Niko982's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Niko982's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Niko. Wonderful that you've learned about peacocks, and I look forward to hearing all your information. Did your Momma tell you about living with peacocks at the farm when she was little? We'll talk about that when you visit us next week. I liked the way you drew each spiral on the feathers plus the area at the base of the feathers where they're connected to the animal. Also, the "crown" on his head is really good. Next time we go to the San Diego Zoo, we'll check out the peacocks more carefully so you can tell me all about them. Love you and see you SOON!
- Gran on April 26, 2023
Niko, your art work has inspired me again! I read up on and learned all about Eloise Renouf and her nature drawings. You certainly did a wonderful job with your flower, the pistils, petals, stem, leaves. And the insects about are just great! The garden background you created is lovely and so carefully done around the flower. Nice job, Sweetie. xx
- Gran on April 26, 2023
Once again you and your artwork have introduced me to a new artist! I was very interested in the process you used, Niko, to achieve this lovely picture of curious shapes, beautiful colors, and blended shades. You have learned so many techniques in art class and can add to your already amazing designs and pictures. I may have to buy some stationery of this! Love you, Darling Boy,
- Gran on April 26, 2023
Hi, Niko. How wonderful to see the collage you created! You have had lots of experience over your years at making these, and it shows with the skill, color choices, and design of this piece. Was the green tissue paper that was pasted on? On Sunday, January 29, GR and I are going to see a Matisse show in Philadelphia. It will be fun to share it with you. Matisse has been one of my favorites for many years. Much love, my darling,
- Gran on April 26, 2023
Pastel chalks can create miracles, can't they? Beautiful work with this shell, Niko; I just sat and looked at it for a long time. You have found and picked up so many amazing shells during your numerous beach trips--beaches all over the world almost! And you know how they look and then can draw one so wonderfully. Very nice work. xxxLove,
- Gran on April 26, 2023
Dear Niko. What a fearsome tiger you created! Wow, those teeth are amazing, and it looks intent on getting some dinner somewhere! Did this scene remind you of your African visit and animals? I like the green plants and beautiful flowers, too, a marvelous jungle scene. Little monkey looks kinda scared but also that it might like to be a friend to the tiger? Thank you for all your beautiful art work. Love forever,
- Gran on April 26, 2023
Hi, Niko. Wow, what a fearsome dragon you drew! For years, you have been creating amazing lizards and other animals, and now you bring all that experience to your art class--wonderful! I am trying to understand if that is a tall mountain in the background surrounded by clouds? What is the blue circle with what looks like a crown? Next time we chat, you can tell me all the details. Nice work, dear Niko!
- Gran on November 7, 2022
Hi, Niko. I have seen many masks this season, but none that I like and am as impressed with as yours. Your amazing design and careful coloring have created an excellent, properly frightening mask. The teeth are fantastic! You can tell me what a sugar skull is when we see you next month. Much love,
- Gran on November 7, 2022
Niko, what a handsome chameleon--and even a mystery drawing! Wow, I am so impressed with your lines and definition of the branches and animal, the scales design and intricate eye parts, the yummy insect about to be dinner, and your coloring in with orange and blue. You did an awesome job plus I know you like to draw reptiles! Love you,
- Gran on November 7, 2022
Dein Chamälion finde ich super, Niko, das ist Dir wirklich gut gelungen ! Liebe Grüße Sonja
- Sonja on November 7, 2022
Hi, darling Niko. Wonderful picture of you and your family! Is the background a road or a ladder? Thinking it represents all the places you, Momma, Pappa, and Luka travel to for fabulous experiences--all over the world! I like how everyone is smiling. (Even though I can see your dad's smile, I know he must be as he's there with his three FAVORITE people!) You did an excellent job with the faces, proportions, and coloring. Of course, you have lots of experience with that and do many such projects at home, don't you? I am always excited to see the art work you create. Much love forever and always,
- Gran on November 7, 2022
Niko, you made this painting quite a while ago, and I meant to tell you that Alma Thomas is a new favorite artist of mine. There were several pictures she created in a recent show I saw in Delaware, and I actually went back a second time to see it and her work again. You did a superb job of following her technique and creating a beautiful representation. It's fun for me to know that you've studied her work. I love you,
- Gran on June 22, 2022
Hi, Niko. What a fun picture you made with the paint brushes! I liked the splattered paint because it added such reality to your picture. Also, the #1 on that brush is amazing--looks like it was stamped on there with a paint-making machine. (I guess that's YOU!) You also included an interesting variety of sizes and shapes. Very creative and well done. It was a wonderful creation! Much love,
- Gran on June 22, 2022
Hi, Niko. So fun to look at your catters! Did you think of Molly and all the different colors she has in her coat as you drew this? Probably not, but I did! You took real pains to indicate a variety of shades and tones plus even a stripe. Maybe we'll meet this cat someday! I love you.
- Gran on June 8, 2022
Niko, your starry night art piece is beautiful. Did you think of the Van Gogh room you were in recently and did that help you in drawing this? Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists, and when you come to my house we’ll try to go to an art museum to see more of his artwork. I love you,
- Gran on March 23, 2022
Niko, your starry night art piece is beautiful. Did you think of the Van Gogh room you were in recently and did that help you in drawing this? Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists, and when you come to my house we’ll try to go to an art museum to see more of his artwork. I love you,
- Gran on March 23, 2022
Hi, Niko. How did you make the shadows look so real? I like the way they are very dark and then get lighter and lighter. How did the paint run like that? When we come to see you next month, I want you to tell me the way it works to look this way. Well done and I love you!
- Gran on March 2, 2022
WOW, Niko, that is one impressive and ferocious wolf! First, I am amazed at your assignment and then blown away at how you could make such fearsome details with a few marks of a pen and scissors! Even the teeth are awesome. Great work, my darling Niks! xxxx
- Gran on January 26, 2022
Hi, Niko. Goodness, this owl looks very serious and seems to want to tell us something. What do you think it is? I like the little moon and the good, thick branch its perched on. But what exactly is going on in the picture? Your background of words is very interesting, too. Makes for a vibrant and curious picture... Eager for you to tell me all about it soon. Hugs and love,
- Gran on January 26, 2022
Hello, Niko. As soon as I saw your picture, I knew you had been studying Mondrian! Good job with your production. Spacing is interesting and putting all the pieces together is really well done. Soon you will see a surprise with this art you completed! Coming to you soon with love,
- Gran on December 1, 2021
Hi, Niko. The bold colors in this piece really stand out and make a statement. I need to talk with you about what all the things are so I understand the whole picture better. I do recognize the heart and maybe magnets and a wristwatch? Hugs,
- Gran on November 17, 2021
Dearest Niko. Your treehouse is amazing! I can just see you building it and then playing in it and having so much fun. You have been drawing houses for a long time, but cutting out the pieces to make them is different and maybe more difficult? I hope we can talk about this house when we see you next month. Love,
- Gran on November 17, 2021
Hi, Niko. You know how much I enjoy looking at your fabulous drawings and other artwork, and now I get to see them on my computer! This Mehndi art is new for me, and thank you for telling me about it through your picture. When we talk next time you can explain all of the figures on the hands. I love you!
- Gran(fan) on September 29, 2021