Koa137's Comments (102)

View Koa137's portfolio
Below are comments about Koa137's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What realistic bananas! I love the patriotic background. Keep up the great work!
- Mommy (Mother) on May 16, 2024
Koa! My favorite part of this piece is the deep blue color that you chose for the ocean. I makes me think that jelly fish live deep in the ocean waters. I also like that you chose white to highlight the seaweed. Of course I had to do a little research and found that jelly fish have no brain, no heart and no lungs! They are made up of 95% water and the can regrow their body parts if they lose one! That is a super power I would like to have! Their tentacles are covered with tiny poison darts that they use to kill their prey! They sound very dangerous, but veyr interesting! Thank you or bringing them to life in your painting!
- Aunt Claudia on April 20, 2024
What cool jellyfish! The deep blue color of the background and the seaweed make me feel that I'm looking underwater. Keep up the great work!
- Mommy (Mother) on April 11, 2024
Koa, Origami is such an exciting form of artwork. I always find that while I am folding the squares of colored paper, I am never absolutely sure what the outcome will be...even though I am following the directions given! My second graders love to make origami animals and put them into pictures like you did! I love the pastels that you used in your background. They blended together to make the ocean seem quiet and peaceful as the fish swim by! Great work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on April 10, 2024
Koa, your artwork just keeps getting better and better! We are so proud of you and look forward to your next picture!
- Grandma/grandpa on April 10, 2024
I love your origami fish. The sun you made looks like a beautiful Easter egg floating in the sky. What a great interpretation of the ocean and the fish in the sea. Keep up the great work. Love you!
- Mommy (Mother) on March 6, 2024
This painting is great. The colors of the water remind me of Hawaii. So proud of your talent. Love, Grandma M
- Maufden on March 6, 2024
Koa! This is such a beautiful goldfish, I can almost see his tail slowly waving in the water! Your shading of the water in the fish bowl also makes it look like the water is moving! I like the lines you used to show his gills! Goldfish are so interesting! Most are a golden color, but there are also grey, brown, silver and white goldfish! I found that they can grow anywhere from 10 - 14 inches long and live up to 15 years, depending on where they live! I also read that there are over 200 kinds of goldfish! I am interested in the background pieces that you chose. I looked much closer at the entire picture to see what you had included! Excellent work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on March 6, 2024
Just fantastic! You captured the fish in the fish bowl exactly right! Keep up the great work. We're proud of you!
- Grandma/grandpa on March 6, 2024
Awesome goldfish! I love the colors and the design. Keep up the great work.
- Mommy (Mother) on February 14, 2024
Koa: You did it again! This fish in his bowl is really good. I like the lines on his back and his face especially. Great color too. I think I'd name him Billy! Good job
- Aunt Dorothy on February 14, 2024
What a beautiful picture! I love the trees and the bright colors in the background. You did a great job.
- Mommy (Mother) on December 20, 2023
WOW!! You are so talented. We are so proud of you! Grandpa and Grandma
- Grandma/grandpa on December 20, 2023
Thank you for reminding me of the beauty of Alaska. I used to watch them from my kitchen window in Fairbanks. Keep up the great work. Love you!!!!!!
- Grandma Maureen on December 20, 2023
Cool, love the trees. Nice work.
- Aunt Dorothy on December 20, 2023
I absolutely love this Honu! It's a beautiful picture of our aumakua! Nice job. I can imagine him swimming next to you in the ocean. Keep up the great work! Love you!
- Mommy (Mother) on December 5, 2023
What a cool hermit crab! I love the spirals in his shell. Keep up the great work.
- Mommy (Mother) on November 26, 2023
Wow! I really like the different blues they are like the ocean when the light shows through. The crab body shows great detail and those black eyes really showed through. Great job!!!!
- Grandma Maureen on November 26, 2023
Great color on the lighthouse and the movement of the ocean is great. Keep up the great work.??
- Grandma/grandpa on November 26, 2023
Koa, your lighthouse is great. I like the yellow in the very top for the light. Nice job.
