Wow!! Pretty cool looking. See you soon. Love, Nana
-- Colleen
- on November 12, 2011
- on November 12, 2011
Hi, E-man! I think your fish looks like one you caught up north last summer...except it didn't have any green on its rear like your art project. You'll have to have your dad show you how to make pottery if he hasn't already. I bet he couldn't make a fish that would be as good as this one though. Love ya. Nana
-- Colleen
- on November 12, 2011
Hi Ethan - Another fantastic art project. Papa Bob likes your use of colors. I'll bet you had fun working with clay. The big eyes and mouth remind me of gold fish I've seen in ponds. Keep having fun with your art. We appreciate your sharing it with us. Love you. Grandma Karen
-- karen
- on October 17, 2011
Hi Ethan - This is brilliant! It's a very colorful and intricate piece of art. It reminds me of some of the art I have seen at museums. I'm so impressed. You are doing so well with your art projects. Love you, Grandma Karen
-- Karen
- on April 6, 2011
WOW!! Ethan, this is way cool! It actually looks like a real artifact. Totally awesome! Love, Nana
-- Colleen
- on April 5, 2011
What medium did you use for this? Acrylic paint, chalk, markers, or ??? I like it. Love Nana
-- Colleen
- on March 24, 2011
How did you like using water colors? Aren't they cool? I think I like them almost as must as oil pastels. Beautiful job, Ethan! Love Nana
-- Colleen
- on March 24, 2011
I remember this one from last year. I thought it showed your talent already even in first grade. I still have a copy of it that I have saved. Great job. Nana
-- Colleen
- on March 24, 2011
Okay... are those my missing keys? (Just kidding.) Isn't art fun?? Nana
-- Colleen
- on March 24, 2011
This butterfly is way too cool. He (or she) almost looks prehistoric--- like a fossil. Neato! Love, Nana
-- Colleen
- on March 24, 2011
Hey, Ethan! I just received your artwork web site information. Way to go -- I love every one of your pieces! I can't wait until you and I can do some more of this kind of stuff with my craft supplies up here. You know how I love color -- apparently you do too. Love you, Nana
-- Colleen
- on March 24, 2011
Ethan - The "Tree House" piece of art is very colorful. It certainly is bright with your favorite color orange in it. It looks like you have a ladder for people to find their way down from the tree house once they have been up there. Keep working on your art projects. I like receiving them. Love, Grandma Karen
-- Karen
- on February 15, 2011
Great Job E-Man! Love ya partner, Dad
-- Jeff
- on January 12, 2011
Hi Ethan - I like the bright colors you used in your butterfly collage. This butterfly looks like it could glow in the dark. It's so much fun to see your art on my computer. I can't wait to see your next piece. Love you. Grandma Karen
-- Karen
- on November 21, 2010
Cool butterfly E-man!!
-- Gretchen
- on October 1, 2010
E-man this is my favorite picture. I love the colors. Keep up the great work!
-- Joelle
- on April 22, 2010
Wow, Ethan. It's very smart on how you used various items to make this robot. I really like receiving you art. Keep it coming. Grandma Karen
-- Grandma Karen
- on April 10, 2010
Ethan - This is a really cool piece of art! It's very colorful. I love the school bus. I can't wait to show this to Papa Bob. Please keep sending me your new art. I love you. Grandma Karen
-- Grandma Karen
- on February 8, 2010
Ethan, I love the color you used in your city collage. You are quite talented!! I love you, Mommy
- on February 2, 2010
Ethan - These are two really good pieces of art. We love the colors you used on your "Watercolor Fish." It looks like you gave a lot of thought to picking out the colors. Also, the "Warm and Cool Lines" piece of art is very expressive. We are looking forward to viewing your future art. Great job, Ethan. Grandma Karen and Papa Bob
- on December 18, 2009