Payton443's Comments (366)

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Below are comments about Payton443's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So, this might be your last project in elementary art class. Where did you put your little wizard. He's as cute as can be. Clay isn't easy to work with but you did a good job. I expect to see him on your shelf when I see you next time. Love, grandma E
-- Grandma
- on May 27, 2015
Payton, I love your wizard you did such a great job on all of the details of him. I love his hair and mustache. The color you chose certainly looking you. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on May 27, 2015
Payton, this is a beautiful sunset. All your colors really portray a fantastic place to be right now. I wish we were all there. ?????? Love, grandma e
-- Kathy
- on April 23, 2015
Payton I love your worry doll, you did a fantastic job on all of her details. Can't wait to see her when you bring her home. Keep up the great art work. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 23, 2015
Payton, the directions for this project seemed complicated to me. I really do like your finished project though. As always, you have done great work. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on April 23, 2015
Payton, Love your unusual picture, I have never seen a picture where your face is the center. Great job! Keep up the great pictures, Love Nana
-- Ann
- on April 23, 2015
Payton, I would never have guessed your artwork was a color wheel. I can tell you were meticulous in how you placed your colors and shapes. I really like your pattern. Another great project! Love, Grandma
-- Kathy
- on March 29, 2015
Payton, love your colorful design you are truly an artist. Keep up the great work. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on March 29, 2015
Payton, your Cardinal is such a vivid red color. It really looks beautiful on that blue background. They really are that beautiful right now outside. Great work! Again. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma e
- on February 12, 2015
Payton, Your Cardinal looks great, just like the real bird. Your details are awesome. Funny , I saw a cardinal in our neighbors tree just yesterday. It's hard to believe that they can survive in our winters. You are such an artist , keep up the great work. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 12, 2015
Payton, it's a amazing what you can do with glue for an art project. The colors are so brilliant and you seemed to know which colors to put next to each other. The final product is very Christmassy. I like it a lot. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E
- on February 12, 2015
Love your Christmas picture Payton. Did you like using gel glue? I have never used it before. Your picture is really colorful. Can't believe its almost Christmas. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 12, 2015
Wow, Payton! That a beautiful picture. I can tell you put your heart in this project. You surely did make that horse come alive on paper. I love it. Love you, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on February 12, 2015
Payton, what a colorful haunted house. I like the shape and design you used. You probably had to use your imagination and be creative. You did a great job. Love, Grandma E
-- Grandma
- on November 19, 2014
Payton,Your haunted house is awesome! Love the way your drew the front door open, makes me want to go in EEK!! The detail in your picture is great,love the second story and the signs in the yard. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on November 5, 2014
Payton I love your tree. It certainly reminds me of fall. Your color choices were really beautiful . Can't wait to see your next creation. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on November 5, 2014
Payton, this really looks like stained glass. I cannot believe how the colors flow together. What a beautiful representation of a tree. Once again, you have done a wonderful job. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on November 5, 2014
Payton, I love your color choice for this piece of artwork. The white tree really stands out. There are many shapes and designs which make your piece interesting. I love it. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma E
- on November 5, 2014
Payton, I absolutely love your picture. Especially the color.,its my favorite color! The white object in the picture really brings out the pink. It reminds me of Christmas tree. So far I think this is my favorite picture! Love you lots, Nana
-- Ann
- on November 5, 2014
Payton, I love your awesome picture! Your worms are so colorful. You did a great job. Can't wait to see all the great creations you will make this year. Lots of Love , Nana
-- Ann
- on September 21, 2014
Payton, your piece of work is beautiful. I have never seen a design like this. It really grabs your attention. I am always amazed with the work you do. Love, Grandma E
-- Kathy
- on September 21, 2014
Payton, I would have guessed your predominant color would have been pink. I imagine you had fun filling your paper with designs and color. Enjoy your art class and we will enjoy the work you do this year. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on September 21, 2014
Payton,I love your first painting,I could spend alot of time looking at all the beautiful designs in your picture .I also love the colors you chose to use. Can't wait to see another piece of art from you. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on September 21, 2014
Your bird, Payton, has such vibrant colors. It looks like it might be in my bird book. I can't identify it but it sure does stand out on that tree limb. It sure does remind me of spring. What a great job you did! Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on May 17, 2014
Your bird is fabulous , you did a great job of drawing the bird. The colors of the bird is a wonderful job of blending the colors. There would be no way that I could draw free hand . Love Nana
-- Ann
- on May 17, 2014
What a beautiful way to illustrate a flower, Payton! The warm colors you chose made your flower look like it was almost 3-D. Keep up the great work! Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on May 17, 2014
Great job, Payton !
-- Richard
- on May 17, 2014
Payton, Love your picture of the flower. It looks like its glowing! It certainly makes me feel like spring is around the corner. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on May 17, 2014
Wow! Payton you sort of wrote your mini biography here. I like the way you planned out what you were going to say. I agree with all you said. You are a very special girl. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on March 31, 2014
Payton, the shades of blue really do look good in this piece of work. Blue is one of my favorite colors. The gal you made here looks like she is happy to be your subject. I would be too. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on March 31, 2014
Payton Love your art project! Love the idea that you wrote statements that describe yourself. Your comments describe you perfectly. I also love the picture that you made for your background. Keep up the great project.l. Love , Nana
-- Ann
- on March 31, 2014
Payton, I'm so glad to see another piece of your art work. Your monochromatic portrait is beautiful, you have so much detail in your picture. Were you able to pick your color? If so, I knew you would pick out shades of blue. Hope to see another piece of art work soon. Hugs and Kisses, Nana
-- Ann
- on March 20, 2014
Payton, I really like the color you chose for your valentine. It is unusual. The line of symmetry makes it look like a professional piece of artwork. You are really producing some great work this year. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on February 10, 2014
Payton, I love your heart, it's beautiful. It would make an awesome valentine. You did such a great job on the design. Keep up the great art work ! Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 3, 2014
Payton, this is a cool city picture. It reminds me of your perspective work you did last year of a city. You are learning so many different ways to make interesting artwork. I am glad you can share your work. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on January 22, 2014
Payton, I love your city. It reminds me of Kansas City at night. It is really a cool picture. Keep up the great work. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on January 22, 2014
Payton, Wish you could give me some of your ornaments for our Christmas Tree. They are beautiful, I love how you added the wire hangers - smart thinking. Can't wait to spend Christmas with you. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on January 22, 2014
Payton' I really love your picture. I especially like the colors you used. See you soon!! Love Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on January 22, 2014
I loved this project because I love drawing animals that are very cute. "I LOVE ART!"
-- payton
- on January 22, 2014
Payton, your tree definitely looks funky. You really used your imagination with this project. That's when it becomes fun. I like your creation. Keep using your imagination. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on January 22, 2014
Payton. What a scary tree!! Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on January 22, 2014
Payton loved your picture as soon as I saw it I thought of the Grinch. Your art work is always so creative . Keep up the great job ! Hugs and kisses Nana
-- Ann
- on January 22, 2014
Great picture Payton. You a Always Do such a good job!!! Love Granddad E.
-- Richard.
