Justin29765's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Justin29765's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Interesting animation.
- Daddy on April 24, 2024
I agree. The feathers look awesome… very realistic. Good job Justin.
- Douglas on September 27, 2023
Happy to see you are having this mindset.
- Douglas on September 27, 2023
Must be an eagle. Looks very graceful. Like how you draw its feet and talons.
- Douglas on September 27, 2023
The colors of yellow, orange, blue, and green near the center provided striking contrast to the rest of the work, and sure got the viewer’s attention. The Artist Statement gave me greater understanding of the process, and hence, greater appreciation of the art. I also got to learn more about Wallace ??.
- Douglas on August 27, 2023
I like various features (eye, nose, teeth, …) of the head, which contain so much details. When viewed each feature individually, one would not think of it being a facial feature. But when view all these features collectively as a whole, they portray a head in a very artistic way. Good job Justin.
- Douglas (Father) on October 31, 2022
I like how this art process can help you to turn an initial negative judgement into a positive growth mindset. As long we can identify our initial shortcomings, we will be able to find ways to improve on and achieve better outcomes… similar to making improvements in baking.
- Daddy on August 29, 2022
Nice, colorful butterfly!
- Douglas (Father) on August 21, 2022