Adrish5's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Adrish5's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very creative. Great balance of color and shapes Well done
- Dada on April 19, 2023
A compelling mixed media piece which makes me think of your visit to the ski mountains and the many hued sky. The centre road? path? crevice? pulls the eye in towards the craggy, somewhat threatening mountains. Effective use of water color wash, too.
- Dadi on April 12, 2023
Excellent job, Adrish! Truly creative! Keep up the wonderful work!
- Nana on April 12, 2023
Adrish, Your piece reminds me of an electrical circuit board! Sounds like a great project for your scouts troop. This piece of artwork used several different mediums which is what makes it so engaging. I love the 3 dimensional aspect too. I feel like running my fingers over it! There is a lot of energy flowing from this piece and I wonder what you were thinking as you made it. Another art exploration this year in your art class....Well done! Love, Dadi
- Dadi on June 17, 2022
Adrish, you told me about working with this new medium to do sculpture. You seemed to enjoy the process and working with this new material. I see the heart shape with the rolled and pinched edges -- shows good control of your finger movement! I wonder if the pieces coming out of the heart are the love the heart holds for your family and friends!
- Dadi on June 17, 2022
Like most of Adrish's art work,this one has movement and makes the eye want to follow the design across the page. He uses bright colors which add drama and vibrancy to his work. One can imagine a tumbleweed rolling along a rail track, unmindful of the hectic days the passengers live. The image is free and ready to roam!
- Dadi on June 17, 2022
Good job, Adrish!
- Nana on June 17, 2022
This is a very exciting piece! The zigzag lines are full of movement, energy, excitement -- maybe danger! The person (an artist usually puts himself in a drawing...) has a slightly naughty grin -- was he part of that explosion? is he going to clear it up? The red shades add to the sense of heat, danger, fear and yet the person has a cool, calm look on his face. He is in control! See his eyes looking back at the image ... is he thinking "I did it" or "I've got this"? Another composition that is well balanced, proportioned and draws the eye in looking for more detail and meaning! You got this! Love, Dadi
- Dadi on October 27, 2021
This is a new piece which I did not know about! You have captured one of your own expressions well -- sort of saying, "Really, Dadi! You don't know that!!" Your hair and eyebrows are quite realistic and the tilt of your head gives that skeptical look --- "Do I have to explain that again?" Although it is a sketch, the drawing is well proportioned and realistic. I wonder if the splotch of red suggests a strong emotion.... It is good for the person looking at the drawing to wonder what the artist had in mind.... Love, Dadi
- Dadi on October 27, 2021
Adrish..self portraits are very difficult to make. You just nailed it. Special effects in the background really makes you stand out. Looking forward to more paintings soon.
- Dada on October 27, 2021
Adrish..self portraits are very difficult to make. You just nailed it. Special effects in the background really makes you stand out. Looking forward to more paintings soon.
- Dada on October 27, 2021
Nice job, Adrish! At what is he/she looking? Like the background!
- Nana on October 27, 2021
Adrish have started well. Great control on mixing the colors. I am looking forward to your next painting.
- Dada on October 27, 2021
I really like this piece!
- Nana(fan) on October 27, 2021
Adrish...great start. You have controlled the colours weel to make each colour standout on its own. Looking forward to your next piece of art.
- Dada(fan) on October 27, 2021
Adrish, I see that you are using broad, bold brush strokes in this piece and overlaying shades of black and grey paint. This creates a depth so the viewer feels he or she is looking into something and then beyond it also. Splotches of colour draw the viewer's eye to different parts of the piece and hold attention. I look forward to seeing your next piece and hope you keep enjoying making art! Dadi
- Dadi(fan) on September 15, 2021