Cassandra695's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Cassandra695's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Cass, I guess this is the last grade school piece of art to be posted. Cool bird. Thank you for sharing your creativity all these years. Love you.
-- Mom
- on June 4, 2015
Hi Daughter, What cool fish-makes me think of "Mister" and (almost) wish we had a fish tank full of your colorful sea life-Ha.
-- Mom
- on February 20, 2015
Cassie keep studying your art. I think you have good potential. I loved doing and teaching Tole Painting. This could be a great hobby for you and possibly you might learn to teach classes.
-- Sue Sue
- on December 31, 2014
Hey Daughter, I bet those horns would sound some jazzy music! Love the colors.
-- Mom
- on November 10, 2014
Hi Daughter, I can almost smell the yummy hot chocolate. These mugs are so colorful - they make me smile and want to have a bit of chocolate!
-- Mom
- on May 28, 2014
Wow Cassie, I love the metallic gold! That Egyptian tomb would have been bright even with no flashlight.
-- Mom
- on May 23, 2014
Hey Cass, I bet this guitar would put out some awesome tunes! You rocked last night at the school 80's dance.
-- Mom
- on May 23, 2014
Hi Cassie, Did you do two pieces in this theme? I commented on another one earlier that did not have do much blue sky. I wonder which one is your if not both. Mom
-- Carrie
- on January 8, 2014
Oooohh Cassie, The leaves will be turning around here soon but I doubt they will be this striking. I have seen photographs where the water was a mirror image of the shore scenery - your painting is wonderful like that.
-- Mom
- on October 9, 2013
Hey Cass, There sure are alot of hearts on that wallpaper. What is that walking with the sun in the background? I do not have my glasses on and it is too small for me to tell. With so much detail, I bet this took awhile to do. I like it.
-- Mom
- on October 9, 2013
What vibrant colored feathers - I bet you could catch some GOOD dreams with this. Sweet Dreams, my Love, I'll see you in the morning.
-- Mom
- on October 9, 2013
Hey Cassandra, this makes me want to be able to peak inside and see the next smaller doll - like we do with our Christmas nesting dolls. I wonder how tiny these get?
-- Mom
- on May 6, 2013
Cass, I love the colors, expecially the purples. Wouldn't it be fun to walk through a forest where the trees had extra curly branches!
-- Mom
- on May 6, 2013
Hey Cassie, I wonder - is Medusa having a "good hair day" or a "bad hair day" -Ha. Bet she can't pull her hair back in a ponytail! Great Job.
-- Mom
- on May 6, 2013
Cassie, that is what your Dad would call a "Dagwood Sandwich". Do you think he could get open his mouth that wide?-Ha. Are some of those "ingredients" still alive?-Ugh. I might just stick with the drink and fries! Love ya'.
-- Carrie
- on May 21, 2012
Cock-A-Doodle Doo. What a funky rooster! It's almost like a "Find It" picture from Highlights Magazine. I like it.
-- Mom
- on May 21, 2012
Who? Who? Or is it Hoo, Hoo? I bet you were too young to remember that night we sat at the dining room window to listen to and watch the big Hoot Owl over on the neighbors chimney. What a neat thing to experience.
-- Mom
- on May 21, 2012
Cass, Way Cool. I wonder if the guitar Granddad gave you kids would look good in these colors.-Ha (I think we better leave it the way it is).
-- Carrie
- on May 21, 2012
This makes me hope we get enough snow to make snow angels. Remember when you made one on the trampoline? I like it when we make a whole family of snow angels too!
-- Carrie
- on May 21, 2012
Well Cassie, what beautiful colors in the sky. Just lovely!
-- Carrie
- on December 20, 2011
Aloha Cassie, is that Carina in the water with you? This looks like a fun place to swim!
-- Mom
- on May 16, 2011
Morning Cassie, Those are some "way cool" cats. Bet Carina would like to chase them!
-- Carrie
- on April 1, 2011
I REALLY like your dragon. The colors are fantastic!
-- Mom
- on January 28, 2011
Wow, now that you have drawn a penguin, can you walk like one too? Ha, Ha. I like the snowflakes in the sky.
-- Carrie
- on December 9, 2010
This is wonderful, Cassie!! I really like the floating building. What a cool space ship and you used great colors!
-- Carrie
- on November 23, 2010
This looks great. It reminds me of the 4 panels we had it our living room before the fire---I wonder if you remember those since your were so little!
-- Carrie
- on November 2, 2010
Roar!!! This is great! The elephants, giraffes, hippos, etc are cool. I like the hat and glasses on the girl too.
-- Mom
- on May 25, 2010
Fantastic! I bet this is what that peacock at Hughey's would have looked like if he had fanned his tail feathers for us!!
-- Carrie
- on May 17, 2010
What a GREAT mask! I can imagine it carved out of wood-it would be very powerful. What is all the "writing" across the top?
-- Carrie
- on March 31, 2010
WOW, great job on the snowman. The colors are outstanding.
- on December 11, 2009
Fantastic, Cassie! I like the snow forts on either side of your snowman ready for snowball fights.
- on December 11, 2009
Oh my word, Cassie, there sure are a lot of people in that audience. You put so much detail into this picture - I really like it!
- on December 7, 2009
Wow, Cassie, what a cute stocking stuffer-Ha.
- on December 4, 2009