Sabrina5945's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Sabrina5945's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You did a great job using perspective to show the castle in the distance. Awesome job!
- Mike (Father) on February 27, 2024
That's you! I love all the details in your outfit. And you draw beautiful snowflakes. I love it!
- Grandma` on December 27, 2023
Your coffee cup is soooo cool! I love the colors and the designs you carved into it! Way to go, Sibby!
- Grandma` on December 27, 2023
He's darling, Sibby!!! I love the background colors, too!
- Grandma on January 4, 2023
Very cool looking scarecrow Sibby! I love the hat.
- Dad on December 21, 2022
Wow Sibby, I love this so much. There are so many shades here and I love the squiggles and hearts too. Grandma was right when she said it looks just like a tunnel. Keep up the good work! This one is so beautiful and special I would love to hang it on our wall!
- Justina (Mother) on October 16, 2022
That's an awesome painting, Sibby! It looks like a train tunnel. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on October 14, 2022
Your sheep are darling. You'll have to tell me how you did the grass so well. It looks kind of like you used a fork...
- Grandma` on August 3, 2022
Sibby! You are writing in cursive??? I'm impressed. I love your 5-pointed stars as well. You are very talented!
- Grandma` on August 3, 2022
I love your art, Sibby! I like how all your flowers are different and beautiful. I'll be sure to show Grandpa the cute basket they are in. Did you weave it?
- Grandma on August 3, 2022
I love these two houses in my favorite colors. I hope when you grow up we can be neighbors who live in purple houses. You are an amazing artist. Love, Mom
- Justina (Mother) on February 2, 2022
Wow, Sibby! I love your cardinal. It is so beautiful. You are so talented. Love, Mom
- Justina (Mother) on February 2, 2022
You are such an amazing artist! These pumpkins are so cute. Love, Mom
- Justina (Mother) on February 2, 2022
That's a sweet looking cardinal! Very good job, Sibby. Love, Dad
- Mike (Father) on January 18, 2022
What a darling cardinal! You did a great job, Sibby!
- Grandma` on February 2, 2022
I love your happy snow girl, Sibby! Your houses look cozy with the light on in the upstairs windows. Nice job!
- Grandma`(fan) on February 2, 2022
Those are some good looking houses Sibby. I like all of the snowballs. Love, Dad
- Mike (Father) on December 7, 2021