Mandy222's Comments (56)

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Below are comments about Mandy222's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Mandy girl, you do such good work!!!! Auntie Keri misses you and loves you!!!
-- Keri
- on May 12, 2010
Mandy - What beautiful flowers! So we have an artist and a florist, all rolled into one! Great job sweetheart! Love you! Grandma Sandy
-- Sandy
- on May 7, 2010
Mandy- I love how the boats look close and farther away. The colors you used look just like a sunset! Love you- Auntie Lisa
-- lisa
- on April 18, 2010
Sweet Mandy Girl, What a unique sailboat painting! But is it morning or night? They say, "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning - red sky at night, sailor's delight!" Hope it is at night:) Love you, Grandma Sandy
-- Sandy
- on April 18, 2010
Mandy this is so pretty and i Love the pink in the sky! Love Mommy
-- Mommy
- on April 18, 2010
Mandy, What a beautiful fabric collage! I love your choice of colors and the doll in the center is just adorable! Keep up the good work! Love you, Grandma Sandy
-- Sandy
- on March 20, 2010
Manders this is fabulous. As I look at the "hat" I see that it represents so much! The sun and birds and flowers and home are all such happy things. You are so creative and so blessed to see things in such a delightful way! We love your creativity. Grandma and Poppy
-- Candace
- on March 20, 2010
Mandy giril, What a fun imagination you have. Dr. Suess would love your hat. You did a great job. I love you. Love, Mommy.
-- Mommy
- on March 20, 2010
Mandygirl, what a delightful hat! Wish I had one just like it! I would like to hear the story behind it too. Love you, Grandma Sandy
-- Sandy
- on March 8, 2010
What a fun hat sweetie! Did you have fun creating it? love you-Auntie Lisa
-- Lisa
- on March 8, 2010
Mandy! This is so interesting!! I love the different materials you have used and the buttons are so cute! Thank you for sharing with me. Love, Grandma Candy
-- Candace
- on February 20, 2010
Wow! Mandy this is some of your best work yet, I love the buttons and the lines are so nice. Great work honey. I am so proud of you. Love, Mommy
-- Lisa
- on February 20, 2010
Hey Mandy-girl, how cool is this! Love the buttons. You are so creative and talented! I just love your work - and look forward to much more. Love you, Grandma Sandy
-- Sandy
- on February 18, 2010
Wow Manders this puts me in the Valentine mood already! This is so festive and happy! Thank you so much for sharing your art and talent with all of us. Love you so much - Grandma Candy
- on February 11, 2010
Just in time for Valentine's Day!! I am a big fan of HEARTS!!! Very nice work Mandy girl!!! I love you and think you are doing a super good job.
- on February 11, 2010
Wow mandy...I absolutely love the hearts. The designs/patterns on each heart are beautiful. Love you!-Auntie Lis-
- on February 11, 2010
Mandy, What a beautiful Valentine's Day picture! The colors and designs are so delicate and perfect for Valentine's Day! You are a great artist and a pretty terrific granddaughter! Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on February 11, 2010
Mandy-Nice pattern repetition. I like how you left lots of white so the hearts pop off the page. Great job. Mrs. N.
- on February 11, 2010
Mandy- I love your self-portrait! Good work sweetie! Auntie Lisa
- on January 16, 2010
I knew it was you right away! I would know my beautiful granddaughter anywhere. Love those georgous baby blue eyes!!! Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on January 16, 2010
Mandy - I knew this was you before I knew it was a self-portrait. The blue eyes, the blonde hair and those luscious lips. There's even a twinkle in the eyes just like yours! Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma Candy
- on January 16, 2010
Mandy, I love the shape and color of your eyes and your hair color is right on. Your lip sure are a birhgt pink. Are your cheeks really that chubba bubba? Love Mommy
- on January 15, 2010
Your flowers are beautiful! Love you sweetie!
- on December 23, 2009
Mandy, your artwork brings tears to my eyes as I realize the beauty that you are inside and out. You are an inspiration to me! I love you girly...Auntie Keri
- on December 22, 2009
Mandy, what beautiful poinsettias! You did such a great job - again! We are so blessed to have such a talented artist in our family. Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on December 22, 2009
Mandy this jar is so full of life - just like you. I love the sun and star and cross and the book. They all a symbols of you!! Looks like you might be on a road trip too - I hope you are coming to see me soon!
