Sophie13053's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Sophie13053's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Sophie- We love your new artwork! You are getting to be soooo good at choosing colors. The hills look great with the detail and different colors. And I like how you made the sheep look fluffy. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 24, 2024
Hi Sophie, I love this landscape farm drawing with three cute sheeps and a farmhouse. You put in a lot of details and color which makes this look so real. Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork. Love, Grandma L
- Lydia on April 17, 2024
Oh my! What a beautiful drawing of a potted plant! You are an amazing and talented artist. I love the way the leaves on the plant look so real. Keep up the great work!
- Lydia on March 6, 2024
Wow! Your drawing of a white polar bear is amazing! This bear looks friendly and saying “hello”??. I love all the details in the background too. I look forward to seeing your next art work!
- Lydia on January 24, 2024
Wow, Sophie! What a great polar bear. I love his face and shiny nose. You did a really good job on the mountains in the background. It looks like the sun is coming up! Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandma and Grandpa xoxo
- Grandma and Grandpa on January 24, 2024
Mr. Walrus looks like a happy camper! You're certainly adding amazing drawings to your art portfolio. Keep it up! We love seeing your artistic talents blossom!
- Lydia on December 27, 2023
Sophie, you’re quite the artist! The details of your drawing is amazing - even shows light emanating from the snow ball when it’s turned upside down. This would make for a nice Christmas card or entry in a contest.
- Lydia on November 19, 2023
Wow, Sophie! This picture looks so Christmas-y. You did a great job on all the details. I really like the white lights coming off the globe. This was very creative and well done. You are becoming such a good artist. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 19, 2023
You are certainly becoming a great artist, This pumpkin looks so real as if it was just cut from the vines on a pumpkin farm. Great job!
- Lydia on November 1, 2023
Wow, Sophie! The details of your friendly spider artwork is amazing. All those little hairs makes it all the more realistic. Love the colors your chose for this piece. The spider looks so friendly :)
- Lydia on October 4, 2023
Terrific spider, Sophie! I love the colors you chose (especially the purple). I don't usually like REAL spiders, but this one looks pretty friendly. Good job!
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 4, 2023
Wow, Sophie! Your artwork just keeps getting better and better. I really like how you used different colors and lines to show the powerful rocket taking off. What will you draw next? Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on September 20, 2023
This rocket really gives me a feeling that’s it is traveling fast! The red color shows the force needed for lift off too. You did a great job designing this rocket and maybe you’ll design rockets and spaceships for future space travels. Nice job!
- Lydia on September 16, 2023
I love your squiggly lines and colors that make your rocket ship go up up and away!
- Ash Kirk Hana Yuki on September 16, 2023
I love your artwork, Sophie! Can’t wait to see more of your creations.
- Lydia on September 13, 2023
I love your artwork, Sophie! Can’t wait to see more of your creations.
- Lydia on September 13, 2023
Hi Sophie--Grandpa and I are always excited to see your artwork! Your drawings are getting to be so good. I like the colors you use and the way you add lots of details to your drawings. We can hardly wait to see more artwork from you. Love, Grandma and Grandpa xoxo
- Pauline & Craig on September 13, 2023