- Aunt Dorothy on November 1, 2023
What a cool lighthouse! I can hear the ocean and can see myself looking and the beautiful sky. I would find you if you were the lighthouse keeper!
- Mommy (Mother) on November 1, 2023
Koa! This is an excellent image of the pelican! You have highlighted several of his features by layering his feathers and creating divisions in his beak! Their beaks (including their neck pouch) are very large. It is hard to believe that their pouch can hold up to 3 gallons of water! I read that the pelican lays 2 - 3 eggs at a time and then stands on them to help them hatch!!! This omnivore has a wing span of 3 meters. We are learning about centimeters/meters in math now! I saw pelicans in Florida several years ago. They were very interesting to watch as they flew off and back on to the dock! I also like your background! Perhaps he is looking into those swirling waters to find his dinner!!! Spectacular work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on October 23, 2023
Very nice pelican. You did a great job with proportion, especially the beak.I can't believe you are in 2nd grade this is so much more advanced. Keep up the great work. Love you, Grandma & Grandpa
- Grandma/grandpa on October 21, 2023
Oh Koa, this is so great. I love the background in blue and cream, it's so pretty. The pelican is really, really good. We have owls, hawks and occassionaly an eagle by our house but no pelicans! I think he needs a name, maybe Peter?? Love this. Aunt Dorothy
- Aunt Dorothy on October 21, 2023
I love this beautiful pelican! I can see myslef sitting on a pier admiring your bird from afar. Great job! Keep up the wonderful work!
- Mommy (Mother) on October 16, 2023
Koa! You have really done a great job with the design of your whale shark! Their bodies do show beautiful patterns. Your background makes me feel as though I am underwater! I love the different blues that you used. The whale shark is the world's largest fish and can live up to 150 years! I found that unfortunately, they are endangered...so I am glad that you have painted such a beautiful picture of this sea creature! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on October 15, 2023
Koa, you are quite the artist. Your pictures are always so sharp and detailed! Keep up the outstanding painting! Grandma and I are just so proud of you!! Love Grandpa
- Grandma/grandpa on September 30, 2023
Koa: you're getting to be such a good artist. Love the shades of blue in your recent work. Really good job.
- Aunt Dorothy on September 30, 2023
What a cool shark! I love the background ocean colors and the texture of the shark. Great Job! Keep up the great work!
- Mommy (Mother) on September 30, 2023
Sunflowers are my favorite and these are beautiful! <3 Auntie Nikki
- Aunty Nikki on May 31, 2023
Koa, these are beautiful sunflowers and really brighten the day. You are quite an artist and we are very proud of your hard work! Keep it up!!
- Grandma/grandpa on May 24, 2023
What a beautiful arrangement! It brings a smile to my face! Love it!
- Mommy (Mother) on March 11, 2023
This is just fantastic!! You are such a great artist! You create beautiful paintings. Love Grandma & Grandpa
- Grandma/grandpa(fan) on February 16, 2023
This is fantastic work! Grandma and I are so proud of you! Keep it up. Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on February 16, 2023
Koa! What a beautiful red fox! You have captured all of the fox's features and his coloring is perfect! We see a red fox on the soccer field near our house when the weather is warmer. They are nocturnal, but we do see him during the day sometimes. I love the white on the tip of its tail. I am not sure if it lives in/near its den in the winter. When we see him at night, his eyes shine just like a cat's eyes. Our fox also has long whiskers like a cat! I did read that the red fox has such good hearing that it can hear small animals digging underground! Our fox is not very big, but it is beautiful...just like yours! I love the background you created, it shows the field/tree colors that our fox lives in! You are such a talented artist! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on January 28, 2023
What a sly looking fox! You did such a great job. I absolutely love his mask and the colors you used. Keep up the great work. Love you!
- Mommy (Mother) on January 19, 2023
Nice job Koa. He mask would make him a raccoon, possibly his name is Rocky. Keep up the good work and and use of color.
