Maria13938's Comments (56)

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Below are comments about Maria13938's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I find it interesting that your sun has such pointed rays.
- Barb on November 22, 2023
Love this piece, it really speaks to me.
- Nana on November 22, 2023
You continue to amaze me Maria with these magnificent sculptures! Making your round base and adding an extension looks challenging. I love seeing the effort you put into your work!
- Joan on November 22, 2023
I am stumped, is it paper mache?
- Barb on November 22, 2023
I would like to suggest you practice more with fur, it is challenging. By practicing we learn was does and doesn’t work, also we get better from muscle memory. Practice is what makes it better.
- Barb on November 22, 2023
Maria that looks like a very complicated piece of artwork. I'd say you did a terrific job. to me it looks like a cute bunny sitting on a rhino head. Keep up the great work as I like your attitude to all you have done.
- Joan on November 22, 2023
Maria you values are really improving. Your art work is really coming along.
- Barb on November 22, 2023
I love the work that Pete produce, glad to hear you are learning about artists. The use of collage is great as it really forces the artist to think in basic shapes! You have done a great job, especially since I have seen you use Gel Plates before.
- Barb on November 22, 2023
Maria, I love this guy! and I see he has lots of love to send as well. I am not familiar with the process you used to create him/her but it looks exciting. Thanks for the explanation.
- Baba on November 22, 2023
I love that bird! Looks like it was done in multiple mediums….I would call her a love bird.
- Barb on November 22, 2023
I love this one! Cool technique and colors
- Mama on November 22, 2023
I love this one! Cool technique and colors
- Mama on November 22, 2023
I love this one! Cool technique and colors
- Mama on November 22, 2023
I love the shape of this leaf Maria and will look for one just like it at the farm and will save it for you.
- Baba on November 22, 2023
I love the contrast between your yellow and purple, your composition of the leaf if beautiful.
- Barb(fan) on September 6, 2023
Maria, this leaf is so cool! The patterns in the leaf's various sections remind me of wallpaper and the small punch of red was unexpected and impactful. And I look forward to when you do learn to use watercolours, as that's one of my favourite mediums.
- Vera on September 6, 2023
So creative Maria! Your name goes so well with the rest of the figures. Awesome!
- Baba on September 6, 2023
Hey Maria, glad to see you are creating more artwork this year! Love your name and the cool colors you used. Very light and relaxing.
- Joan on August 23, 2023
I love your choices of patterns on your letters!
- Barb on August 23, 2023
Maria, I loved your name sculpture project! I had fun trying to guess what each letter's decoration represented about you. This is what I think it is: M= your passion for swimming A=your Ukrainian heritage R=your adopted home of Vietnam I=your love of pizza A=your love of music I hope I got it right! :)
- Vera on August 23, 2023
I just saw the bottom, I am praying for peace in Ukraine too.
- Barb on July 6, 2023
I love this one, it is my favourite of the year. You have grown in your artistic ability. I prefer the prospective you chose in drawing, to a front view. Really shows off her wings.
- Barb on July 6, 2023
Maria, a very interesting selection! You have done an amazing job with this piece and all your projects this year. Congratulations on a job well done!
- Joan on June 14, 2023
Maria, so touching! Love your choice and your reasoning. Leaves me with sentimental feelings. Great job!
- Joan on May 11, 2023
This may be my favourite thing you've done so far! That's probably because I used to love playing with doll houses when I was a girl. I love how detailed you've made this. From the rug, to the curtains and the floating shelf - great job!!
- Vera on May 11, 2023
Very nice multi dementional work. It turned a boring box into a tiny babas kitchen!
- Barb on May 11, 2023
Wow Maria, you all sure had to work fast! Quit impressive. Looks like you had a blast building the birdhouse. Keep it up.
- Baba on April 26, 2023
That was interesting how you made that house.
- Barb on April 13, 2023
Maria this would make a nice birdhouse at the farm! Just would have to place where the rain would not destroy it. Great job.
- Baba on April 13, 2023
I love your cardboard sculpture! You have done a great job of keeping the pieces to scale!
