Ryleigh3352's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Ryleigh3352's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Probably the prettiest unicorn I’ve ever seen! Looks like he lives in a castle too! Great painting Ry!
- Lisa on March 27, 2024
Ry! Is that a little frog hiding in those leaves? I believe he is saying “ribbit.. I am so happy in these beautiful leaves Ryleigh painted for me”!!! You are so good with art??
- Lisa on March 20, 2024
Ryleigh this is sooooo good!! You are very talented! Keep it up! Love you!
- Ashley (Mother) on March 15, 2024
That is the tallest and most beautiful welcoming house ever. Great job!
- Lisa on December 20, 2023
That koala looks very happy. He is super cute! I wish I could pet him. Are those eucalyptus leaves? Koala’s love to eat eucalyptus leaves! Great job Ry!
- Lisa on March 22, 2023
Oh my goodness!!!! Ry, this is so cute!!! Great job babygirl!!!!
- Ashley (Mother) on March 16, 2023
So creative Ry!! I love your design!!
- Ashley (Mother) on February 22, 2023
Wow! That is so cool Ryleigh!
- Lisa on February 22, 2023
Ryleigh this is great! I love snow! The toboggan looks so warm! You always make me smile like the girl in your picture??
- Lisa on December 21, 2022
What fun Ryleigh! This piece made me laugh out loud and wish I was there in the snow.
- Gia on December 14, 2022
What fun Ryleigh! This piece made me laugh out loud and wish I was there in the snow.
- Gia on December 14, 2022
This may be my favorite yet! We love our flowers don’t we baby girl!?? Keep up the beautiful artwork. I love to see it!
- Lisa on September 7, 2022
Beautiful work Ry! i love the bright colors!
- Ashley (Mother) on September 6, 2022
Ryleigh, I am so impressed! You have come such a long way in such a short amount of time and I love seeing how happy art makes you! You are just like your Daddy - I know he would be so proud of you! Keep it up babygirl!
- Ashley (Mother) on September 6, 2022
Wow Ry! What an awesome job! I am glad the boat has some sunshine and some fluffy white clouds. How did you come up with such a great idea to paint? You are so creative!
- Lisa on September 6, 2022
WOW, I love the colors and the mood of your piece. It makes me feel so happy!
- Gia on September 6, 2022
Ryleigh, I love your basket of apples picture! You are such a good artist!
- Lisa on March 9, 2022
Great work sweetheart!! Your such a good little drawer!!
- Parent on March 9, 2022
Hey baby girl! Is that a cuddly bear? It’s super cute! You are so creative! I love you so much!
- Daddy on February 23, 2022
I love your bear picture! I see you used some of your favorite colors too. Pink and purple are so pretty! Is this a polar bear?
- Aunt Lisa on February 16, 2022
I love this one! Your bear is absolutely adorable, sweet girl <3
- Auntie Mo on February 9, 2022
This is so cute! Your art projects always put a smile on my face
- Auntie Mo on December 13, 2021
Ryleigh, This looks like our cow Domino walking in the sky on top of the stars! I love this awesome artwork. You are so creative!
- Lisa on December 13, 2021
Ryleigh, This looks like our cow Domino walking in the sky on top of the stars! I love this awesome artwork. You are so creative!
- Lisa on December 13, 2021
Great job baby girl! Your cow looks awesome!! Could this be the cow jumping over to moon?? Love you turkey buzzard!! Keep up the good work!!!
- Daddy on December 13, 2021
Ryleigh!! I LOVE this! The cow is so cute!! You did a fantastic job!!
- Mama on December 10, 2021
What pretty colors you used! Are those your hands or big turkeys??? I love it!
- Aunt Lisa on November 11, 2021
Ryleigh you continue to be my inspiration by allowing me to see the world through your eyes.
- Gia on November 11, 2021
Great fall colors baby!! Reminds me of the trees there in Georgia. Keep up the good work baby girl!!! I love you!!
- Brandon on November 11, 2021
Wow Ryleigh!!! I love this!!! Great work sweet girl!!!
- Ashley (Mother) on November 1, 2021
Great fall colors baby girl!!! Reminds me of the trees there in Georgia!! Keep up the great work sweetheart!!
- Daddy on November 11, 2021
Great fall colors baby girl!!! Reminds me of the trees there in Georgia!! Keep up the good work!!
- Daddy on November 11, 2021
Wow Ryleigh, this is so cool. It looks like a frog is jumping down the tree right there in the middle. I am so excited to see more of your artwork! You are so talented! Love, Lisa
- Lisa(fan) on October 13, 2021
Ryleigh this tree reminds me of the beautiful Fall trees on our path to the lake. Thank you for sharing your art with us!
- Gia on September 28, 2021
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