Emilee250's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Emilee250's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job, Emilee. Really is nice work. Is that your idea or did the teacher have everyone do the same thing? It seems very innovative and fresh. I like the concept of the swing going so high the girl disappears from the picture.
-- Phyllis
- on May 27, 2010
Emilee, this carousel horse is absolutely great! Congratulations on your newest art work. How did you do it? It looks like "fabric art" to me. Is that the media? Memaw
-- Memaw
- on April 5, 2010
Oh, Emilee, this is a reallygood picture. The trees look like they are receding, and the blue shadows create a cold the viewer will feel. Makes me shiver to look at it. The path on the right is realistic. You are making a lot of progress. You should be proud of your work.
- on January 30, 2010
Great self-portrait, Emilee!!! Pappaw said he'd even be able to recognize your work as you! And that is a pretty good compliment. The eyes, nose and mouth are exceptionally good -- and the red hair -- that's you (a little brown and yellow mixed in with the solid red would have looked more like you real hair color, I think. Try that next time). Love, Memaw.
- on December 17, 2009
Emilee, this turtle looks great. Is this a pastel or chalk on black paper? Is this a line drawing? How did you do this piece of work? Too bad you didn't get to travel to Trinidad and see the big leather back turtles and even ride one back into the sea like your Mom did when she was a little girl. Did she tell you about Granny and Granny Lew FINDING the big turtle on the beach? Ask her about it? Good work, my little artist!!!!
- on November 4, 2009
Wonderful! Well done, Emilee. I appreciate your line drawings as I know just how hard they are to do. Especially your conch shell, one would think you had drawn it by looking rather than sketching it without looking at your paper. Keep up the good work, you are becoming a very good artist. I expect to see lots more of your work since you have a venue for showing. What a great service.
- on September 12, 2009
Wow! Great job Em... I love the shell and the flower is beautiful
- on September 11, 2009