Lex437's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Lex437's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a great picture Lex!
- Grandad on May 29, 2024
This is a great painting of a bee and the honeycomb. I wonder what you used to get all those cells the same size. Bees are so interesting, and I know how much you like honey!
- Nana on May 29, 2024
I imagine that waving cat drives the bus to the land of catnip! Lex, your cat reminds me of Japanese statues called Maneki-neko or 'beckoning cat' which were believed to bring good luck to their owners. It looks like the kitty is gesturing for us to come closer. Off to the land of catnip! :)
- Connell on May 22, 2024
What a fine cat! Those are wonderful whiskers, Lex, and I love his pink nose. I think that Kitty's dreaming Of going for a ride. He's waving to you, Lexi, And saying, "Jump inside!".
- Nana on May 15, 2024
YUMMM! The fruit looks so tempting, and even the joyous background looks good enough to eat. I love the orange and red together.
- GJ on May 8, 2024
Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Are you dreaming about your favorite kind of car? Are you waving at me? I'm waving back!
- GJ on May 8, 2024
I like that each of your hearts and each of the backgrounds are different colors, and the lines on the hearts and backgrounds are also different. Very creative, Lex.
- Nana on March 20, 2024
What lovely colors and exciting shapes, Lex! Your painting is very interesting and I have enjoyed looking at it.
- Nana on March 20, 2024
You were concentrating so much on the colors and shapes in this heart! Maybe you were thinking about somebody special when you were drawing it.
- Gj on March 13, 2024
You have made these look like very happy hearts, vibrant and so colorful! I’m always glad when I get to see your artwork!
- Gj on March 13, 2024
I would love to be a snowflake dancing around with those other dazzling snowflakes! Such a happy painting!
- GJ on February 7, 2024
We are told that every snowflake is different, and you certainly have not painted two the same. The background of your picture is very interesting, Lex. Great job!
- Nana on February 7, 2024
Hi, Kitty Kitty! I can see immediately that you are an outdoor kitty. Aoife would never have a bird on her head or sky and grass around her! Nicely done!
- GJ on January 17, 2024
The cat looks rather concerned about the bird on his head! Great painting, Lex!
- Nana on January 17, 2024
This is just what I imagined might happen if we had invited my cat Aoife along with us to Kensington Metropark to feed the birds. There must be birdseed on that cat's head! :)
- Connell on January 17, 2024
I hope you will tell me the story behind this cat and bird. Are they friends. Did the bird land unexpectedly on the cat's head? Also, those are some magnificent whiskers :)
- Raven (Mother) on January 9, 2024
I love the bear's rosy scarf and warm cheeks! No, wait! I mean warm scarf and rosy cheeks! :)
- Connell on December 13, 2023
Great bear, Lex! He is looking straight at me as I admire the picture. You have drawn his nose beautifully.
- Nana on December 13, 2023
I'll have to ask you what technique you used to get the texture of the background. Looks cool! I do love the expression on the bear's face and I like the design on the bear's collar -- the hearts.
- Gj on December 13, 2023
Looks a happy bear keeping warm.
- Grandad on December 6, 2023
Hot chocolate and marshmallows! I wonder if your mouth watered as you painted this great picture, Lex. My mouth waters as I look at it.
- Nana on November 29, 2023
What good brush work! I bet you had fun painting this with the colorful mug and the swirling hot chocolate. Yum! And, cheers!
- GJ on November 22, 2023
This is an awesome pumpkin, Lex! I love he way that you have made it look round by drawing the black lines on it.
- Nana on November 22, 2023
What a beautiful fall leaf, Lex! We have many, many leaves in our yard but none as bright as the one you have painted.
- nana on November 15, 2023
That must be a huge pumpkin because it takes up the whole piece of paper! Does it weigh a ton? Would I have to rent a truck to drive it to my house? Could I carve it and make it into a house for a rainy day? I love it!
- GJ on November 15, 2023
Love the vibrant colors Lex
- Grandad on November 8, 2023
I love Autumn Leaves and this one that you drew and painted is a beauty! It looks so big. It looks so big that what if it fell on your head?
- GJ on November 8, 2023
I love the strong colors and differrent textures in this painting, Lex. It is very interesting to look at.
- Nana on October 18, 2023
I love these bold colors! I also love the energetic textured areas of color mixed in with the smooth areas of color. Exciting work!
- GJ on October 18, 2023
I like GJ's idea that it's a huge garden, and this is a map leading through the flowers, over the water on red bridges, past the green trees, and into the red and purple middle to the heart where we'll find you and Harimau John Tiger waiting to greet us!