- on December 5, 2013
I agree with you, Payton. Your deer really does look real. I am not sure how you put the shapes together but you did a great job. You are such a great artist! Love it. Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on December 5, 2013
Payton, I love your deer, it looks so real it could walk right off the page. You are such a great artist I wish I could be 1/4 artist you are. Your deer looks just like the ones we see at the lake. Keep up the great work. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on December 5, 2013
Payton, your tiki looks frightfully real. Making a 3-D piece of art looks difficult, but you make it look like you easily put all the features together for your final project. Still enjoying your artwork. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on November 13, 2013
Payton, Love your Tiki, I know you spent alot of time making it. It looks like there were many stages that you had to go through to create it. It will certainly be something that you will want to keep. Great job as usual! Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on November 6, 2013
Payton, what a beautiful pumpkin. The colors are so vivid. You chose just the right colors to make it so beautiful. I love it. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on November 6, 2013
Payton, Great pumkin. It looks like it might be able to talk. Only if it had a mouth. Good job. LOVE YOUR ART WORK!! Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on November 6, 2013
Payton, Love your pumpkin it reminds me of the one we saw at the pumpkin patch. You know we should have bought that one!! The colors are so bright and beautiful. I bet you enjoyed using pastel paint . Can't wait to see your next creation. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on November 6, 2013
Payton, at first I thought you had woven this Indian blanket. Your bright colors really make this picture look like real. I am sure you spent a lot of time making it just the way you wanted it. Way to go, Payton. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma e
- on October 28, 2013
Great job, Payton. I really liked the Way you mixed the colors. Love Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on October 28, 2013
Payton, Is that really a drawing or is it the real thing? Your blanket looks like I could take it off the wall and put it on my floor! It is beautiful, I love the fringe it looks so real. You amaze me how your drawing just keep getting better. I think this is my favorite so far. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on October 28, 2013
Your painted pumpkins are beautiful, Payton. It sounds like it took a long time to make your project. Nothing looks more like fall than pumpkins. I am glad you are able to share your artwork. Love it, Grandma
-- grandma
- on October 2, 2013
Payton, What an awesome pumpkin patch ! Your pumpkins are beautiful. I love the different colors. Can't wait to see your next creation. Lots Of Love , Nana
-- Ann
- on October 2, 2013
Payton Great picture. I really liked the colors you used. I look foreword to seeing more artwork Love. Granddad E
-- Richard
- on September 16, 2013
Wow, Payton! You did such a fantastic job on your cityscape. I could never pick my favorite artwork that you have done over the years. You are such a talented girl. I hope to see many more this year and next. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on September 16, 2013
Payton, I love your picture! The designs are beautiful and I love the shapes of your buildings. You are truly a great artist! Can't wait to see what you create next. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on September 16, 2013
Payton, this is fantastic. I think this may be my very favorite piece of work you have done and you have done some wonderful work. That black background with those bright colored flowers really caught my eye. LOVED IT. Grandma
-- grandma e
- on May 13, 2013
Payton, I just love your flower arrangement, the flowers are absoluately beautiful you did a wonderful job of creating each one. I would love to have your arrangement in my house! Can't wait to see your next creation. Love you Lots,Nana
-- Ann
- on May 13, 2013
Wow,Payton! This is gorgeous. I am still not sure how you did this. I may ask you to show me. It looks so much like a 3D picture that I had to read the instructions carefully. It is fantastic! Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma e
- on April 18, 2013
Really Cool, Payton!!!! Granddad E
-- Richard
- on April 18, 2013
Payton, I love your creation. It looks like a beautiful flower that I would love to plant in my yard. You will have to show me how to draw a design like that, I love It !!!!! Nana
-- Ann
- on April 18, 2013
Payton, how cool is this! I like the background you used as well as your colors. It is really striking the way you used the colors in the colorwheel to create this beautiful piece of work. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma e.
- on April 18, 2013
Payton, I love your picture of your beautiful decorated bottles. Someone looking at your picture wouldnt realize they are bottles because you did such as great job of designing them. Can't wait to see what you create next. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 18, 2013
Payton, your picture is so vibrant and bright. I really like the colors you have chosen and the shapes and designs you used. I am so glad that your art teacher has so many wonderful ideas for her students. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on March 6, 2013
Payton, I love your beautiful design! It's amazing how many different color you can make just mixing the primary colors. You did a great job. Is there anything you can't do well !!!! Can't wait to see your next creation, Lots of Love Nana
-- Ann
- on March 6, 2013
Nice work, Payton!! Love, Granddad E
-- Richard
- on March 6, 2013
Payton I love your picture. You can make me, tour favorite Granddad fro St. Louis A valentine when we come out this weekend. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on February 6, 2013
Payton, I can see why you like Laurel Burch's art work. I love your valentine picture. It certainly reminds me of a quilt. You did a wonderful job of making beautiful patterns. Keep up the great art work. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 6, 2013
Payton, I really like all the vibrant colors and patterns you used in your heart artwork. It looks like a valentine. The border makes it look like a framed piece of art. I am glad you share your work. I always look forward to seeing what you are going to do next. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on February 6, 2013
this looks really cool
-- rachel
- on January 28, 2013
Payton, you have done another great job. Your tree surely does look tall. With no leaves on the tree, the snow really makes it look like winter. I think I can see some sunshine though. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on January 28, 2013
Payton, I love your tree it reminds me of the trees we have in our yard. You did an excellent job in bringing out the wood grain of the tree. The picture surely reminds me of winter. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on January 6, 2013
Payton, I absolutely love your work here. It is so colorful and striking. I know it must have taken a while to do but it was worth it. Fantastic! Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on January 6, 2013
Payton, what a great technique to use when drawing buildings, you will have to show me sometime how to do that. I love your bright colors, it makes me think of New York City with its tall buildings. Keep up the wonderful art work. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on January 6, 2013
Payton, I really liked your picture. I think it is the best one yet! You really did a good job!! Love Granddad E
-- Richard
- on January 6, 2013
Payton, I love your hand-painted Santa. Painting made the colors very vivid. Enjoy doing all your Christmas projects this month. It is such a fun time to be in school. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma e
- on December 17, 2012
Payton, I love your Santa, especially his hat. If he wore it driving his sleigh it would certainly be flying in the air with its long tail!! I love it Its the kind of Santa hat I would like to wear,Ha Ha Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on December 17, 2012
Lovely Santa, Payton!! I really like his Hat.
-- Richard
- on December 17, 2012
Hey Payton I love your Robot wish you could make him come alive I could use some help around the hoildays! Again you did a great job. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on November 21, 2012
Payton. I love your picture. It will look amazing in your bedroom at the lake. I love his checker shirt and his colorful face . Keep up the awesome pictures. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on November 12, 2012
Payton, Very interesting face? Who do you think it looks like? Love Granddad E
-- Richard
- on November 12, 2012
Payton, your lily looks very real. It looks like it could be floating in a pond. I hope you save it for us to see when we come. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on October 29, 2012
Payton Nice work! You did a great job sweetie pie! Keep up the good work!!!
-- Richard
- on October 29, 2012
Payton I love your beautiful lily. It reminds me of the lilies we put in our fountain but I like your pink color better than our white ones. You did such a good job on the petals. Its fun to work with clay isn't it? I can't wait to see it in person when you bring it home. Lots of love, Nana
-- Ann
- on October 29, 2012
Payton, this project allowed you to be creative with design and colors. You did a great job on both. I didn't know much about Aboriginal art. Now I do. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on October 15, 2012
Payton, Very nice picture! I liked the way you overlapped the markers To create different designs. You are a great art student. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on October 13, 2012
Payton, I love all of your colorful patterns, some of them remind me of sandwiches and some remind me of a quilt, doesn't that sound silly of me to say that! Keep up the great pictures. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on October 13, 2012
Payton, I liked the leaf patterns that you used in your picture. The blue background made the leaves pop out. It is really an eye catcher. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on October 1, 2012
Payton, What a great picture. I really like it. You did such a great job. Good luck in 4th grade this year. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on September 30, 2012
Payton, I love your leaf creation it's beautiful! I especially love the colors you chose. This might be my favorite picture so far this year. Keep up the great art work. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on October 1, 2012
Payton, Iam so impressed with your pumpkin patch! I loved the way you shaded your pumpkins with pastels. Great job---hopefully we can find pretty pumpkins like yours when we go pumpkin shopping. Lots of love, Nana
-- Ann
- on October 1, 2012
Payton, I love your picture, it certainly reminds me of fall. I always loved to do crayon rubbings when I was your age. Keep up the great art work! Lots of Hugs and Kisses Nana
-- Ann
- on September 22, 2012
Payton, I am really impressed with what you did with your pumpkin picture. It really looks 3-D. The splash of orange pops out in your piece. The blue background really makes the pumpkins stand out. Enjoy your student teacher! Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on September 22, 2012
i love your picture it is spooky and cool at the same -ellie-
-- ellie
- on September 22, 2012
Payton, I'm so glad you have your art work on line again this year! You did a great job of adding so many different details to the Mona Lisa. Can't wait to see more great art work this year. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on September 12, 2012
Payton, it looks like you had a great time decorating Mona Lisa. I will say she looks a little different. I especially liked the tie. I hope you have a great time again this year in art. Love, Grandma
-- grandma E.
