Parker17106's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Parker17106's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Is that a pink turkey and a smiling farmer on a hot sunny day in a field of green? Or is Babs just imagining things? : ) love you buddy
- Babs on December 14, 2022
- Lita & Grampy on October 12, 2022
Dearest Parker, It is so great to see that you are not only smart and kind, but also creative. I love you and think about you all the time. Something funny, the name of the website that shares your art is "artsonia" and guess what? Babs's first name is Sonia - can you find "sonia" in the name of the website? what colors of the rainbow are the letters of the name?
- Babs on October 12, 2022