Teagon46's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Teagon46's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Okay Butterfly, explain this to one to me.....the title is "Selfie" - - - how do you look like this? I like the use of yarn in the project, but if you look like this, I won't recognize you when you come and visit this summer.....wear a name tag, please. I'll still love you even if you have grown extra arms.
- Granda on May 22, 2024 NEW
I really like this one!
- Móraí on May 15, 2024
So Butterfly, explain how this is still life painting- how did you get a bird to sit still on the watermelon the entire time you were painting? I claim poppycock. You have to share with me all the fruit involved in the still life - they seemed to vary in the drawings of the classmates. Great job, love you.
- Granda on April 17, 2024
I really like this piece!
- Morai on April 3, 2024
What??? Are you kidding? What a great desert landscape, but look at those materials. That is so creative. When you come visit this summer, I will let you go through our garbage can and pick things to create a picture. I have so many Amazon boxes so you can make a full mountain range!!! I want to see more of these, I love seeing how your mind works, the imagination and creativity.
- Granda on March 27, 2024
Hey Butterfly, Surprised with your choice of instrument - you have to tell me about it when I come out and see you. Assuming you’ve never played this, but great drawing. Granda
- Granda on March 20, 2024
I thought this one looked a little strange..... so different than your other portfolio postings, then I realized it was a Picasso piece and it all made sense. He definitely was an unusual painter - I like the artist Butterfly even more.
- Granda on February 14, 2024
Ok Butterfly, this looks like you are using different techniques to make the flower - is that correct? Paint, string, paper mache,….is that correct? Getting fancy, what did you use as a model to make this? I’m impressed, keep up the great work, love you!
- Granda on January 24, 2024
Great bowl Butterfly. What are you going to put in it? Can’t wait to see it when I visit. Love you!
- Granda on December 27, 2023
Getting fancy Butterfly, coloring in the items in a rectangle and leaving the rest in black and white, impressive. I like how the lizard’s head has a background that makes it look like it’s wearing a birthday hat!! Love you!
- Granda on December 13, 2023
Can you guess why this is my favorite? I love the pink background! You are getting to be quite the artist. Good work!
- Morai on November 29, 2023
Just looked at the drawings of the whole class, some talented kids in your class. I liked yours because of the more intense variations, you put some bright colors that made it pop, great job. And you have my gene, bigger is better - go big or go home. Keep up the great work.
- Granda on November 22, 2023
Hey Butterfly, great job on this one! I bet it was fun making a mold. And finally you have one dominated with the best color - GREEN!!! Keep up the excellent work.
- Granda on October 4, 2023
Hey Butterfly, great job on this one! I bet it was fun making a mold. And finally you have one dominated with the best color - GREEN!!! Keep up the excellent work.
- Granda on November 22, 2023
Teagan, I think you are a talented artist! You are good even when you have to draw fast in telestrations, but you are even better when you take more time. Your choice of colors are really nice! Love you, Morai
- Morai on September 27, 2023
Another great pic and excellent use of colors. Thanks for drawing something I don’t get to see out here. Keep up the great work. Love you da most.
- Granda on September 20, 2023
Hey Butterfly, Love your drawing, thanks for sharing with me. Keep up the great work. Love you and miss you, Granda
- Granda on September 13, 2023
What an outstanding blend of colors. Appears lifelike with those alert eyes. Wonderful likeness of a roadrunner.,
- Nino on September 13, 2023