- on September 5, 2012
I live here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- payton
- on July 14, 2012
come on sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- payton
- on June 25, 2012
something weird is going on
-- payton
- on June 20, 2012
Here is my name!! It is a great name.
-- Payton
- on June 17, 2012
i am a gingerbread girl!!!!!
-- payton
- on June 10, 2012
this was my first art work at ceder creek and i did not lison to not do the strips.
-- payton
- on May 25, 2012
look at me,look at me!
-- payton
- on May 25, 2012
Payton, it looks like you had fun doing this art project. I imagine you enjoyed reading all the Eric Carle books as well. I like the way your teacher mixes reading with your artwork. You are learning so much. Love, Grandma E.,
-- grandma E.
- on May 3, 2012
Payton, When I taught my class loved for me to read the Eric Carle's books. They always loved his pictures the best. I love your bright colors and shapes. Only a few more weeks before you need to pick your favorite art picture for your plaque. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on May 3, 2012
i am going to sit and relax!!!! right? yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- payton
- on April 17, 2012
i love your flowers!!!!!
-- ryan
- on April 14, 2012
Payton, what a beautiful vase of flowers for your mom. I think this is my favorite piece of artwork that you have done this year. I really like the way you placed the flowers in the vase and the colors you used. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on April 14, 2012
Payton, not only do I love your beautiful flower arrangement, I love your colorful vase what a great picture! It's getting close to the time you need to decide what picture you want for your plaque. Love you. Nana
-- Ann
- on April 14, 2012
I am in a kolitascope. Do you like the new me?
-- payton
- on April 14, 2012
this was a really cool thing and it is a girl!!!!!!
-- payton
- on April 14, 2012
Payton, I think your bird looks like a penguin too, only the colors are prettier. You added so many details. He looks like he might be dancing because it is spring. Love, Grandma
-- grandma E.
- on April 14, 2012
Payton, I love your bird wish we could have him or her live in one of your trees at home he or she looks like they are very cocky!!!! Ha Ha Love Nana
-- Ann
- on April 14, 2012
Payton. I love your bird! It looks like it could fly off the paper! Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on April 14, 2012
Payton, it must have been fun mixing colors to make your shades of orange. You put them together in your artwork beautifully. I especially like the shades of green you used between the oranges. I think you must have used your imagination. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on April 14, 2012
Payton, Love your picture, isn't it fun to mix colors usually when I mix colors while painting the picture turns into a muddy mess!!! Ha Ha Keep up the great pictures Lots of hugs and kisses, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 14, 2012
The Starfish reminds me of the beach!
-- Stephanie
- on March 12, 2012
Payton, I love your picture ___ you know what your picture reminds of? It reminds me of the beach and a beautiful starfish! I can't believe you made your starfish out of tracing your scissors, how clever! Keep up the beautiful art work. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on March 12, 2012
Payton, I really thought you meant to make a starfish. I didn't realize there were scissors in the picture until I read about your project. How creative! It could be a beautiful flower also. This looks like a fun project. Love ya, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on March 12, 2012
Payton Very nice work! Love, Granddad E
-- Richard
- on March 12, 2012
Well, Payton, I really like your little person on newspaper. I have never seen anything like this before. I think you probably had to use your imagination on this project. Well done. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on March 12, 2012
Payton, If your girl had brown hair I could swear it was a picture of you! How cute!! I would have never guess you would draw on newpaper and be able to make such a neat picture.. Keep up the great art work. Lots of hugs, Nana
-- Ann
- on March 12, 2012
What a beautiful picture with the many colors. It almost looks like a sunset in the background. Your tree really stands out, Payton. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandma
-- grandma E.
- on March 12, 2012
Payton, I LOVE this picture! I think its my favorite so far this year! I love the beautiful tree you made with the delicate curls of the branches and your background is a wonderful mixture of pastel colors. Great job again! Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on March 12, 2012
Wow, Payton, This is really neat. I bet you had fun playing with the ipad. I like the color combination that you used. You are learning so many new things. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, your cursive writing looks excellent. I didn't know you had started writing cursive yet. I like the way you did your picture with the contrasting colors. I could tell right away that you had written your name. It is really "cool."
-- grandma E.
- on February 4, 2012
I love the way you did your name in art class! Do you know I used to do the same with my name when I was your age? It's fun do go over your name with different colors. Keep up the great art work! Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, Another beautiful picture! I love the different designs on your heart , I especially like the colors you chose. It reminds me of a beautiful top for a cake! Keep up the wonderful pictures. LOts of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 4, 2012
Good job Payton! You did a great job! I look forward to more pictures. Luv, Granddad E
-- Richard
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, I really like your blue paint and the contrasting colors on your artwork. I like that you did a valentine heart a different color than red. I could pick out the details in your heart also. Be proud of your work! Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, what a pretty snowflake. The blue background really makes this scrolling project stand out. What a work of art! I bet you have fun making it too. Love, Grandma e.
-- grandma E.
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, your paper sculture is beautiful! It looks like a a very detailed snowfake, you will have to plan on hanging it on a window. Keep up the wonderful art work. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, your gingerbread house looks like it would be fun to make. You included a lot of features and I especially like the candy canes and Christmas trees. Love, Grandma
-- grandma E.
- on February 4, 2012
Payton I love your gingerbread house! It looks so delicious with all of the candy decorations, I wish we could eat our way right up to the front door!! You did an excellent job of showing depth in your picture. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, I love your ornament. I imagine that was fun to make. I will look for it on your tree this weekend. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on December 20, 2011
Payton, I loved your homemade ornament, It will look great on your tree! Can't wait to see it. Each year that I see it I'll remember your third grade art class. Lots of Love---Nana
-- Ann
- on December 20, 2011
Payton, what a unique pop-up chair. It looks like you followed directions well. I would like to know how you did that. Your artwork is getting more complicated. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma E.