- on December 22, 2009
Mandy, this is terrific! This looks just like something I would walk across the room to look at and admire in a store! This is a picture that makes me think of how much love you have in your heartand how you share it with everyone who you are with! Love, Grandma C
- on December 22, 2009
Mandygirl, what beautiful Cardinals! You did such a great job - everything looks so real and I love the colors. I am very proud of you for the great work you do and for who you are. Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on December 22, 2009
Mandy, I love the red of the cardinals. How did you think of this setting for the picture? Ut gies great with the birds. Love you - Auntie Lis
- on December 13, 2009
Mandy, I sure love this picture with the Cardinals. They are one of my favorite birds, because I love the color red. You did a great job on painting them. What sunshine you bring to everyone who meets you!! Thank you for being such a happy heart. I love you weensie girl!! Love Auntie Keri and the girls.
- on December 13, 2009
Mandy you did a great job on the owl. He looks so fun and silly and real. Love you, Mommy
- on December 1, 2009
Perfect time of year to make an owl...I love this one too! Good job weensie girl, Love Auntie Keri
- on November 30, 2009
Hi Mandy girl, Once again your work is beautiful. I really love all the wonderful colors. You did such a good job!! Love, Auntie Keri and the girls!!
- on November 30, 2009
Wow Mandy!I love this art work. The colors in this piece are amazing. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love you- Auntie Lis
- on November 19, 2009
Mandy - The owl reflects your great imagination! I am so impressed....another great piece of artwork. I love you. Grandma Linda
- on November 19, 2009
Mandy girl I am so proud of how well you are doing in school. I love your artwork. This owl is awesome! I love you. Daddy.
- on November 19, 2009
Wow Mandy! That is the best owl I've ever seen! You are doing great work and I'm very proud of you. Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on November 19, 2009
Mandygirl, great job on yor Jar what isin there? You have a great imagination. Love Mom
- on November 19, 2009
Mandy I love your owl. He looks very friendly and tall! You love art don't you! Love, Mommy
- on November 19, 2009
Mandy this is beautiful!
- on November 19, 2009
Hi Mandy Girl, I meant to comment on a different one too, but I think I did something wrong. Anyhow, I am so pleased to see what hard work you put into your projects. I love this one too!! We love you and look forward to seeing more. Love, Auntie Keri and the girls!!
- on October 25, 2009
Hi Mandy Girl I am so proud you!! Your artwork is so beautiful. Wow...I was so excited to get this email from you, I had no idea you were even doing this...what a super awesome surprise. I can't wait to see what else you do. I hope you know what a special weensie girl you are. I love you, Auntie Keri and the girls!!
- on October 25, 2009
Mandy, You are such a special girl and your artwork is so beautiful. We love you so much!! Keep up the good work. Love, Auntie Keri and your cousins...Savannah, Olivia and Bella
- on October 24, 2009
Dear Mandy, Wow! Another great piece of artwork! I like detail you created in this one. Keep up the good work! I love you. Grandma Linda
- on October 23, 2009
Dear Mandy, You are quite the artist! I am so happy, that you can share your great artwork! I love you. Grandma Linda
- on October 23, 2009
Hi Mandy! I love this drawing! It shows a wonderful use of your imagination. It reflects a lot of joy in your heart and makes me happy just looking at it. Love, Joanna
- on October 23, 2009
Mandy Girl, You are really growing into an awesome artist. I love the wonderful smiling faces. It makes me think of yor beautiful face! Love, Mommy
- on October 15, 2009
Love your artwork Mandy girl! Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on October 14, 2009
I love that you are able to share your wonderful art work with us online - Love you- Auntie Lis
- on October 8, 2009
Mandy not only is the artwork so great your handwriting is fabulous. I would never believe you are in the 1st grade - looks like 2nd or 3rd grade printing to me!! Keep up the great work.
- on October 7, 2009
Wow Mandy, I knew right away this was a lime on a table. Such great use of color on the inside of the lime. Your an excellent artist! Love, Mommy
- on October 6, 2009
Manders! This is so beautiful! Poppy loves blue so this is a big huge hit for him to enjoy. We can't wait to see your other works of art. Thank you for sharing the gifts the Lord gives you! Grandma and Grandpa Swayne
- on September 30, 2009
Mandy-Beautiful use of line. I really like how you colored in the dots in the blue section. The curved lines look like lace! Nice job! Mrs. N.
- on September 30, 2009
Wow Mandy, this is spectacular! Who knew we had such a talented artist in the family!! Love you, Grandma Sandy
- on September 29, 2009
Mandy- You are becoming quite an artist! I love the colors you used. :)
- on September 29, 2009
Mandy Girl, Wow what an awesome painting. You really did a great job with the lines and great color choices. I love you! Love Mommy.
- on September 29, 2009