XZadrian1's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about XZadrian1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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All the art in this section represents a review of all of the Elements of Art. Each mini project is based on one of the specific elements.Several different techniques were executed also when creating the art. (drawing, painting, collage). These mini projects are put together in a small accordian book that you will be able to use to study for the end of the year evaluation. Also you have created a great resource to carry with you to middle school. It will be helpful as you continue with your art education. Each mini project demonstrates that you do know how to identify and create art using each element and several techniques. Several major standards in art education were successfully demonstrated in the completion of this book project. A job well done! Good for you! Please add artist statements to any or all of your artworks. Your virtual sketch will be on line for only 1 more year. I hope you enjoy looking at and remembering all the wonderful work you have done in art!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on April 26, 2014
All the art in this section represents a review of all of the Elements of Art. Each mini project is based on one of the specific elements.Several different techniques were executed also when creating the art. (drawing, painting, collage). These mini projects are put together in a small accordian book that you will be able to use to study for the end of the year evaluation. Also you have created a great resource to carry with you to middle school. It will be helpful as you continue with your art education. Each mini project demonstrates that you do know how to identify and create art using each element and several techniques. Several major standards in art education were successfully demonstrated in the completion of this book project. A job well done! Good for you! Please add artist statements to any or all of your artworks. Your virtual sketch will be on line for only 1 more year. I hope you enjoy looking at and remembering all the wonderful work you have done in art!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on April 26, 2014
All the art in this section represents a review of all of the Elements of Art. Each mini project is based on one of the specific elements.Several different techniques were executed also when creating the art. (drawing, painting, collage). These mini projects are put together in a small accordian book that you will be able to use to study for the end of the year evaluation. Also you have created a great resource to carry with you to middle school. It will be helpful as you continue with your art education. Each mini project demonstrates that you do know how to identify and create art using each element and several techniques. Several major standards in art education were successfully demonstrated in the completion of this book project. A job well done! Good for you! Please add artist statements to any or all of your artworks. Your virtual sketch will be on line for only 1 more year. I hope you enjoy looking at and remembering all the wonderful work you have done in art!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on April 26, 2014
Wonderful work. You have shown me that you have a good beginning understanding of the four basic drawing techniques of shading, hatching, cross hatching, and stippling. Remember, these techniques help to give a 2D image a more real or 3D look. Remember also to use the contour of the object when applying these. Do NOT draw straight lines across a round object. Trust your brain, it will tell you that something is wrong. If the object is curved so should your shadow lines be curved. Practice makes perfect so get some Sharpie pens and practice away!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on April 7, 2014
Creating a 3D sculpture using only painted paper is a challege, as you found out. It takes PERSISTENCE to roll those tubes and create the base upon which your beautiful flower sculpture sits. You have achieved the standard of creating a 3D paper sculpture. As you continue to make art, your skill level will improve. Remember again that good art and being a good artist takes time to develop your skills. Nothing this beautiful comes easy. A great job and I am proud of the beautiful results. Keep up the good work.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 16, 2013
Your sculpture characters are fantastic and so very creative! What a great job done by all my 5th grade students. The standard of creating an original art work from trash is achieved by all students. Using their imagination to create something original was another standard presented and achieved with this project. The final projects are simply awesome. Feel free to add any comments or artist statements to your project. You can do that from home too. What was the most challenging part of this project? I know at first when you saw the examples you never thought yours would be as cool and now that you are finished..............these are even cooler than the examples on the internet. YOU GO 5TH GRADE! Be sure to compliment your favorite artist and join fan clubs so you never miss when an art work is published to this site. Terrific work!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 4, 2013
What a great job you all did on this project! I know how much you learned about Using the elements of art to create fantastic Street Art. I am sure that you now have a respect for every Graffiti artist AND I know you will look at the trains that pass through our town a little more closely. Your creative lettering is very good and inventive. You also used freeform shapes to "frame" your name and make it the Focal Point of your art. You have achieved the standards of creating signature art in the style of Graffiti. Your work is fantastic! Enjoy your projects. Hey, these would look good as magnets for your fridge at home! Very creative colors, patterns, letters, and borders! So proud of each one of you!. Looking forward to our next project.
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on December 4, 2013
What beautiful Adrinka cloth designs! Everyone did a great job with the printmaking part too which is not easy as you found out. Good use of pattern and color to imitate real tribal colors and designs. Love the addition of the Rya Knots to give this project very polished results. Another great job by my fantastic and talented 4th grade. Whoo hoo!
- Carol (teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary) on May 5, 2013