- Barb on April 13, 2023
Maria you certainly draw interesting views. It's amazing how you have each hut with similar and yet different identities. Keep up the interesting art!
- Joan on March 30, 2023
Maria you certainly draw interesting views. It's amazing how you have each hut with similar and yet different identities. Keep up the interesting art!
- Joan on March 30, 2023
Maria they look great! I am assuming that you carved the image out then inked or painted the image and sort of stamped it? I have never tried that, you will have to show me how next time we play in my art room. Keep feeding your creative side it nourishes your soul and mind!
- Barb on March 30, 2023
A very interesting choice Maria! It does look like I could take a stroll downtown. I'm proud of the art you do! Keep it up.
- Baba on March 2, 2023
WOW it is amazing how your artistic talent is growing! You have developed your skills now so that you are using such skills as perspectives. I agree this would be an interesting place to use another as well.
- Barb on March 2, 2023
Maria that is amazing! You have put in great detail and I especially noticed it on the man's suit jacket. Keep up your challenging work as you seem to have the "touch".
- Baba on February 16, 2023
I like the composition and use of a woven paper cage to encase the girl who is peaking out!
- Barb on February 16, 2023
Maria, this looks like it belongs in an art gallery! Just beautiful! It reminds me of that moment when you are driving toward the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, and you first spot the mountains. I also like how it has the same colour scheme as the Ukrainian flag.
- Vera on December 22, 2021
Quite a striking piece Maria. Love it! Keep it up.
- Joan on December 22, 2021
Quite a striking piece Maria. Love it! Keep it up.
- Joan on December 22, 2021
You have really improved on your perspective in your artwork Maria! That ball really looks dimensional, and the kite just floats within the walls of your work. Overall very well done.
- Barb on November 22, 2021
Maria, these are great works of art! I can see that you are putting in a lot of effort. Good job girl!
- Joan on November 22, 2021
Maria, these are great works of art! I can see that you are putting in a lot of effort. Good job girl!
- Joan on November 22, 2021
Maria, you achieved a really cool 3D effect with how you drew your clouds. And I love how the word "Rainbow" is in rainbow colours and the word "Cloud" has clouds in it. You have clearly taken your art to the next level. Great job!
- Vera on November 22, 2021
Very nice message. You artwork is very tidy, I do love how you made the clods so light and fluffy with just the use of lines!
- Barb on November 22, 2021
My first comment did not stay attached to your artwork, obviously I made some mistake in my method, sorry about that! Your Pho Under the Sea has turned out very good! Overall you have a variety of content to keep the viewer’s moving throughout the work of art. You have also used a broad selection of colours and values within, keeping the mind active while viewing. Your colouring has improved, and you have learned that markers have unique challenges. Very good overall.
- Barb on October 6, 2021
This reminds me of "the deep blue sea" song with lots of activity. Love the different shades of blue.
- Joan on September 30, 2021
This reminds me of "the deep blue sea" song with lots of activity. Love the different shades of blue.
- Joan on September 30, 2021
I love how you made the noodles into a Jellyfish! The skat is really cute too!
- Diana (Mother) on September 27, 2021
Maria this is magnificent! The way you painted the water, with all those different shades of blue, makes it look very realistic. I feel like I’m actually under the sea! And I want to be friends with that cute little turtle. :)
- Vera on September 30, 2021
You did a great job on the cup, reminds me of my favourite coffee. Those appear to citrus fruit so I am assuming it’s a cold beverage and that straw is drawn very well make me want to take a sip.
- Barb(fan) on September 30, 2021
I like the variety of of texture you have used on this piece.
- Barb(fan) on September 30, 2021
A bubble tea would be perfect in the very nice designed cup! Great job Maria.
- Joan on September 22, 2021
Maria, you sketched this in 10 minutes? Incredible! Creativity and artistry clearly runs in our family. :)
- Vera(fan) on September 22, 2021
I am impressed Maria. Looks like you put in a lot of thought into your artwork! Baba
- Joan(fan) on September 16, 2021
I am impressed Maria. Looks like you put in a lot of thought into your artwork! Baba
- Joan(fan) on September 16, 2021