Teegan440's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Teegan440's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the shading in the ears of the dog. Very interesting colors. I can see improvement in each drawing you have done. You have so much natural ability. I wish I could draw like you. Your grandpa and great grandmother were very good artists. You have inherited their art talent. Well done.
- Sandy on May 22, 2024 NEW
Teegan, I love this cabin. You are very good at drawing architecture drawings. The beams to support the roof are exactly what they use in real building. I also like the big windows in the front. I wish I had the money to build this in Island Park by your grandmothers cabin.
- Sandy on May 22, 2024 NEW
I love this ceramic. I especially like the light blue on the stairs. I wondered if the top is kind of like a watch tower. When you are finished with this piece, I would love it. You are so creative.
- Sandy on May 22, 2024 NEW
Teegan, I love the picture of the dog. I really liked the life-like colors. Maybe you could do a picture for me. I would love an original painting from you to hang in my home next to Bridgers painting. You are getting some good experience with your art class. Please do a picture for me to put in my family room. You have a wonderful talent. Keep working to develop it. Sandy
- Sandy on February 28, 2024
I really like this drawing. It looks like a marble your dad had as a young boy. I especially like the yellow streak with the blue. It looks like you are learning something every day. I am proud of you.
- Sandy on January 24, 2024
I wish you could have finished this. It looks great. I love the black and white. It looks like you. The mouth and teeth are good and you have the eyes placed correctly on the face. You must have an effective teacher.
- Sandy on January 24, 2024
Wow! I love the hand. Hands are difficult to draw You have done an awesome job. I wish I could draw as well as you. Save some of your best work and I will frame it. I mean it. Hand are hard to draw. You have a talent. Work hard at it and it will be yours for the rest of your life.
- Sandy on January 24, 2024
Teegan, Wow, you are getting much better. i love the face portrait. The teeth and the eyes are so defined. I wish I could draw as well as you. I was not gifted with your talent. My heavens, if you keep up your art lessons, when you are in high school, you wlll be fantastic. I need to frame some of your art . I will also show it to my book club. Please send me some of you art. You must have a very proficient art teacher. You have really improved since last year.
- Sandra on November 8, 2023
You did a fantastic hand. Grandpa said the definition of the hand and position were very good for r 7th grade. He wrote you a comment. Grandpa is a proficient artist, so he can judge your art. Your teacher must be skilled to teach you art skills. So proud of your work. Gram
- Sandy(fan) on October 18, 2023
Wow ! That is fantastic
- Sandy(fan) on October 18, 2023
I am so impressed with the details like the teeth in this picture. This is your best picture yet. Even the shading is improving. You are awesome. I want a copy of this.
- Gram on September 27, 2023
I love your barn. You did a great job with watercolors. They are hard, but you did so well. I also liked the color and texture of the sky. I would love the real picture. Gram
- Sandy on December 28, 2022
I love the eye picture the most. Eyes can be very hard to draw and you did an awesome job. Please save me one of your artworks so I can frame it. I like to brag about you to my friends. Your artwork is much better than some of the seniors I teach in high school. You must have an awesome teacher.
- Sandra on November 9, 2022
I still love the eye drawing. I like the football also. That picture is just you I am proud of you. You must have a wham bang teacher. Some of the seniors in my school can't draw as well as you. Learn as much as you can. You are better at art than you think.
- Sandy on November 9, 2022
I love the still life, especially the little truck. I am so glad you are learning so much about art. You must have a very talented teacher. When you send some of your pictures, I will frame them and put them in my family room. I hope you learn to do some oils. You are a very talented young artist.
- Sandy on November 2, 2022
Wow!I never knew you had such a great talent. I love both of your pictures. Your art work reminds me of your brother's work. I think you are better than him at your age. Send me some of your work. Love Gram
- Sandy on October 12, 2022
I love this picture. As teegan's grandmother, I did not know he was such a good artist. I love the eyes and eyebrows. I could tell it was teegan. The hair also has depth and look real. He has done an excellent job on his self-portrait.
- Sandy on October 12, 2022