Trey714's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Trey714's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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trey: that is a great drawing-you did that yourself? did you make it up?? either way it is grrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaat!!!!
- on June 19, 2009
Very cool, Trey! I really like his eyes. . . they say "so much"!! Love you, Mom & Dad
- on June 10, 2009
Trey, love the new artwork! There are so many things it could be when you use your imagination-- so far I can see a Chinese fish or bug, a new kind of dragonfly or butterfly, of course these would be with the black and yellow circles being it's head. I really like all the colors you used and the way you used them. Hope you are feeling better today. love, grandma sharon
- on March 29, 2009
Very good, Trey. I really like the new one.
- on March 29, 2009
Trey , love the new artwork, especially the colors and the shading. Keep up the good work. love, grandmat
- on January 15, 2009
Awesome work, Trey. You can really see the depth in the picture. Keep up the great work! Love you! Mom & Dad
- on January 15, 2009
Trey, I love all your artwork, but especially the "draw the other side" that one is fantastic!!!!!!! I have signed up for them to send me when you have new artwork -can't wait to see more!
- on January 13, 2009
Love the BIG snowflakes, Buddy. Looking forward to seeing some of the real thing in December! Love you! Mom & Dad
- on November 23, 2008
I hope you get to see the real snow when you visit us Christmas. I can't wait. Nannie
- on November 12, 2008
Wow, this is great work, Buddy! We're so proud of you and can't wait to see the next one. . . Love you, Mom & Dad
- on October 23, 2008
Trey, this is a wonderful piece of art. Poppy said it looked professional. Keep up the good work. I might want this one framed for our house.
- on October 23, 2008
Trey, I love the shapes and colors. It looks like I'll have to get another key ring.
- on September 24, 2008
Awesome work, Little Man! We just love seeing your artwork online. . . too cool. Keep up the great work!
- on September 24, 2008