Dori115's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Dori115's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This drawing is absolutely stunning. I can not stop looking at it. The colors are brilliant! I love vibrant color. God has given you a wonderful gift! Everyone in your family has many gifts, some like yours and some different. I was so happy to see you all and homely I will visit again in the spring. Have a wonderful day. Hugs to you all. Love aunty sela
- Sela on November 14, 2023
Dori I love to see your drawings. I really liked the Tree of Life, that is what I call it from a while ago. We are all excited to see you, Thurston, Hero, your mom and dad in August Love you all, Aunty Sela
- Sela on November 14, 2023
I love this one! Don't fly away before we can see you again. How is the weather up there? The borders with the shaded blues and hearts hidden are soothing. Keep your art work going! Maybe you great grandma Kaydi up in heaven sees your drawings. She the one who started the art genes going -I think from your great-great granpa, Sam Denison. And from Mama's Flora side lots of talent as well.
- Aunty Sela on April 21, 2022
I love the colors of the background and the charm of the penguin. It is beautiful! thanks for sharing your picture Dori
- Aunty Sela on February 23, 2022
Dori! I absolutely love seeing all your artwork. You are an artist for sure:) This panda makes my heart happy!
- Aunty Kiki on February 23, 2022
Dori, Your happy kitty friend tells makes me happy too! I like her pink cheeks. LOve, Aunty Sela
- Sela(fan) on January 19, 2022
I want to join in the fun!! aunty sela
- Sela(fan) on January 19, 2022
So cool, I feel like I'm walking thru the rainbow! love the watercolor rain effect too.
- Flora on January 19, 2022
I Love Your Beetle Bug; and She Has 6 Legs: Good Work!
- Grandma Jeanne on December 15, 2021
Love it!
- Grandma. on October 20, 2021