Dylen101's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Dylen101's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I totally dig this one! I love the colors and the style! Maybe even my new favorite : )
- Keri (Mother) on February 22, 2024
My favorite number!
- Larry on February 22, 2024
More awesome artwork from you! Keep up the good work!
- Keri (Mother) on February 15, 2024
This is so cool! Way to go my little artist! :)
- Keri (Mother) on November 13, 2023
This is one my favorite artworks so far! I am loving the abstract concept. Keep up your awesome work!
- Mom on October 11, 2023
LOVE it!!!
- Keri (Mother) on May 16, 2023
Looks like the Superstition Mtns near Apache Junction, AZ!
- Larry on May 10, 2023
What a beautiful butterfly!! Another sign of summer on it's way! :)
- Mom on April 23, 2023
Very interesting pattern, how did you do that?
- Grandpa on March 5, 2023
I love seeing all of the neat work you get to do! Great work dude!!
- Keri (Mother) on February 22, 2023
Awesome Dylen!
- Grandpa on February 22, 2023
Dylen, this picture is a very pretty landscape scene keep up the good work
- Paula on December 7, 2022
I LOVE your owl!!! It is a hoot ;)
- Keri (Mother) on October 18, 2022
I love seeing your awesome artwork Dylen! Keep being you and you will go so far!!
- Mom on September 21, 2022
Love the pretty flower Dylen way to go
- Crystal on March 24, 2022
That heart is almost as big and beautiful as yours! Awesome job!
- Keri (Mother) on March 16, 2022
Great job on the White House!
- Keri (Mother) on March 2, 2022
Your doing great Dylen love this
- Crystal(fan) on March 9, 2022
I love the textures here!
- Aunty Michelle on February 24, 2022
How neat buddy!! Reminds me of Colorado! Great job Dylen!
- Mom on February 18, 2022
This might be one of my favorite pieces of art that you've posted! Awesome job my dude!
- Keri (Mother) on December 15, 2021
That looks like the one we did at home, AWESOME job my man!!!
- Keri (Mother) on November 16, 2021
Now that is one cool cat! Way to go my little artist!!!
- Keri (Mother) on November 16, 2021
Great work dude! I love it!
- Keri (Mother) on October 18, 2021
Awesome eagle!! Great job!
- Keri (Mother) on September 21, 2021