Olivia3873's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Olivia3873's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job as always Liv~
-- Linda
- on November 21, 2010
I really like your fish, Olivia. Your art is very beautiful!
-- Melba
- on November 21, 2010
Beautiful young lady and an awesome artist. Great job Olivia....you make us proud (and maybe a bit jealous?)
-- Linda
- on November 21, 2010
What a beautiful piece of artwork you created, Olivia! You really did a great job with all the different colors you used. The placement of the fish and other objects are nicely spaced in your picture. You are a very talented, creative artist. Keep thinking of even more super good ideas, dear and keep up the fantastic drawing to share with us. Love, Tim and Kathy
-- Tim and Kathy
- on November 21, 2010
Olivia, You’ve really done it this time. Just when I thought you couldn’t get any better. Out comes your beautiful peacock! I love all the colors, the spotted purple and green background, all the patterns, and …and… those legs. They really make it look like its walking. You really brought your peacock to life. I can imagine it walking around in my own front yard. Showing off ALL its gorgeous colors to all my neighbors and saying, “Look how beautiful I am!” I can’t wait to hang it up. Love, Sharon
-- Sharon
- on September 16, 2010
Oh Olivia, you created another gorgeous drawing! Our art teacher, Mrs. Barnard, was in my office the other day. She asked, “Whose drawings are those on the wall?” It not only gave me a chance to share your art work, but gave me an opportunity to share how beautiful the little girl doing the art work is too. She was so impressed and couldn’t believe you were only in the first grade. She said you definitely had a gift from God. Keep up the good work! Love, Sharon
-- Sharon
- on September 16, 2010
- on September 16, 2010
Fantastic picture!!!! I love peacocks and I really love this one! Good job!
-- Suzanne
- on September 16, 2010
Olivia, How interesting your safari animal is. I'd like to hear you tell me about it. You are such a good artist with the use of lots of good color! Keep up the beautiful work. You are going to be an artist like your mom and Kelly.
-- Melba
- on September 16, 2010
Wow Olivia! What another gorgeous painting! Your kitten even has the colors of Christmas, green and red. I was wondering if this was a picture of one of your little kittens you have at home. Do you have a name for the kitten in your picture? If not, what would you name him/her? You received soooooo many compliments from students and teachers from BMS on your first painting. I can't wait to put this painting up in my office right beside the other one. You have even encouraged some of my students. Many have said they would like to create beautiful paintings like yours. Keep up the good work Olivia!! We are soooo proud of you. Sharon and the students/teachers at BMS
- on December 23, 2009
Olivia, You have another masterpiece! Very pretty collage. Keep up the good work.
- on December 23, 2009
WOW - Olivia, I love the way this cat looks! The colors and creativity are so good. Way to go girl! Does this look like the cat's in your backyard? Love You, Aunt Dana
- on December 23, 2009
Oh Olivia, this is such a wonderful picture so full of color and beautiful smiles!! I am going to copy your picture to frame and decorate my office. I can not wait to show off your first published artwork to all of my students and co-workers. Continue to keep up the good work and let God use you and your talents to bring smiles to many more faces. Sharon
- on November 13, 2009
Beautiful art work Olivia!! I am going to buy a magnet with your drawing on it every time you do a new piece of art work! Way to go! love you bunches. -your big sis :)
- on November 13, 2009
Olivia, Your mom asked if we would like to visit artsonia and see your latest artwork. I'm SO glad she did!! What a wonderful job you did! I love the colors and the smiling faces! You have great potential and show a talent i sure didn't have in 1st grade! Keep drawing!
- on November 13, 2009
Olivia, This is such a WONDER-full picture. I can almost hear these angelic voices Praising the Lord. You are a gifted artist. What a blessed gift God has given you. Keep up the great work. God bless you, Olivia. Sister Carol Anne, RSM
- on November 13, 2009
Hi Olivia, Thank you so much for your creatieve and colorful art. Looks like a happy dance! Great job! Gives me big smile!
- on November 13, 2009
Olivia, When I saw this picture, I thought I was at the wrong website - I thought this was done by someone much older than you. Did you know that you are very talented and gifted as an artist? WOW - girl you have it going on! I guess you are going to be an artist like Mommie - but I think maybe better! Love You Lots - I am very proud of you! Aunt Dana
- on November 7, 2009
Olivia: This is a great picture. I liked your choice of colors, and the picture shows you are very creative. I wish you lots of luck in your future as an artist, you are off to a good start. Your friend, Earline
- on November 6, 2009
Olivia, I am so proud of this drawing. You have learned so much and have used color and spacing and distance etc in this. I love it!! You are a up and coming artist. Love you sweet girl, Mommie
- on November 6, 2009
Great artwork, Olivia! I did not know you could draw so well. I will have to share this with April and Gavin. They love to draw, too. We will have to see some more of your artwork. We are proud of you! Love you, Kathy & Tim
- on November 6, 2009
Olivia, This is a beautiful piece of artwork. I like the way you filled the entire page with lots of color and interesting detail. You are a terrific artist!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more! Melba
- on November 6, 2009
Awesome picture! Love the concept(idea for drawing), use of colors, and the style of the drawing! That picture looks like it was done by a budding artist for sure. I should know because my son is an artist and I can recognize talent when I see it.
- on November 6, 2009