- Love, Aunt Dorothy on January 19, 2023
Koa! What an interesting house! I like that your setting is after dark! It makes me wonder who may be hiding in those tall trees/shrubs. A starlit night always brings a full moon and bright stars. The color of your house is very different, but I like it! I would like to follow the path in front, go inside and see what happens! Great work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on January 15, 2023
I absolutely LOVE this PINK house! I can totally see myself living there! It also looks like is underwater with the kelp in the background. Gosh, if mommy could live in a pink house under the water, I would be so happy. Nice job Koa! You are a wonderful artist.
- Mommy (Mother) on December 9, 2022
Koa! What a beautiful piece of artwork! I recognized it as an owl right away! You included so many different features to create the parts of its body! I also like the colors that you blended together. Owls are so interesting! They are considered to be raptors or birds of prey. They are nocturnal and spend most of their nights hunting. They have special wings that help them fly silently. There are over 200 kinds of owls that live all over the world except in Antarctica. I read that they are NOT good nest builders, so they often live in nests that other animals have built...like living in someone else's house! My favorite owl is the snowy owl, Hedwig, who belonged to Harry Potter. Flat Koa could ride on him!!! I think it would be fun to own an Elf Owl. They are the tinest owls in the world...only 5-6 inches tall. Excellent work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on December 9, 2022
What a cool looking owl you've made! I love the detail in his wings and the colors that you have used. Keep up the great work!
- Mommy (Mother) on October 21, 2022
Koa! You are becoming an amazing artist!!! I love your baby goat! The 2nd graders in Akron study rural communities and they also study farm animals! We learn that baby goats are called "kids" and that there are Billy goats (boys) and Nanny goats (girls), There is usually someone in class that has some and they tell us that they are very good pets and like to have other animals as companions or friends! They love to run and jump with each other. Did you know that there are about 300 different kinds of goats? I love the face that you have drawn. The eyes, nose and mouth look just like many of the pictures I have seen. Your background helps the goat stand out in the picture! Great Work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on October 12, 2022
This may be your best work yet, congratulations Koa. You did a terrific job. He looks very friendly and maybe a bit hungry. You should be proud of yourself. Aunt Dorothy
- Aunt Dorothy on October 12, 2022
Wow! This is so amazing he really stands out against the background. And you can see he is chewing grass. great job! Love, Grandma Maureen
- Grandma/grandpa on October 12, 2022
WOW! WOW! WOW! What a wonderful painting! I love the detail. You continue to amaze me with your art talent. The background makes me think that he is in a pasture. Absolutely wonderful!
- Mommy (Mother) on October 6, 2022
Koa! This is a pretty bouquet that would look so nice on my desk at school! I like that you made the vase wide enough to hold several flowers and make a nice, sturdy arrangement. I looked at your flowers carefully. I think that your bouquet is a mixture of the pink Camellia and Grape Hyacinths. Their colors blend in very nicely with the horizontal stripes on your vase! You have an artist's eye for color! This piece makes me smile! Nice work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on September 23, 2022
Wow Koa! I love your flowers they really show off the vase. You are doing very good work.
- Grandma/grandpa Maureen on September 23, 2022
I looked over all your artwork and I've decided I definitely like this llama best! He's very happy and the background color looks like he's in a field outside. Love this one Koa. Grandpa Ed could probably ride a llama like this, especially since you drew a saddle on him. Great job. Love Aunt Dorothy
- Aunt Dorothy on August 10, 2022
Koa! What a great recreation of a llama! Our young great niece, LOVES llamas. She visits a llama farm near her home to pet and feed them! The farm has some "cria" (baby llamas) now too. I found it interesting that these South American animals live together in herds and do not live in the wild! I think that their body looks a lot like a camel...without the hump. I love the blanket/tassel that you drew on this back. Llamas are curious and friendly to people and some are also used to guard herds of sheep. You llama's eyelashes and nose are just the right touch! The background colors that you always include always turn your pieces into "masterpieces"!!
- Aunt Claudia on July 13, 2022
Oh my...I absolutely love this llama. The attention to detail and the color scheme is absolutely wonderful! It my be one of my absolute favorite pieces this year. It brings me so much happiness looking at it. You are so talented.