- on December 20, 2011
Payton, I'm so impressed with your picture! It looks like I could just walk up to the chair and sit on it. Great job as usual, you will have to show me how you can make an object 3-dimensional in a picture. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 4, 2012
Payton, I really like your pattern with the colors you used together. It is really bright and beautiful. I am glad you shared it. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on November 22, 2011
Payton, I reallllllly like your painting! Great colors! Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on November 12, 2011
Payton, I love your mosaic -- you did such a great job with designing a beautiful pattern! I especially like the colors you picked out.. Keep up the great art work, Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on November 12, 2011
Payton, I can't believe you created Native American pottery-- they look wonderful! I thought you really made a piece of pottery -- it doesn't look like a picture. Great job again. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on November 12, 2011
Payton, your pots look so real. You have some very tiny designs which probably took a lot of time to do. I am sure you were very proud of your work when you put it altogether. You should be. I always look forward to what you are going to do next. Love, Grandma
-- grandma
- on November 12, 2011
Payton I love your Mask! Isn't it amazing how you can transfer your design by rubbing it on the other side of your paper. Keep up the great pictures. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on October 7, 2011
Payton, your imagination gave you lots of ideas for making designs filled with bold colors here. You did a great job following directions. I know you must enjoy your art classes. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on October 4, 2011
Payton, I love your colorful man , he reminds me of a creature from outer space with his one eye! You did a wonderful job filling him in with all the bright designs. Keep up the great pictures. Love , Nana
-- Ann
- on October 4, 2011
Wow! Zendoodles! I never heard of them before. I love what you did with them. I know you will have another great year of artwork. Your teacher is amazing too. It sure looks like fun. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on September 2, 2011
What a great picture! Good job, Payton Love, Granddad E
-- Richard
- on September 2, 2011
Payton, I'm so excited to see your art again. I missed it over the summer. I love you Zendoodles- that is a new word for me! You did a great job creating all those lines, keep up the wonderful pictures this year. You will have to show Papa your picture when he comes over to your house. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on August 31, 2011
Payton, I am glad that I haven't met your bugs yet. They look pretty ferocious. You continue to do wonderful work. I can't wait to see what you can do in third grade. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on May 31, 2011
Payton I love your bugs!! You did a wonderful job of drawing each one with all their detail. I'm so glad summer is right around the corner. Lots of love, Nana
-- Ann
- on May 31, 2011
Payton, your flowers are beautiful. It looks like a garden of many colors. You have some unusual shapes of flowers which make your work look very interesting. I love your flowers. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on May 15, 2011
Payton, I love your picture. I really like your colors! You did a great job. Love Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on May 15, 2011
Payton, I love your flowers!!!! Wish they were growing in our yard. I love your bold colors too, they really stand out when you outline them in black. Keep up the beautiful pictures, I will miss seeing them this summer. Love Nana +
-- Ann
- on May 15, 2011
Payton, you continue to amaze me with your skill as a artist, I love the clowns and the different looks of each face . Keep learing , love Ya PaPa
-- benny
- on May 3, 2011
Payton, you did a great job with your three clowns. I could never have done this. You are learning so much in art. I am proud of all you do.. Love, Grandma
-- grandma
- on April 28, 2011
Payton, I love your clowns. They look like they could start talking anytime! Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on April 28, 2011
Payton, I love your clowns and their different faces. You did an excellent job as usual. Which look is your favorite? You will have to share that with me . My favorite clown's face is the bottom clown. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 28, 2011
What a beautiful and colorful peacock, Payton! The feathers almost look real. The blue background really makes your peacock look special. Great work! Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on April 17, 2011
Payton, I love watching you grow as an artis, learning new skills to improve your work, Thanks for sharring with me !! Love Ya Pa Pa
-- benny
- on April 17, 2011
Payton, Great picture. I really like your work lil' Ryan ;).
-- Richard
- on April 13, 2011
Payton, I love your peacock! I especially like how you remembered that at the end of their feathers they have a circle of feathers too.Her body is my favorite color---- keep up the great pictures. Lots of love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 13, 2011
Payton, I love your clown, He looks just like the ones at a circus! I especially like the color of his shirt. Keep making the great pictures, the school year will soon be over and I'll miss your art work until next year. Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 3, 2011
Payton , I love the color you used on the bird, the bird looks like she needs to find a nest to lay her egges for the spring.The robbins I have seen this spring look the same way, it is a sure sign that the summer is close , love ya PaPa
-- Benny
- on March 31, 2011
Payton, I love your tropical bird he's beautiful!!!! It makes me feel like we're on an island. The time is getting close to decide what picture you want on your reward. Lots of Love , Nana
-- Ann
- on March 28, 2011
Payton, what a beautiful tropical bird! You did a great job showing all his beautiful colors. He looks like he could be sitting on a limb in the tropical forest. I am so glad you are able to share all your work. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on March 27, 2011
Payton, What a great looking bird! It is so colorful. You did a great job! Granddad
-- Richard
- on March 26, 2011
Wow, Payton! Your sunset is gorgeous. It looks like the perfect place to visit. You made it look so real. What a great job you did! Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on March 11, 2011
Payton, your drawing reminds me of the trip to Captiva, do you remmeber the sun set we saw on the beach ? You are great in your art works,keep it up, Pa Pa
-- benny
- on March 11, 2011
Payton Great work! I really like your colors. Love Granddad E
-- Richard
- on March 9, 2011
Payton, I love your picture---- you know what it reminds me of--------------- our trip to the ocean!!!!!!!!! -- You are truely an artist I'm so proud of you- You are so good at everything you do! Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on March 9, 2011
Payton, You are learning so much about the way art is developed, I love watching your progress. This painting looks like it can jump off the page , so the 3d works for me ! Love ya Pa Pa
-- Benny
- on March 8, 2011
This was very creative, Payton. I really liked the colors you chose. I think you must have a lot of fun doing your artwork. I wish I had done all the projects you have done when I was in second grade. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on February 24, 2011
Payton, I love your painting! It reminds me of art work you would see in a very expensive art gallery. It looks like a modern painting someone would buy to hang in their home. Bravo- Bravo you artist you!!!!!! Hugs and Kisses, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 24, 2011
Payton, Nice work! I really like your colors. Love Granddad E
-- Richard
- on February 24, 2011
Payton, I love your hearts, the one in the middle reminds me of the lake or the ocean.Your heart has always been open to me,but just remember I will always LOVE YOU MORE !! PaPa
-- Benny
- on February 24, 2011
Who would have guessed, Payton, that your beautiful hearts were made of coffee filters. How clever! I bet you had fun making your hearts just right. I can tell you worked hard to make a beautiful piece of artwork. Keep it up! Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on February 24, 2011
Payton, You did a great job on your hearts. You have a good day. Love, Granddad E
-- Richard
- on February 24, 2011
Payton, I love your beauiful hearts! Who would know that you could make such beautiful hearts with coffee filters! Would you show me how to do that when I'm at your house? You are so good at making great shaped hearts that are so even on both sides, thats because you have practiced at home. LOve, Nana
-- Ann
- on February 24, 2011
Payton you amaze me with your ability with your art work, you are very creative, I love sharing your work with the people I work with. Love ya Pa Pa
-- benny
- on January 29, 2011
Payton, I really like the colors in your artwork. You did a really great job. Keep up the good work. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on January 29, 2011
Payton, I love your hot/cool picture. You did great job creating the beautiful lines, I especially love the colors you used. It makes me wish that spring was here! Keep up the wonderful art work and remember you get to pick one at the end of the year for your plaque . Lots of love, Nana
-- Ann
- on January 29, 2011
Payton, I could never imagined how you did this beautiful piece of work until I read what your teacher wrote. This sounded like quite a project. What an amazing job you did! Love, Grandma E.
-- Gradma
- on January 29, 2011
Payton I love your bear, the heart shape nose was a great idea, you need to ask your mom if you can use some of her Latese on the bears eyelashes to make them even longer. I love seeing your art work.The snow ice cream you made me was great, thanks Pa Pa
-- benny
- on January 29, 2011
Payton, your bear looks so happy. I don't know what vine charcoal is, but you sure did do a great job. He looks like he could be in our yard right now with the snow on the ground. I hope you are enjoying your days home from school. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on January 12, 2011
Payton, What a kind looking polar bear. He looks like he belongs at the North Pole. You did a great job! Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on January 12, 2011
Payton, I love your adorable snowbear! Especially the long eyelashes. Maybe we will have some snow next week and you can show me how to make your bear. If there's enough snow maybe we can make snow ice cream too. Keep up the beautiful art work. Love , Nana
-- Ann
- on January 12, 2011
Payton, your poinsettias are beautiful. This really reminds me of Christmas. It looks like snow on the petals. You are one great artist. I am amazed every time I see another piece you have done. Love, Grandma E.
