Linus214's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Linus214's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Thank you for your posting! Recently I requested a few Eleanor Coerr's books from the library and randomly found one book named SADAKO, which was talking about how a Japanese girl was affected by the atom bomb. It's a sad story, yet there are reasons why things happen. He asked a lot of questions so we had a talk about WW2, and I guess that's why Linus was trying to make an Art based on this.
- Shi Ting Peng on February 10, 2021
Thank you for the posting! Recently I requested a few of Eleanor Coerr's books from the library and randomly borrowed one book named SADAKO, and the story was about how atom bombs affect a Japanese girl's life. Because of the story, he asked me quite a lot of questions and We had a talk about WW2.and I guess that might be the reason Linus was inspired to make an Art based on this.
- Shi Ting Peng on February 10, 2021
I love it! Thank you for helping Linus making this beautiful art and type down his statement!
- Shiting (Mother) on January 22, 2021
Thank you Linus for another work.
- Xiaowei (Father) on January 22, 2021
Good job, Linus.
- Xiaowei (Father) on January 21, 2021