Mason1924's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Mason1924's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your use of color is exemplary in this piece. You have really captured the movement of the whale and achieved the look of water falling from the whale's back. Your artwork reminds me of my trip to Alaska. Continue practicing your art!
- Jacqueline (teacher at Lakeview Elementary) on April 28, 2013
Mason, what a beautiful piece you have created! You have some great talent and I can't wait to see more of your art!
-- Cathy
- on December 1, 2012
Nice job on drawing the contour line of your leaf. I hope you had fun re-discovering the magic of primary colors and seeing how fun it can be to blow paint!
- Jacqueline (teacher at Lakeview Elementary) on September 30, 2012