- Mommy (Mother) on May 18, 2022
I love your original selfie...you are such a wonderful artist! Keep up the great work!
- Mommy (Mother) on May 18, 2022
I love your llama and the colors in the blanket. Beautiful eyelashes. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
- Grandma/grandpa Maureen on May 18, 2022
This is a very colorful bug, you do such a great job drawing what is in your mind! We love you! Can't wait for the next picture! Keep having fun!
- Grandma/grandpa on May 18, 2022
You really love being an artist and you are so good at it. We are proud of you, keep it up!!
- Grandma/grandpa on May 18, 2022
Koa! A Kinder Selfie is a great way to end your school year! It looks like a beautiful day and you look ready to enjoy the summer with Nui and your family! Your portfolio has been very impressive this year! I love to see your artwork and I also enjoy discovering new facts about all of the interesting pieces you have done! Never stop learning!!!!
- Aunt Claudia on May 18, 2022
Koa! You have picked an very interesting beetle to add to your collection! There are 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs all over the world! The type that we see most and that I love to see is the red/orange bug with 7 black spots. Their red coloring tells their enemies to stay away because they do not taste good at all! Farmers love them because they eat about 5,000 insects in their life time. They are also known for the good luck that they seem to bring to anyone that they land on. I try never to hurt a ladybug! I also discovered that lady bugs DO hibernate in the fall and winter. What a beautiful piece of artwork!!!!
- Aunt Claudia on May 18, 2022
Nice insect...I'm thinking it's a ladybug because of the dots on its back. I love the light green colorful background as it make me feel that the bug is on a leaf. The red and orange colors of the insects back really make it pop off the page. Way to go!
- Mommy (Mother) on May 11, 2022
HOP! HOP! HOP! The Easter Bunny would be so happy to see this picture. The spring colors in the background and his mischievous look makes me think that he would be great at hiding those Easter eggs.
- Mommy (Mother) on May 11, 2022
What a very colorful rainbow! It brings smiles to my face. I like that it makes me think of a melting pot and what better representation of you Hawaiian background!
- Mommy (Mother) on May 11, 2022
What a beautiful and peaceful Monet painting. I love the texture you used and the colors are so calming. Just BRILLIANT!
- Mommy (Mother) on May 11, 2022
What a great yak! I love the uniqueness of his horns and his eyes speak to me. His mouth has great definition. Keep up the great work!
- Mommy (Mother) on May 11, 2022
A ladybug will bring you good luck if one lands on you. Your artwork is great Koa. I hope you find a real ladybug soon! Love you. Aunt Dorothy
- Aunt Dorothy on May 11, 2022
WOW!! That is a great looking Easter Bunny. Your artwork is definitely improving with every picture. We are so proud of you! Keep up the great work.
- Grandma/grandpa on May 11, 2022
Great bunny Koa. Just in time for Easter. Maybe he'll bring you some Easter goodies next Sunday. Love you, good work!
- Aunt Dorothy on May 11, 2022
Koa, this is fantastic!! This is exactly what we see in the sky after the rain. You are such a good artist and we are so proud of your work. Keep it up!
- Grandma/grandpa on May 11, 2022
Love it. The red outside border really makes it pop. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"!!!! Just great Koa, nice work.
- Aunt Dorothy on May 11, 2022
Koa! Claude Monet is one of my favorite artists. I love his water lily oil paintings! Our art teacher has several of his paintings hanging in our hallways at school. Did you know that he painted about 250 different water lily scenes? His water lily paintings are actually pictures of his flower gardens at his home. They were water lily gardens! His water lily paintings are considered to be among his finest works of art! I love the different shades of blue that you used to make the water look realistic. This piece could easily hang with the many works of Claude Monet! Excellent!!!! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on May 11, 2022
Love Love Love this picture. I can see the beautiful Hawaiian waters for us to swim. Keep up the great work nephew!