-- grandma
- on December 13, 2010
Payton, What a wonder picture. You sure did a good job. This is one of your best pictures. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on December 13, 2010
Payton, I love your poinsettias - they are beautiful and certainly remind me of Christmas! Don't you love sponge painting? I always loved to sponge paint in art class.. when I was in school. Love you, Nana
-- Ann
- on December 13, 2010
Payton, I imagine this Santa was a little hard to make since you had to tear all the paper. You took your time and did a great job. I don't think I could have done this. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on December 6, 2010
Gee, Payton, I missed this one. That sure is a long neck. I think you followed your instructions really well. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on December 6, 2010
Payton, What a great looking Santa. He looks so happy and will be busy real soon. Love, Granddad E
-- Richard
- on December 6, 2010
Payton , I love seeing your art work and I share it with the people I work with . Thank You for following the teachers instructions , you look like a rubber neck girl. Maybe you could look around corners, Ha Ha !!!!! Love Ya , PaPa
-- Benny
- on December 4, 2010
Hi Payton, I'm so glad to see another painting from you, I've missed seeing them. Your picture shows me you really listened to your teacher when she explained to you about the artist. I love how you made your neck long and tilted your face, I recognized your pony tail and blue eyes. Keep up the great pictures. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on December 4, 2010
Payton,I love your spooky ghost! It was fun making it wasn't it. Halloween is just around the corner. I wonder how many ghosts you will see in your neighborhood on Halloween? Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on September 30, 2010
Payton, What a great looking ghost. It is that time of the year Boooooo, Love Ya Pa Pa
-- benny
- on September 30, 2010
Payton, What a great painting. It is so creative. You did a great job. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on September 30, 2010
Payton, I really like your black and white ghost. You need to hang him up at home for Halloween decoration. I don't know which side is scarier- the black or the white. Enjoy your art class! Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on September 30, 2010
Payton, I love your squirrel! I especially love his bushy tail, they love to shake it at Maya. Ha, Ha she runs to catch them but she will never be fast enough. Your picture sure makes me feel that fall is right around the corner. Love U lots. Nana
-- Ann
- on September 30, 2010
Payton , I love your quilt, I injoyed looking for your name and the different things related to your life, keep up the good work , love you PaPa
-- benny
- on September 30, 2010
Payton, I love your name design you did. It is so colorful and reminds me of a beautiful quilt. I picked out all the letters of your name among the designs. It is very impressive. Love, Grandma E.
-- Kathy
- on September 21, 2010
Payton, I love your name design you did. It is so colorful and reminds me of a beautiful quilt. I picked out all the letters of your name among the designs. It is very impressive. Love, Grandma E.
-- Kathy
- on September 21, 2010
Payton , I love your quilt, it reminds me of the one you sewed at my house! I noticed you have the letter of your first name and last name in your quilt - how clever!! Can't wait to see more. Love Nana
-- Ann
- on September 21, 2010
Payton, I was so pleased to see your art work again, you know I missed it this summer very much I love all the different bright colors and abstract lines in your picture.. Can't wait to see what comes next! Love you lots, Nana
-- Ann
- on September 10, 2010
Payton, your artwork is so colorful. I like your designs you framed in black too. I am sure you are proud of your first picture. I am looking forward to many more this year. Grandma E.
-- Kathy
- on September 10, 2010
Payton, I really like your art work. It is really colorful. It looks like it should be in a museum somewhere. You use great colors. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on September 10, 2010
Payton, I love you banner. It is so colorful. It is sure hard to decide what is my favorite piece that you have done this year. This one may be it. I can't believe you are almost finished with first grade. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on May 20, 2010
Payton, I love your flowers they remind me that summer is just around the corner and we will be able to go swimming and play outside. Love Ya Pa Pa
-- benny
- on May 20, 2010
Payton, I love your flowers and am looking forward to seeing you soon. You have done really great artwork this year. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on May 20, 2010
Love your flowers Payton! I bet the seeds you planted in your back yard will look just like your picture. Lots of love Nana I will miss looking at your wonderful art work this summer.
-- Ann
- on May 20, 2010
Payton, Your wild thing has big teeth, I would hate to see him in the woods. You did a great job with your colors. Did you enjoy the book ? Love Ya Pa Pa
-- Benny
- on May 6, 2010
Payton, I really like your "wild thing." It looks like it might have come right out of the forest. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on May 6, 2010
Payton, the first thing I thought of when I saw your picture was "Where the Wild Things Are" and I was right. Your "thing" looks like it just jumped off a page of the book. I do like the way he smiles though. That makes him not look so mean. Keep sending us pictures. We love them. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on May 6, 2010
Payton, your monster looks just like the one in the book Where the Wild Things Are . My First Graders loved that book when I read it to them. I can't believe that the year is almost over, you have created such beautiful art work . Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on May 4, 2010
Payton , I really love your Butterfly. Maybe we can catch some this summer with the net you have. We will be able to see the different colors in their wings.Love Ya Pa Pa
-- benny
- on May 1, 2010
Payton, I love your butterfly! It makes me really think if summer. Wonder if we look real hard we can find one just like this in your yard. Keep up the great art! Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 26, 2010
Payton, I really like your butterfly. It looks like it could take off flying. It was great seeing you this weekend. You have a great week at school. LOve, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on April 26, 2010
Payton, your clown looks pretty fierce. I like the way you included many details to make him look that way. I will have to send this to big Ryan. He was scared of clowns when he was your age. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on April 18, 2010
Payton, What an interesting clown. I really like the colors that you used. I think someone must stepped on this clown's toe! I really like all your art work. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on April 18, 2010
Payton, I love your clown but he looks like he's mad, is he? His funny hat makes me want to laugh! Keep making great art work, the year is almost over. Love,Nana
-- Ann
- on April 18, 2010
Hi birthday girl, I love the flowers, they are a sign that spring is just around the corner.I may looking forward to playing out side with you girls this summer. Love Ya PaPa
-- benny
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, Great art work. Your flowers are really cool. See you soon. Love, Granddad
-- Richard
- on April 9, 2010
I love your COOL flowers!! It getting close for you to pick your picture for the year to Keep. It's going to be hard to decide because all of your art work is wonderful.. Can't wait to find out what picture you will pick!!!!! Lots of Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 9, 2010
Love your bunny Payton! Your flowers are awesome! Keep up the beautiful pictures.Love Nana
-- Ann
- on April 9, 2010
PAYTON, YOUR RABBIT LOOKS LIKE Petter Coton Tail. He is soft with lots of hair, I love the pink nose.Great work, Love Ya PaPa
-- Benny
- on April 9, 2010
As usual, Payton, you did a great job following the directions for your art project. Your bunny looks very happy to be made of raindrop shapes. The flowers sure remind me of spring. I love it. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, I really like your bunny rabbit. It looks like it should be hopping down a trail. You do such a good job and we are looking forward to seeing youl Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, that is the brightest alphabet poster I have ever seen. I don't know how you get so much work done in one art class. You must work very hard. I am so proud of you. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, I really enjoy you ABC picture. You did a great job with the colors and I can read each letter. You always do a good job and we like looking at your art. Love, Granddad E.
-- richard
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, the painting is gorgeous. The colors are so vivid and bright. It reminds me of spring and rain. You are learning so much. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma E.
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, I love your beautiful rainbow. It reminds me that spring is just around the corner. Isn't it fun to paint with sponages. Keep creating beautiful pictures. Love, Nana
-- ann
- on April 9, 2010
I love your artwork!
-- Nana
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, I love your beautiful rainbow, it reminds me that spring is just around the corner! Wasn't it fun to paint with sponages? Keep making beautiful art. Love, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 9, 2010
Payton , you are becoming a person of the arts, your effort is seen in your work , keep learning, I love seeing your progress. Love you, PaPa
-- Benny
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, I love your color wheel picture. It is absolutely beautiful. How long did it take to color it? It reminds me of a burst of sunshine. I can tell you work hard to do your best. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on April 9, 2010
this painting is really cool i wish i could do something that good.keep up the terific work. by the way i have artwork on here too but it is not this good! my screen name is Sarah 8523, check out some of my artwork. WARNING IT IS NOT AS GOOD AS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Sarah
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, I really like this painting. It must have been really hard to do. I really enjoy your art work. Please keep up the good work. Love, Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, I love your beautiful color wheel . I reminds me of the summer sun! You are such a wonderful artist. It will be hard to pick out your favorite picture at the end of the year. Keep up the beautiful pictures. Love you Lots, Nana
-- Ann
- on April 9, 2010
Payton, your red, yellow, and blue painting is so colorful. I like your design. I am sure you have a story to tell about your work. You are becoming a great artist. We are proud of you. Love, Grandma E.