- Uncle Connell on June 28, 2023
What if a drone took a photo while flying over a heart garden and you painted a picture of what the drone saw!
- GJ on June 7, 2023
Great fishbowl and love the table Lex! Great picture with lots going on!
- Grandad on June 7, 2023
Really interesting shapes and lines, Lex, and lovely blue shading. I like this a lot.
- Nana on May 31, 2023
If I swim all around from the bank to the shoals, who knows what I’ll find in Lex’s Goldfish Bowls! The bubbles make me think the fish are all saying, "Glurk!" :)
- Connell on May 24, 2023
Such energy and vibrant color in your picture today! Is that a "blue lagoon" I see? I'll tell ya, this picture makes me want to run around and be happy!
- GJ on May 24, 2023
Has Big Fish spotted something beyond the bowl, I wonder? Or maybe Big Fish is judging the smaller fishes' bubble-blowing contest... I like this picture -- including the subtle details like the curl of the table's feet.
- Mama on May 24, 2023
Such bold, strong colors. Is that the number 8 I see? Or a train track that's in several places, waiting for the trains to be racing around? I enjoy guessing and I also enjoy just looking at the colors and the shapes.
- GJ on March 15, 2023
I love hearts! They have such a lovely shape and they have a lovely meaning. Look at that, there's LOVE all over this page. Colorful LOVE!
- GJ on March 15, 2023
I wish I could have watched you creating this picture. I love the colors and the patterns mixed together. Oh! Now I think I know how you did it...by weaving strips of patterned paper together. Beautiful! And fun!
- GJ on March 15, 2023
Wonderful weaving, Lex! This must have needed lots of concentration and I am sure you enjoyed doing it.
- Nana on March 15, 2023
I believe that you painted this while listening to music, Lex. It looks as if your brush was dancing.
- Nana on March 15, 2023
- Grandad on March 9, 2023
Hearts and sun! Looks great Lex
- Grandad on March 9, 2023
The snow in your picture makes me shiver with cold! But also, it would be fun to sled down the hill and then warm up in one of those colorful houses.
- GJ on February 1, 2023
Hello Lex! I love your snowy winter scene! Is the background texture made using salt? I've tried that technique once or twice. Isn't it fun? I want to go sledding in your picture and then warm up inside with a hot chocolate! :)
- Connell on February 1, 2023
Wonderful snowy picture, Lex! I really like the fast falling snowflakes and I would like you to tell me how you made them.
- Nana on February 1, 2023
My two favorite parts of this one are the sky and the house on the left. The effect you achieved with the salt is SO cool! It's like a winter's dawn in Maine. And that little house tucked behind the snowdrift looks so cozy. That's were I'd want to stay.
- Mama on February 1, 2023
Hello Lex! I’ve seen some owls in my time but I feel this is the first owl that has truly seen ME! I feel privileged to have met him. :)
- Connell on December 14, 2022
You have chosen good colors for the feathers, Lex. Owls are among my favorite birds.
- Nana on December 14, 2022
I think most owls are shy and you hardly ever see them in the woods, but your owl looks quite friendly and talkative! Hello, Owl!
- GJ on December 14, 2022
You have chosen good colors for the owl feathers, Lex. Owls are among my favorite birds.
- Nana on December 14, 2022
The torn paper technique you used to make this owl is really cool! It captures the texture and patterns of real feathers. And of course owls have special meaning for our family (and for wizards!), so I'm especially drawn to this picture.
- Raven (Mother) on December 8, 2022
Owl looks happy to be out with the moon and stars. Great picture Lex
- Grandad on December 14, 2022
Look at all those leaves blowing in the wind! They are such pretty colors and I love watching them fall and flutter in your painting!
- GJ on December 7, 2022
You told me that this picture is called "Falling Leaves." Leaves fall from trees when they die, and yet they seem so full of life! They flutter to the ground, swirl in the wind, fly up in big puffs as we jump in them. You have really captured the vibrancy and motion of falling leaves--and the excitement of fall--in this picture.
- Raven (Mother) on November 29, 2022
That looks like some pretty handy scissor work!
- GJ on November 9, 2022
About a hundred years ago, a painter from Spain called Pablo Picasso used similar bold colors and lines like you've used here. I really like the energy in this one and wonder what you were thinking about as you painted it.
- Raven (Mother) on November 1, 2022
Such a regal sunflower. I like how long and straight the stalk is -- it looks almost as though you could climb it!
- Raven (Mother) on November 1, 2022