- Aunty Tecky on May 11, 2022
We really like this one alot. It reminds me of water lilies and the motion of the water is great. Keep up the great work. Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma/grandpa Maureen on May 11, 2022
Koa - this is great. I love all the blues you used. The purple and green are great accents. This is my favorite so far. Love you, Aunt Dorothy
- Aunt Dorothy on May 11, 2022
Koa! How interesting that you would sketch and color a baby yak! I discovered that they live in mountains of Tibet and are cousins of the cows! I love their "handlebar" horns and long hair! I also found that they can grow to be 6 feet tall at their shoulders! These herbivores eat mainly plants and the baby that you drew is called a calf, just like a baby cow! Sadly, I read that there are only about 20,000 left on earth. Did you look at a picture of a baby yak to make such an interesting drawing? Nice work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on May 11, 2022
This artwork makes my heart smile as the gnome is holding a heart balloon. You did such a wonderful job and the swirls on the outside of the picture make me think that this could be a Valentine's Day card that I could pick up from from the store. Keep up the great work! Love you.
- Mommy (Mother) on January 27, 2022
Koa, Gnomes are so popular with so many of my friends this year. Not only at Christmas time, but you can see so many of them in people's yards and gardens. One thing that I learned about them that I did not know is that they live underground. They are magical creatures and always so cute. Aunt Nancy gave Aunt Dorothy and I one for Christmas! He lights up!!! My favorite part of this picture is the swirling blue and black border that highlights the gnome and his valentine! It is just the right added touch! This valentine would make anyone smile!
- Aunt Claudia on January 27, 2022
WOW I really like this one. Valentine's Day is coming and this is perfect, I do like the trim around the outside, keep up the great work. Love you! Grandma
- Grandma/grandpa on January 27, 2022
Yum yum I can almost taste the pie. You did the crust and whipped cream so realistic. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma M
- Grandma Maureen on January 19, 2022
I just love snowmen and yours is amazing, the swirls behind him remind me of snow swirling around when I lived in New York. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma
- Grandma Maureen on January 19, 2022
Koa! This is a wonderful snowman sculpture that you have drawn and colored! I like the creative green middle section that you have included rather that 3 big balls of snow! The carrot nose is perfect and of course if it is cold enough to build a snowman, he must have a neck scarf to keep warm! The colorful swirls make a nice background for him! Snow packs and rolls the best when it is a little "melty". Did you know that the largest snow"person" that was ever made was 122 feet tall! It was built in Maine in 2008. Very creative work!
- Aunt Claudia on January 13, 2022
I absolutely LOVe this snowman. The pastel colors make him look so friendly and I just want to hug him. Keep up the great work! Love you!
- Mommy (Mother) on January 8, 2022
Koa! I can smell the pie baking now!!! Pumpkins were first given to the earlier settlers of our country by the Native American people who lived here. They originally made pies by making a type of crust and filling it with what we might call pumpkin pudding! Uncle Chuck loves pumpkin pie...but he would put a mountain of whipped cream on top! I love the way you fill your whole picture with color and it main part of the picture is in the center! Another great piece for your collection! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on January 5, 2022
Hi Koa: Great color in your latest artwork. The whipped cream on top of the pie is perfectly shaped - makes me hungry! Keep up the great colors, be bold! Love, Aunt Dorothy
- Aunt Dorothy on January 5, 2022
What a scrumptious looking pie! It looks so yummy and looks like my favorite pumpkin pie. Yum! Yum. You did such a great job with the details. Keep up the wonderful work! Love you!
- Mommy (Mother) on November 30, 2021
I love the pumpkin! What a beautiful piece of art! The details show me the grooves. Keep up the great work! Love you always.
- Mommy (Mother) on November 10, 2021
Hi Koa: Your polar bear looks very friendly. The colors you added behind him really bring out his chilly personality. Very good work. Wonder what his name should be?? Keep up the artwork. Love, Aunt Dorothy
- Aunt Dorothy on November 10, 2021
Koa! Ceramics are always so much fun to work on! I like this pumpkin's bright orange color. It follows your recent pumpkin piece perfectly! It would be a nice little holder for coins from your pocket or even a special little treat that you might like to leave as a surprise for someone! Nice work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on November 10, 2021
Koa! A big beautiful polar bear! You covered so much of the page with his body, everyone can tell that you know just how big they can be! Did you know that they are the largest meat eating animal on earth! They never worry about their fat because it helps to keep them warm in the Arctic (North Pole) where they live! Your bear looks peaceful and friendly! I love his small ears. They look just the right size for his head! I also know that because our climate is changing that they are endangered. I cannot imagine a world without polar bears! You should think of a name for this beautiful bear!! Great work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on November 10, 2021
I absolutely LOVE it....He is so cute and looks so huggable! Your polar bear puts me in the mood for the holidays. Keep up the great work my love!