-- Grandma E.
- on February 18, 2010
Payton, Great picture! Your heart almost looks like it could come alive. You do such a great job. We enjoyed seeing you this past weekend. Have a great week at school. Lovel Granddad E.
-- Richard
- on February 8, 2010
Payton, I love your heart, especially all the differerent shades of red. The designs you made with your fork really make it special! It would make a beautiful plate for your mom wouldn't it. I always love seeing your beautiful art , work keep it up! Spring is just around the corner!!!! Love you lots, Nana
-- Ann Cain
- on February 6, 2010
Payton, your snow bear has to be the happiest bear ever. I love that tongue sticking out and the ribbon on its head. I think it must be a girl bear-- too pretty for a boy. Winter doesn't look so cold in your picture. Love ya, Grandma E.
- on February 6, 2010
Payton, I love your sassy snowman. I love her heart buttons. I wish it would snow enough again so you can make her in your front yard . Can't wait to see what you create next!
- on February 6, 2010
What a great job, Payton! I looked to see if I recognized any of the fabric patterns, but I didn't. You filled in the spaces perfectly. The work you do sometimes makes me wish I was in your art class. Love, Grandma E.
- on January 17, 2010
Payton, What a great picture. You used so many pretty colors. You do a great job. Love, Granddad
- on January 17, 2010
Payton, I love your quilt, I see that you made black x's for your stitches. It's beautiful, I loved helping you make your real quilt at my house. Lets get Papa to take out my sewing machine and you can sew a quilt on it. You are so good at sewing that you could use my sewing machine with my help. Lots of Love, Nana
- on January 17, 2010
Payton , the red cardinals look like the they are from the St.Louis baseball team, did you know the cardinals are the team masscot for your dads baseball team ? You did a great job with these birds, Love Ya Pa Pa.
- on December 10, 2009
Payton, I really like your cardinals. I like the branches and the way you put the snow on your picture. The details you show make your cardinals look like they could fly from the branches. Love Grandma E.
- on December 10, 2009
Payton, Your birds look so real. It seems like they should be flying. Your art work is great. Love, Granddad E.
- on December 10, 2009
Payton, I love your cardinals, they look like they are cold in the snow! I love how you oulined the birds in your picture, it really makes them stand out, I also love how you made the snow on top the branches. Keep making great pictures - I love them! Love you lots, Nana
- on December 10, 2009
Payton, what a good looking Santa,He looks like he is doing the Twist, I bet he is dancing the night away just like you did at your school dance.Great job !!! Pa Pa
- on December 3, 2009
Payton, your dancing santa looks like he could fly through the air on Christmas night without the help of his reindeer! I love that!!! I like the way you used all kinds of materials to make him special.... Keep up the great art work. Love Nana
- on November 22, 2009
Oh, my goodness! I knew it had to be Raggedy Ann and Andy when I saw your collage. I can't wait to see it for real when I visit. I especially like the red hair. You really did a splendid job on this. Love, Grandma
- on November 15, 2009
Payton , These dolls look like the ones that NaNa gave you that belonged to your Mom.You did a great job on the dolls picking the right shapes and materials to form your Ann and Andy. I can tell you love your art class!Keep working hard at school, Love ya Pa Pa
- on November 15, 2009
Payton, I love your picture, they look exactly like your mothers doll. You did such a great job on their clothes. I especially like the lace bloomers! Wonderful detail ! Love, Nana
- on November 15, 2009
Payton, I really like the way you used the blue paint in your artwork. Good Job! Love, Granddad E.
- on October 30, 2009
Payton, I like your patterns on the beautiful blue. You are learning so much and you have such a variety of work. We are proud of your progress. Love, Grandma E.
- on October 30, 2009
Payton, I love your patteren that you created. Wish I could make a rug out of it! Then, each time I looked at it , it would remind me what a great artist you are. Keep up the wonderful art work. Lots of Love , Nana
- on October 30, 2009
Payton , Please call me and tell me what you used as your two objects to do your paintingLove Ya Pa Pa.
- on October 30, 2009
Payton , you are learning so much about how to creat your own art work .I love the way you divided the face in the differant colors. Keep developing your art skills, Love Pa Pa
- on October 21, 2009
Payton, I really like the way you used different colors on your painting. Keep us the good work. Love, Granddad E
- on October 21, 2009
Payton, I love your painting, don't you love painting with temera paint? Your picture looks just a masterpiece that the artist Henri Matisse did. You did such a good job with block painting on his face. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Love Nana
- on October 21, 2009
Payton, your colors are really bright and bold. I like that. You are learning so many wonderful ways to express yourself in your artwork. I can't wait to see what you're doing next. Love, Grandma E.
- on October 21, 2009
Payton, you certainly did make your witch look mean. I wouldn't want to see her at our house on Halloween. I like the way you put all your shapes into the picture too. Another great piece of art, Payton. Love, Grandma
- on October 15, 2009
Payton, I've been waiting to see your ugly witch. You know what I like about her the most? The spider hanging from her hat, it reminds me of the spider on your web on your front door! She looks really mad, I'm glad I don't have to meet her in person! I love her GREEN face. Keep up the great pictures I wait for them each week. Lots of HALLOWEEN KISSES, Nana
- on October 15, 2009
Payton , I love your witch, she looks like she has been eating green apples and she is getting sick. The spider looks like the ones on your front door. Keep up the good work , Love Ya ,Pa Pa.
- on October 15, 2009
Payton you did a great job on the scarecrow, I want you to make me a scarecrow for garden to help keep the birds and squirrls away.Love Ya , PaPa
- on October 15, 2009
Payton, the moon and the crow on the scarecrow really make your picture look realistic. It looks like this piece of artwork took a lot of time to complete. I really liked it. Love, Grandma
- on October 15, 2009
Payton, We really liked your scarecrow. Ryan was so scared he had to hide his head. We really enjoy looking at all your artwork. Love, Granddad
- on October 15, 2009
Payton, what a great scarecrow! Did you like doing the crayon resist? Its fun isn't it, I love all detail in your picture. I especially like his plaid shirt, and the bird sitting on his arm. Keep up the beautiful art work. Lots of Love, Nana
- on October 8, 2009
Payton, I really like your pumkin. It looks really scarry. Love, Granddad
- on October 2, 2009
payton, your pumpkin person looks mean and scary !! The hat looks like a crown, is this pumpkin a king??I love seeing your art work ,love ya PaPa
- on October 2, 2009
Hi Payton, I can certainly recognize that your pumpkin person is a beautiful little lady by her lovely lips and her crown with all the bling on it! Keep up the wonderful artwork, I love seeing it. Love , Nana
- on October 2, 2009
Payton, We sure enjoyed this picture. You do such a great job. I think this is a prize winner! Love, , Granddad
- on September 24, 2009
Payton, I bet you didn't realize that you were doing a three-dimensional picture when you drew this bowl of apples. What a fantastic job you did! I know I couldn't have done this well. Can't wait to see your next piece of work. Love, Grandma E
- on September 24, 2009
Payton great work on your drawing. The shadows are like what you see when your outside walking on the sidewalk.You should teach Brynn about shadows. Love Ya, Pa Pa
- on September 24, 2009
Payton, I LOVE your bowl of apples they look good enough to eat... I can't believe what a wonderful artist you are! If I would spend an entire day drawing I couldn't do as well as you do.Keep up the good work. I'm amazed at how you used the color black to shade the apples.
