Tyrza1's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Tyrza1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! This is unbelievable! Nice work T. I am very impressed by your talents. Keep up your great work... you are doing awesome! Love you.
-- Dad
- on September 6, 2015
Looks like a nice cat. Very good T. Good job! Love you.
-- Dad
- on September 6, 2015
Hey. How did you think of this? T, you very talented. This is very good artwork! Congratulations on another great piece. Mom is right... this is cool! Love you lots.
-- Dad
- on September 6, 2015
Oh T-Bert, you make it look so easy! This is beee you tiful! Keep up the great art... love to see your work. Sure does make it look coooold and wintry! Love, Dad
-- Dad
- on September 6, 2015
Wow Tyrza! This one is so cool!!!
-- Gretchen
- on October 13, 2010
What an amazing seahorse!! Tyrza, seriously, this is very good art! You did a wonderful job on this piece. I love all your art- keep it going. Congratulations. I love you, Dad
-- Dad
- on October 8, 2010
This makes me hungry!! I want to eat it!! Great art T! Love you, Dad
-- Dad
- on April 15, 2010
Hi Tyrza, You do amazing artwork!! I LOVE all your work you have done... I know you have spent a lot of time on them! Great job T! I love you. Love Dad
-- Dad
- on April 14, 2010
Tyrza, This is very nice. It really does make me feal like a peaceful night under a great big starry sky. I like all or your pictures. I didn't know you were so talented but I'm sure glad that you are.! Grandpa
-- Kehl
- on April 14, 2010
Tyrza, This sandwich looks good enough to eat. When I was your age we used to call this kind of sandwicha a "Dagwood". Wish I was there to help you gobble it up. Grandpa.
-- Kehl
- on April 14, 2010
I like doughnuts on my sandwich, I like doughnut sandwich please. Don't for get the extra cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!
-- Stephanie
- on April 14, 2010
Oooh That's kinda neat!! How did you do that? I like it.
-- Stephanie
- on April 14, 2010
I just saw your "Snowglobe" project...and I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
-- Mom
- on April 13, 2010
Tyrza, We are so proud of your artwork! You always have such amazing images to share with others. I hope you'll continue to keep learning new ways to create art, and that you'll always love the art you make. I'm so pleased you have the opportunity to focus on art at VPA! Keep up the great work!
-- Mom
- on April 13, 2010