- Mommy (Mother) on November 2, 2021
I would love to visit your pumpkin patch, it looks so colorful and fun. You are an amazing artist my nephew. Love it! Aunty Tecky
- Aunty Tecky on October 8, 2021
Koa! This looks like a dark and spooky night! A pumpkin patch is an exciting place to be on a night like that! I was so glad that you chose so many different colors and shapes for these interesting pumpkins. Did you know that pumpkins are actually vegetables and some can be eaten! There are several different colors as you have shown in your masterpiece! I read that red pumpkins as also called Cinderella pumpkins because the artist who originally drew her coach modeled it after a red pumpkin! White pumpkins are named Casper pumpkins after Casper the Ghost! There are also yellow, pink (which are very smooth) green and blue pumpkins! Most pumpkins grow on a vine! This is perfect piece for October!!! I love it! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on October 8, 2021
Cool pumpkin patch. I love the use of the different colors. Love the detail. This gets me ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving! Keep up the great work! Love you!
- Mommy (Mother) on September 30, 2021
We like your fall pumpkins the black background really makes your colors look bright. I like the piece of vine by the stem, my dad grew pumpkins and I always like the long vines. Love you
- Maureen on September 30, 2021
Koa, these colors are amazing, very good work! Keep it up!
- Aunt Dorothy on September 30, 2021
Koa! Your picture of a galaxy looks very interesting! I love the way you used watercolors to create the galaxy background and then added cutouts of ships traveling in the galaxy. There are billions of galaxies in the universe. Our solar system is in the Milky Way Galaxy! I am sure that you know that! Your picture is centered around the sun, just like our planets are. Did you know that there are over 2 hundred billion stars in our galaxy? The Milky Way Galaxy is about 13.6 billion years old! Great work, Koa! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on September 22, 2021
What a AWESOME galaxy! I love the colors you used and the aliens in the spaceship. Great job my nephew ??
- Aunty Teck on September 11, 2021
We really like your galaxy Koa. I really like your use of colors, and how you combined water color and the shapes you cut out. Can't wait to see your next artwork. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
- Maureen on September 11, 2021
What an interesting galaxy you created! The use of blended water colors to create the galaxy is awesome. I also like the alien touch that you added. Great job my love! Keep up the great work!
- Mommy (Mother) on September 10, 2021
We love your Picasso guitar. It looks like a fun artwork idea. Keep up the good work Love you,Grandma and Grandpa
- Maureen on September 8, 2021
I love your guitar artwork. I see great things in your future art. Love you Grandma and Grandpa.
- Grandma/grandpa(fan) on September 8, 2021
What a great job Koa! Love the ukulele. Such a good artist. Love Aunty Teck
- Aunty Teck on September 1, 2021
Koa! You have captured the idea of a collage by using several different types of materials just like Picasso did! In 1912 - 13 he created a guitar using cardboard, paper, string, wire and his sculpture amazed everyone! This is a great piece of artwork to begin your collection with! Great work! Aunt Claudia
- Aunt Claudia on September 1, 2021
Omgoodness China, your artwork is amazing!! GOOD JOB BUDDY?? KEEP CREATING YOUR VISION!!
- Aunty Shan on September 1, 2021
You nailed it! To me it looks like an ukulele. Beautiful job Koa! Can't wait for you to learn how to play it. Love you forever!
- Mommy (Mother) on August 31, 2021
Koa, this is so cool. You are very creative. Love the colors and how you put the pieces together. Really great work!
- Aunt Dorothy on August 31, 2021