- on September 24, 2009
Payton, I really liked your colorful circles. Keep up the good work. Love, Granddad
- on September 12, 2009
payton, you are using your colors very well. I am pleased that you are back in school so I can see your art work.Have a great school year, love ya ,PaPa
- on September 12, 2009
Payton, I think all the beautiful colors you used make this a great art project. You should be very proud of all that you are learning in class. I am. Keep up the hard work. Love, Grandma E.
- on September 12, 2009
Payton, I love your designs of circles and squares. My favorite thing about your picture is the colors of your designs. The designs remind me of your rug in your hearth room. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see your next creation. Love, Nana
- on September 12, 2009
Payton, I really enjoy your artwork. Keep up the good work. I really like your designs in this one. Love, Granddad E
- on August 31, 2009
Payton, I see you are already showing us some beautiful artwork. Your color selection is unique and your design reminds me of a rambling river. I am looking forward to seeing more great work from our little first grader. Love, Grandma E.
- on August 30, 2009
Payton, I'm so excited that you are creating artwork again. I love the BOLD design of your artwork. As always I will be looking forward to your next creation. Love Nana
- on August 28, 2009
Payton, It has been so windy this last month this could happen at your house. I think you did a great job on the snails, we will have to look for snails at the lake this summer.I know school is coming to a end but I hope you continue to draw for us this summer! Love Ya ,Pa Pa
- on May 21, 2009
Payton, seeing a drawing like this reminds me that spring is here. It is great that you and your class talked about what to do if you find a nest. Do you remember the nest we found under your deck at your house?That was fun watching the baby birds as they left the nest to be on their own.I will miss your drawings this summer.Love Ya PaPa
- on May 16, 2009
Payton, Your picture reminds us of the bird nest in the tree in our front yard. There is a robin in it. We are very proud of your art work we have seen this year. Grandma and Granddad
- on May 16, 2009
Payton, I love your spring bird, she looks like she is going to lay eggs. I especially like your tissue paper flowers in the tree. Maybe we'll find a bird's nest in one of your trees. We'll have to be careful not to touch it because the mommy bird will be watching! Love, Nana
- on May 16, 2009
Payton, What a great looking clown !!!!! I think the idea of going to the circus with NaNa and me would be supper. I like the clowns hat, they always wear hats that are to small for their heads,it is a good look for this clown.I love you more, PaPa
- on May 6, 2009
Payton, What a funny clown! I love his big mouth and all the details you added! I love having you in my art class! Keep up the great work! Ms. Welling
- on May 6, 2009
Payton, I love your clown!! He looks just like the clowns I have seen at the circus! I especially like his big smile. Papa and I will plan to take you and Brynn to the circus when it comes to our town, and you will see how much your clown looks like the circus clowns. I loved the way you framed your picture. Keep up the great pictures, I will miss your drawings over the summer. Lots of hugs, Nana
- on May 3, 2009
Payton, I love Your bird! I liked the way you tore paper to create his feathers. This is the time of year when baby birds are hatching from their eggs. Keep up the great drawings. Maybe we will be lucky this spring to see another birds nest with eggs in it. Love you lots, Nana
- on April 21, 2009
Payton, what a good looking bird. I like the way you used the triangles for the nose and the feet.You are doing a great job expanding your art work.Love Ya , PaPa
- on April 21, 2009
Payton, Great Bird! It looks like it could start flying anytime. We really enjoy looking at your artwork. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma, Granddad, and Ryan
- on April 20, 2009
Payton , this drawing reminds me of last Monday when Brynn and I went down to meet your bus in the rain.Brynn had her umbrella down over her head like your drawing. Great job, PaPa
- on April 18, 2009
Payton, I love your rainy day picture! Adding water to your picture really makes the rain drops look wet. I especially like his yellow rain coat and boots . Keep up the good work. Love Nana
- on April 11, 2009
Payton, We really like your colorful umbrella. You do a great job. We love you! Grandma and Granddad
- on April 10, 2009
Payton, I love your collage. Thats what I call MODERN ART! Isn't it fun to add all different kind of neat materials to your picutre, like feathers and shiny paper. Keep up the great art work. Love you lots, Nana
- on April 8, 2009
Payton, Grandma and I thought your bunny looks like she is getting ready for Easter. Did you give her a name? It will not be long before we come to see you for your birthday! Love, Grandma and Granddad and Ryan
- on March 27, 2009
Payton, Is this bunny related to sponge bob ? I like his long ears.You are doing a great job with your art work , a love of art is very important in todays world.Love Ya , PaPa
- on March 27, 2009
Payton, I love your cute fuffly white bunny. I especially like her long eye lashes and her long ears. Do you think the Easter bunny looks like your bunny? I do! Easter is right around the corner. Love, Nana
- on March 27, 2009
Payton, You do such nice work in my class! Keep it up! Ms. Welling
- on March 15, 2009
Payton , You did a great job on this lion,your details of the eyes,nose, teeth and his main are just like the lions in the movie we were watching at your house about the museum that came alive at night.Love Ya , PaPa
- on March 11, 2009
Payton,It is great you are learning about March weather. The weather in our state changes alot.But it will not be long we will have warm days to play outside. I wish I could draw as good as you. Love Ya, PaPa
- on March 11, 2009
Payton, I love the little sheep. Is she about to jump the fence? I like the way you made her wool look so soft and cuddly. Love, Grandma
- on March 11, 2009
Payton, Everytime I see a new picture you have done I think it's my favorite one. Then you create a new picture and that is my favorite one!!! You are such a wonderful artist! I'm so proud of you. Your little lamb is such a LADY. I especially like your background, your fence really makes your picture complete. I'm always so excited to see a new picture you have created so keep the good work. Love you lots, Nana
- on March 9, 2009
Payton, Your lion looks so real! It is really good. I really enjoy all your art work. Love, Grand Dad
- on March 5, 2009
Payton, I love your lion! March certainly came like like a mean lion with all that snow! I can't wait to see him on your bullentin board. I love all the detail you gave your lion, My favorite part is his face. Ilove his eyes and teeth. Love Nana
- on March 5, 2009
Payton, you just keep making more marvelous pictures. Your flowers look like wildflowers dancing on the prairie. Keep enjoying the work you are doing. Love, Grandma
- on February 27, 2009
Payton, We really like your flowers You do such a great job drawing and painting. Love Grand Dad and Grandma
- on February 26, 2009
Payton , These flowers remind me of spring and summer.Thats the time we can play outside, go swimming and go to the lake. I can not wait, how about you?I also like the little bugs helping with natures way, (have your mother tell you about this)Love Ya, Pa Pa
- on February 26, 2009
Payton, I love your flowers. Remember talking about going to the nursery to buy flowers for your flower pot on your deck? Maybe we can find ones just like your picture to buy. I especially like the bugs you added to your picture! Keep drawing!! Love you lots, Nana
- on February 26, 2009
Payton, That is the prettiest caterpillar I have ever seen. I really like your art work. Love, Grand Dad
- on February 21, 2009
Payton, this catepillar reminds me of when we would rock before your nap, you would inchworm until you got comfrontable and fall asleep. You did a great job with the details of the catepillar,keep up the good work,love ya, Pa Pa
- on February 21, 2009
Payton, I love your caterpiller,I especially like all the designs he has on his body. Do you think we will find a caterpiller in Papa's garden this year? We'll have to be sure to look for one. Sometimes they like to eat the vegetable plants which is not a good thing for the garden. LOve you, Nana
- on February 21, 2009
payton,Maybe the next time we paint at your house we can make different colors with the primary colors. I am proud of your interest in art. Keep up the good work, Love Ya Pa Pa
- on February 19, 2009
Payton, I'm so happy that your class talked about the primary colors. You can make many different colors by just mixing them together. Your picture reminds me of a beautiful heart that is smiling! Love Nana
- on February 14, 2009
Payton, I imagine it was lots of fun mixing paints to make different colors. Sometimes I wonder how you get so creative in your pictures. These mice are the cutest! Love, Grandma
- on February 14, 2009
Payton, I have missed E-Mails about your last 2 pictures. I like the colors you chose for this one. It is so bright and colorful. You must be having a lot of fun in art class. Love, Grandma
- on February 14, 2009
Payton, I love your colorful mice! They look like they are dancing to music. I especially like their LONG noses and curly tails... Love, Nana
- on February 9, 2009
Payton, Your picture is so colorful and I really like it a lot. I really enjoy your artwork. Keep up the good work. Love Grandad
- on February 7, 2009
Payton, the germs scare me, I hope they stay away from us. This germ looks like a snake with the two fangs and his eyes are crossed. I love seeing your drawings, keep up the good work,Love Ya, Pa Pa
- on January 30, 2009
Payton, Your mean germ looks scary! Germs can be very bad for us and your germ looks like he is a bad dude!! Ha Ha! Can't wait to see your next creation. Lots of Love, Nana
- on January 30, 2009
Payton , I think it would be great if flowers would grow like hearts so we could give them away on valentines day. We can talk about it when I see you.Love ya PaPa
- on January 23, 2009
Payton, Your heart flowers are beautiful. I especially like the flower in the middle with the happy face! I'm wishing for Spring to be right around the corner, so you can help PaPa plant his flowers. Love you Lots,NaNa
- on January 23, 2009
you are so GOOD Miss Patton. Love, Tracie & Kyndall
- on January 19, 2009
Payton, I love your hearts. You must be thinking of Valentine's Day already! We will see you soon! Love, Granddad
- on January 19, 2009
Payton, I am thinking spring when I see your valentines. I think your valentine party is probably just around the corner. I am glad you are feeling much better. Love ya, Grandma
- on January 19, 2009
Payton, I love the hat and scarf it looks like the one you and Brynn wear.It looks like he is saying warm.Love Ya PaPa
- on January 13, 2009
Payton I really like your penquin. You do a great job. We are really proud of your art work. Love, Grand dad
- on January 13, 2009
Payton, I think your girl penguin is really snazzy all dressed up in a pink hat. Did you make this picture since you went back to school? We love all the pictures you have done this year. You are a talented girl. Love, Grandma
- on January 13, 2009
Payton,I love your penquin. She is definately a fashion expert when it comes to wearing winter clothes! I love how her hat and scarf mathes. Keep up the wonderful artwork> Love you lots Nana
- on January 13, 2009
Payton, I think your snowman is very creative. Did you use paint to make your picture? It won't be long before we will be able to make our own snowman. I wish I was as good an artist as you are. Love them all, Grandma
- on January 13, 2009
Payton, What a great snowman! You really did a great job! Love, Grand dad
- on January 13, 2009
Payton - I love your snowman. Maybe you, Brynn and Papa can make one just like that when it snows deep enough to make big snowballs. Love Nana
- on January 13, 2009
Payton, what a great snow girl,I love her hat and purse on her arm.Maybe we will get enough snow this X-mas for us to build a snow girl in your front yard.Love Ya , Pa Pa.
- on January 13, 2009
Wow, Payton! You must have been talking about turkeys and Thanksgiving at school. Your picture reminds me of having Thanksgiving dinner with you. I can't wait to see you next week. Love, Grandma
- on November 21, 2008
Payton, I really like your drawing. You do really great work and I am really proud of you. Love, Grandad
- on November 21, 2008
Payton , This turkey looks like the one your dad bought for thanksgiving, good and fat and ready for eating !!! I love seeing your art work, Love Ya, Pa Pa
- on November 21, 2008
Payton, Your duck looks like the ducks at the lake that come around our docks to look for food . Are those pussywillows in the background? As always , I look forward each week to a new picture. Hugs and kisses Nana
- on November 21, 2008
Payton --Your picture looks like a beautiful leaf arrangement. An arrangement that I would spend alot of money on to have delivered to a special friend! You will have to show me how you make those leaves. Keep up the good work. Love you more Nana
- on November 7, 2008
Payton, This tree looks like the one in my backyard that we racked up the leaves from the ground and put them under the slide and let you and Brynn slide down into them. That was fun!You did a great job on the shapes and colors of the leaves.Love Ya, PaPa
- on November 7, 2008
Payton, Your picture of the leaves is beautiful. I really like the colors you used. It looks like the trees in our yard right now. We really enjoy looking at your artwork. Love, Granddad
- on November 4, 2008
Payton, everytime I get a new artwork of yours, I am impressed. This is very beautiful. I can tell you are really learning a lot in class. Keep up the good work. Love Ya, Grandma
- on November 4, 2008
that is very good payton, can't wait to see you. love, Kyndall
- on November 2, 2008
Payton, Your leaves in your art work look like the ones we are going to rack out of my yard this coming weekend. The best park of racking leaves is JUMPING in them!Love Ya.PaPa
- on October 29, 2008
Payton, you are learning patterns! What a great variety of patterns you have made! I especially like the wavy lines. I am excited to be a member of your fan club. Love, Grandma
- on October 29, 2008
Payton, you are really doing a great job! I love all the colors of the fall leaves you made. You must really be paying a lot of attention to your art teacher. She must be pretty good too. Keep up the wonderful work. I am always excited to see more. Love, Grandma
- on October 29, 2008
Payton, I love your leaf rubbings! I remember doing that in art class when I was in school. Don't you love to see how the leaves are so different. Sometimes I used the leaf rubbing paper to wrap presents. Love, Nana
- on October 29, 2008
great job Payton. Love, Kyndall
- on October 24, 2008
Payton, It is great that you are looking at all forms of art work.Your drawing looks alittle like a soccer ball with eyes, a nose and a mouth. Keep working hard at school, PaPa
- on October 23, 2008
What an artist you are!!!! I love your man . Is it any one in the family? Keep the the art work coming Lots of love Nana
- on October 23, 2008
Payton, your picture really reminds me of Halloween. Your black cat looks like he is ready to scare trick-or-treaters. I can tell you thought carefully about all the parts you would put together to make your cat. I like the triangles. Grandma
- on October 23, 2008
What a beautiful black cat! I love her long curly tail. You are such a wonderful artist. Love you lots Nana
- on October 23, 2008
Payton, This cat looks a little like Abby. You are doing a great job with your details on your artwor, I love the whiskers. Keep working hard at school. Love Ya ! PaPa
- on October 16, 2008
Payton, what a great looking pumpkin. It looks like you will need my help to pull the wagon. I love seeing your art work,keep it up.Love you More! Papa
- on October 4, 2008
Wouldn't you love to have a pumpkin that BIG on your front porch for Halloween? We could spend all day craving out a face on it. I'm so glad you put it in a wagon because your dad or papa couldn't carry it to your house. Keep sending me your great art work. Hugs and Kisses Nana
- on October 4, 2008
Payton, I love your art work. Keep working hard at school to be the best artist you can be. I like the colors you used. The mask looks like he lost some of his front teeth, is that true ? He must be a first grader.Ha,Ha.
- on October 2, 2008
Payton.....Spooky! Great Job! Ms. Welling
- on October 1, 2008
Payton, I love your scary mask!!!! Especially his RED hair. Keep sending me your wonderful art work. I can't wait to see what you create next. Love Nana
- on October 1, 2008
Oh my! He is so scary! I love it! You did a great job making him look furry. Keep up the great work! Ms. Welling Art Teacher
- on September 20, 2008
Payton!!!!!!!!!!! I was soooooooo scared when I saw your monster's teeth... Does he eat people? Ha Ha Where is you learn to draw?? Not from your Nana and Papa. It must have been from you mom and dad. Keep sending us more pictures we love seeing them Lots of hugs and kisses Nana and Papa
- on September 19, 2008
Payton I love your house! You have become just a beautiful artist!!!! I can't wait to see more of your artwork. LOts of love and kisses Nana
- on September 17, 2008